Couch to 5K (C25K) Starting today. Anyone interested?



  • janabanana07
    I know I'm kind of late in replying to this, but The C25K program was kind of awful for me. My starting level really is "couch"-- I work an office job and don't get much exercise other than occasional walking for about 20 mins at a time. I'm 5'1" and about 190 lbs. I couldn't even do the baseline/starting level. I moved it down to run 30 secs, walk 90 secs. That worked for about a week before my knees and ankles were in incredible pain, I guess because of all the weight. I felt totally gross and defeated by it. I don't really feel like starting level is "couch", considering that people starting from the "couch" level might not even be able to run...

    I started doing this the week before last and had to do the same thing. I feel good when I run and it's getting easier every time, but I started with 30/90 intervals x 5 as opposed to 8. This week I am doing 45/75 intervals 6 times so I am slowly working my way up there. I'll probably bump it to the 60/90 intervals next week and try to get up to 8 times so i can inch my way toward the "official" week two program. The biggest thing I've learned is I'm not always going to be the best at something the first time I try it but I will be if I keep practicing and stay with it.

    FTR, I am 5'9 and weigh 260. I played all kinds of sports and was a catcher in softball while I was growing up so my knees are pretty well shot. The weird thing is that they actually feel pretty good while I am running. The thing I am having the most trouble with is my shins and the arches of my feet. I just make sure to stretch them out really good before/during/after and it's getting better each time.
  • andythorn1969
    The C25K is great. I'm in the 8th week and can nearly do the 5K in half an hour.

    A couple of tips:
    Don't push it too hard, if you need to jog really slow that's ok. Better to go slow than get an injury that will put you out for a month.
    Invest in a heart rate monitor and work out your heart rate thresholds. Saves pushing yourself too hard and helps find your correct "rhythm".

    All the best of luck!

  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Week 7 Day 1 completed.

    Found it quite hard again tonight. Not sure if it's because im back at work and bit tired or because im on the treadmill with the incline on 1.0 which i find difficult. I much prefer running outside where i can see how far i have travelled and get the fresh air.

    I was hoping by the time i got to the 25 min runs i would feel like i could keep going but actually i was counting down the minutes to finish. :(

    Maybe better luck next time. Well done everyone keep going.
  • jabberjaws77
    jabberjaws77 Posts: 72 Member
    Im involved in 2 other challenges but if you let me know next time you start this, Id love to join in!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I know I'm kind of late in replying to this, but The C25K program was kind of awful for me. My starting level really is "couch"-- I work an office job and don't get much exercise other than occasional walking for about 20 mins at a time. I'm 5'1" and about 190 lbs. I couldn't even do the baseline/starting level. I moved it down to run 30 secs, walk 90 secs. That worked for about a week before my knees and ankles were in incredible pain, I guess because of all the weight. I felt totally gross and defeated by it. I don't really feel like starting level is "couch", considering that people starting from the "couch" level might not even be able to run...

    I think you just have to take it really slow at your own pace. I am 205lbs and 5'2 but i have spent a long time walking daily so my leg muscles are kind of used to the battering. I started really slowly thinking for sure i would get shin splints, or pains in my legs or ankles but i havent had any of it. I think the program slowly eases you in and takes in gradually allowing your muscles to get used to the exercise. If you struggle with the initial runs build up your stamina through brisk walking, and move it up to power walking and then try the running but in smaller bursts.

    I am still heavy but i have become fit and heavy. I just completed a 3k race at the weekend at this weight, and i feel if i can do this at the weight i am now, i cant wait until im small enough to run properly. I think if you just take it at your own pace and listen to your body it is a great program.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I just thought I'd ask, what other exercises are you all doing as well as the running to lose weight? :smile:

    im not really doing any other exericise at the moment. On my rest days i talk a long walk round the park but not every rest day. I also do the 30 day shred when i feel like it but i have found the running is my only workout at the moment. I would like to introduce swimming when i can maybe once a week.

    I haven't lost any weight whilst doing the C25K but i have lost a lot of inches and dropped a clothes size. I hope once my body stops turning the fat into muscle that my weight will come down because i am eating healthy and whilst in the beginning my appetite increased now i am not really hungry at all on days that i run.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Week 8 finished today , only 3 runs left and I've made it :bigsmile:

    Excellent you are motivating me to keep going. Is it getting any easier for you?
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    finished w3d2 today. A LOT easier than yesterdays run for whatever reason.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    finished w3d2 today. A LOT easier than yesterdays run for whatever reason.

    Well done - you're doing great. Nice to see you back :)
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Week 8 finished today , only 3 runs left and I've made it :bigsmile:

    Excellent you are motivating me to keep going. Is it getting any easier for you?

    Yes for sure. When I started this I really struggled with it and had trouble even with the 3 minute runs, but now I`m doing 30 minutes and feel I could easily do more. Not bad for a 44 year old overweight ex-heavy smoker with a desk job lol :bigsmile:

    I`ve just done Day one of week 9 so only 2 left now , and I`m easily doing 5k+ now including the warm up and cool down. Heres a pic of the screen on my treadmill just before finishing todays run :smile:


    Well done everyone :drinker:
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    finished w3d2 today. A LOT easier than yesterdays run for whatever reason.

    Well done :smile: Good to see you back on track after your injury.
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Late to the party, but just started. Did W1D1 yesterday, and it felt great. I am using some podcast created by someone who's completed the C25K program.
  • laurzishot
    do you all run on an incline (those on a treadmill?)

    week 3 kicked my butt and i couldn't imagine doing that on an incline right now. However i would like to eventually move my runs outdoors and possibly onto trails.

    At the moment i don't feel the need to add an incline when I'm on the treadmill i find it challenging enough without it for now :P
  • laurzishot
    W7D3 completed today, still finding it a bit of a challenge but find that i don't have to drop down my speed i can remain at the same level. Just hoping it's going to get a bit easier sometime soon, but i definitely agree with the fact that the 3 min runs were so difficult at the beginning and now even if it's a bit of a challenge i can run for 25 mins so that's pretty exciting :bigsmile:

    Great work this week everyone!!
  • laurzishot
    Week 8 finished today , only 3 runs left and I've made it :bigsmile:

    Excellent you are motivating me to keep going. Is it getting any easier for you?

    Yes for sure. When I started this I really struggled with it and had trouble even with the 3 minute runs, but now I`m doing 30 minutes and feel I could easily do more. Not bad for a 44 year old overweight ex-heavy smoker with a desk job lol :bigsmile:

    I`ve just done Day one of week 9 so only 2 left now , and I`m easily doing 5k+ now including the warm up and cool down. Heres a pic of the screen on my treadmill just before finishing todays run :smile:


    Well done everyone :drinker:

    Wow you're nearly finished, good job!! That's really encouraging me to keep going in the hopes that it'll become easier :) By the way I'm totally jealous of your treadmill it looks awesome, i want it haha :laugh:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Did Week 7 Day 2 last night. I dont know if it was because I was tired and didnt feel like working out but this was the toughest day yet. I had to decrease my speed so I could finish. I had to keep telling myself, if you stop you'll have to do it all over again.

    Congrats to everyone keeping up on this journey! :drinker: (water)

    BTW, Fliegenschwein Im jealous of your treadmill too :smile:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Ive struggled to fit them in this week with work but today i finished Week 7 Day 2 and although it was still difficult i found it much more manageable running outside. I had the wind to contend with but i have natural markers that i run to and i find it easier to keep going.

    Saying that the last 5 minutes was a bit of a battle. I had to push myself to keep going. Felt great afterwards though for completing it and ready for Day 3 now.

    Well done everyone you are all doing a great job!!
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    W9D2 done. One left :bigsmile:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    W9D2 done. One left :bigsmile:

    woo hoo excellent work - well done!!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Week 7 Day 3 done - was fine today. I could have kept going. I had an energy protein shake after my last workout and i dont know if this contributed to it feeling easier but it was like running on new legs today.

    Looking forward to week 8 now. Nearly there :smile: