

  • I just tested the goals. I put in 45kg as my goal as that was my weight at 21, I then said I wanted to lose 2lb per week. The recommended calorie intake was 1200 calories and it suggested I would lose 0.5lbs per week. So there is some protection built in to the system, it will not recommend a calorie intake below 1200…
  • I found that when I changed my eating plan I ate the same amount of food but the fat and carbs were down and the protein was up. Eating the same amount of food resulted in far few calories but me feeling full and not feeling a need to eat any more. Even eating the same number of calories you can still lose weight. I'm here…
  • Being small and dieting for medical reasons I don't let people know most of the time because I have had a life time of hatred thrown at me for being small and not needing to lose weight. Evidently it is simple to gain weight however I am yet to find someone who can tell me how I can gain without eating very unhealthy and…
  • MFP doesn't include the exercise calories in the food page until you record the exercise, it bumps it up when you enter each exercise session. The site you mentioned includes the exercise calories up front. Both sites gave the same value for metabolic rate, for an office worker MFP gives me a larger calorie allowance than…
  • According to the BMI I was spot on before I started losing weight. I'm at the opposite end of the scale, until I was 27 I was underweight. According to some people I was unhealthy and my body wasn't functioning properly. They obviously had never met me. You could tell by looking at me last year that I had a couple of kg to…
  • Another Melbourne girl here.
  • I don't know about anyone else but I'm a petite 5'2" and 1200 is enough for me for a day.
  • DS 4yo has just asked for pasta with vegetable sauce. DH wants chicken soup Decisions decisions
  • Get an insulated lunch box/bag with an iceblock. That works for the school kids on 40 degree days so that takes care of the lack of fridge until lunch time. I use a soft bag that is big enough for a 6 pack of beer with a freezer block. My lunches consist of various salads such as: coucous with dried fruits, parsley and…
  • I have Christopher William, Luke Andrew and Richard George.
  • I just tested my theory, I added 850 cal of exercise on a 1257 cal food day and no message. That is a net day of 400 cal! It appears that you only get the message based on eating 1200 calories a day. Exercise does not come into it at all.
  • The recommendation for me is 1450 cal per day. I've just gone back over my diary and one day I ate 1235 no message, another 1177 and I got the message. (This is without exercise). So it is not just going under the recommendation, it looks like it is if you are under 1200 net calories.
  • breakfast - cereal morning tea - usually fruit and nuts but we have a lot of celebratory morning teas at work where I try to pick the lower fat options like scones instead of cake etc. lunch - generally leftovers from previous night so will include protein carbs and vegetables. afternoon tea - kids pack of plain biscuits…
  • We have a PS3, I've been contemplating a Wii. I'm sure the kids will have a ball and it involves a lot more movement than the PS3, I wonder if there are zumba type 'games' for the PS3. I should go down to the game shops and have a look. I do have an exercise bike somewhere that I could get out and use, I suppose I lack…
  • Mine varies daily so today it may say 53kg and tomorrow 51kg. I can't eat exactly the same amount every day so I will never get a consistent value to aim for. As it is so variable it is not a measure I can use.
  • The thing I have found with eating fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, rice/polenta/couscous, lean meats and fish is that you have to eat so much to make your calorie quota. By eating well, I can eat so much food, I'm eating more than I did before and losing weight.
  • 5' 2" and weigh 55kg (approx 120lb). I have a petite frame as well as being short.
  • Blood tests all came back normal, Diet is doing what it was supposed to do. Dr said "You are doing really well"
  • It is ok to be heavy, it is not ok to be fat. The reasons: ok to be heavy:- 1. We are all born with different builds only 90% fit into the 'normal' weight for height range. There will be people who naturally are at the extreme bottom and top of the range. 2. A person who works out extensively can weigh as much as a person…
  • I don't think you have described a fat person, you have described a heavy person. Not everyone is going to get down to a BMI in the low end of the healthy range, some people are going to be overweight according the scales but not fat. That is different to knowing you need to lower your weight to improve your health. ie you…
  • I'm Australian, 45 and needing to maintain my weight while being on a low fat diet.
  • I use it instead of milk on muesli, I put it in mashed potato, I use it in curries, I eat it with a spoon of honey over it, I make tzatsiki and raita, marinade chicken in a mixture of yoghurt lemon juice and spices and cook at a really high temperature for a tandoori style chicken,. Don't cook with the fat free variety, it…
  • These are thecooling tips from the Tasmanian Salmon producer Tassal. Choose from the options on the right to find out how to pan fry, bbq, roast sear steam etc. I love salmon and prefer to keep it really simple and serve with salad
  • doctor's orders and how much better I feel without eating the rubbish
  • These are recipes I make for my family, I put them on a blog so I wouldn't lose them! Chicken rissotto: however you would have to make the stock from scratch or use water instead. (From memory the brandy could be a problem too - it…
  • A friend of mine was on a similar diet for a while. Watch dried fruit, she got a reaction when I soaked dried fruit and put it in a cake, soaking it activates the yeasts that are naturally in it. Vinegar and yeast are in many many things so avoid all bottled sauces unless you read the labels very carefully. I will have a…
  • This thread is hilarious. Sorry I can't one-up any of these stories.
  • definitely get out the measuring tape, I've only lost ~4lb since September but in that time my waist and hips have dropped 3". That is a full clothing size gone.
  • yes, this is a constant struggle for me and the reason I joined. I cannot physically eat the amount of food required to keep my weight the same while on a low fat diet. I have had to reduce carbs as they are too filling and eat more protein to get close to my daily goal. ...and each day I get the message 'you were under…
  • I calculated that to be 18 which is classed underweight. The healthy range is supposed to be 20 to 25 however there will always be healthy people outside this range, in my 20s my BMI was a healthy 18, I had a friend who was told by her doctor not to drop below 29. So there are 2 examples of the extremes.