Something I do not like about MFP



  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    I just tested the goals. I put in 45kg as my goal as that was my weight at 21, I then said I wanted to lose 2lb per week. The recommended calorie intake was 1200 calories and it suggested I would lose 0.5lbs per week.

    So there is some protection built in to the system, it will not recommend a calorie intake below 1200 calories. It won't warn you however if your goal is below the normal range for BMI. 45kg gives me a BMI of 17.8.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I am 5'6 and to be in a healthy range I have to weigh anywhere from 114-154. There is NO WAY I would even go under 120! I want to still look like a woman and not a boy.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I saw an upsetting thing at the gym last week- a young girl, as skinny as internment camp victim, using a side stepping machine designed to trim the inner thighs down- but she really had no thighs at all.
    I was waiting to use the machine myself and realized that she was on that one machine for over an hour and a half.
    She was stick thin and you could tell that she hardly ate, and was working to get her legs as stick thin as possible, rather than to gain shape.
    You would think the gym would have some kind of policy of excluding people like that , but what would it achieve?
    They'd just go somewhere else.

    Years ago, I was at weight watchers and there was an anorexic woman present at our meetings. She was TINY, stick thin (not naturally slender, but STARVATION type thin). I couldn't believe that WW would allow her to participate, and I was (still am!) disappointed!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I agree with you 100%: It is none of your business and you should not be judging other peoples' goals.

    Seriously, Azdak? If people opt to use this healthy-living website to condone (and encourage!) eating disorders and obsessive, dangerous behaviour - damn right I'm going to not only judge them, but also speak up. That's not right. If it was "none of my business", these people should keep such "private information" to themselves and not post it all over the forums/profile/signature! :huh:
  • I agree with you 100%: It is none of your business and you should not be judging other peoples' goals.

    Seriously, Azdak? If people opt to use this healthy-living website to condone (and encourage!) eating disorders and obsessive, dangerous behaviour - damn right I'm going to not only judge them, but also speak up. That's not right. If it was "none of my business", these people should keep such "private information" to themselves and not post it all over the forums/profile/signature! :huh:

    Right, this sight is not only to help people in their aim to get healthy but to have the support of others that are in that position. When someone says their goal is to basically be anorexic then we should be able to voice our opinion on the subject.

    There is nothing healthy about anorexia. Celebrities make people believe it's alright, but it does not make a person look good or healthy. I understand that there are different bone structures, but when you're in your twenties or there about and you are skinner than a fourteen year old that's not healthy. That is not judgment of anybody or their goals but a concern from someone who cares.
  • Oh I thought you were going to say something about how the site works like when you add recent food and have to use the pages to go back a few days...I really wish it was a scrolling feature instead of pages. Anyway, I agree and like any tool, it's up to each person to use it correctly.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Agree here too,the Olsen twins look is not attractive in the least.
    I personally know ladies that range in height from low to high 5s (some of them are here at MFP) and they weigh from the 130s and on up.
    They are all beautiful and sexy in their own ways with their own bodies,but better yet they are nice people and great friends.
    It is always great to see them striving to better themselves and be healthier and maybe look even better but bugs me when they don`t like themselves along the way.
    I know it will sound like a BS line from a guy but folks that know me can attest that it isn`t.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I agree with you 100%: It is none of your business and you should not be judging other peoples' goals.

    Seriously, Azdak? If people opt to use this healthy-living website to condone (and encourage!) eating disorders and obsessive, dangerous behaviour - damn right I'm going to not only judge them, but also speak up. That's not right. If it was "none of my business", these people should keep such "private information" to themselves and not post it all over the forums/profile/signature! :huh:

    Oh look. My personal stalker is back.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    agreed! i am 5'3 and i think my lowest weight is 115. i don't i will ever get there but i cannot imagine being 5'6 and weighing 100lbs. my 11 yr old sister is nearly 100, how can an adult that tall weigh the same? now if you are 5' and under that is ok but i don't understand either. to each his own i guess!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm definitely with you there. I have a LOT to lose but I'm definitely trying to do it in a healthy way. I'm eating most of my calories each day (including exercise ones) and I'm making sure I get my water in daily to keep hydrated. My goal is still considered "overweight" by BMI standards but is a goal that my doctor said should be my limit based on my frame. And I don't want to hit that goal for a full year from my start date (Next January). I don't know what to think about those that are going for goals that just aren't feasible, or could cause further health problems later. *sigh*
  • I agree with you, that is way to small for a person who is 5'6" I am 5'6" and I set my goal at 135. I don't know if it's something that is bad about MFP, though. I thought everyone set their own goals.
  • ready4change81
    ready4change81 Posts: 4 Member
    As much as I agree with you each person is entitled to their own goals. Who are we to say that they cannot achieve it?

    I know that I have had to learn the hard way about unrealistic goals while I was in college. I lost a lot of weight very fast, but put it back on just as fast and then some. I don't think people do that to set themselves up to fail. They are tired of being unhealthy and want a quick fix. Most people are not educated on what a healthy lifestyle really means.

    Had I not gone through all of that I probably wouldn't have the mindset I do today. I know that this is a lifestyle change and that I will not lose 20lbs in a month.

    When you are younger or uneducated about a healthy lifestyle it's easy to get false hope. Everything around us promotes a new gimmick or quick way to lose weight.

    Nutrtional education needs to start at home (and in schools) from a young age so that we don't have problems later in life. (however, that's a whole other topic!) :)
  • ready4change81
    ready4change81 Posts: 4 Member
    It is just as unhealthy to be overweight or a binge eater, however, we would not post about them. It is not MFP fault, nor is it anyone else's business.
  • It is just as unhealthy to be overweight or a binge eater, however, we would not post about them. It is not MFP fault, nor is it anyone else's business.

    Good Point
  • Hoosier16
    Hoosier16 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to offer a view from the other side. About 10 years ago, I lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks. There was absolutely nothing unhealthy about it. It resulted from a change in lifestyle. I basically cut out fast food restaurants, starches, and sugars. I would have had to try to slow down the weight loss.

    The point is that everyone is different. Twenty pounds in a month may be too much for some and too easy for others. I wouldn't even consider setting a goal of 3-4 pounds per month for myself. I know from past experience that if I make a slight change in my eating habits and make time for exercise, the resulting weight loss will occur quickly.
  • Jayms
    Jayms Posts: 17
    I completely agree, that is worrying. I am 5 even, everything I have ever read says that I am suppose to be 100 lbs. I can't imagine having six inches on me and being the weight I am suppose to be. I read this thing the other day that said for every inch your suppose to add 5 lbs.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I agree with you 100%: It is none of your business and you should not be judging other peoples' goals.

    Seriously, Azdak? If people opt to use this healthy-living website to condone (and encourage!) eating disorders and obsessive, dangerous behaviour - damn right I'm going to not only judge them, but also speak up. That's not right. If it was "none of my business", these people should keep such "private information" to themselves and not post it all over the forums/profile/signature! :huh:

    Oh look. My personal stalker is back.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's nothing special about you that would make me want to "stalk" you, lol. While I'm glad that your self esteem is so grossly high as to make such a ridiculous assumption - I assure you it's wishful thinking.
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5ft tall and set a goal weight for myself of 140-150. I will be happy at that weight and comfortable in my skin. sadly, I will still be "overweight" on the bmi chart. BUT it is discouraging to me when I look at all of the 5ft tall girls on here who want to be 100 pounds. It makes me feel like I have to readjust my goal.
    I'm in much the same boat. I'm 4'11" and according to the BMI calculator, should weigh between 91.6 - 123.8 lbs. There is no way I could be healthy at 92 pounds! My goal weight is 130 pounds right now. When I get there, I will re-evaluate, but I think that's a pretty realistic goal. And even though it will be over BMI normal, I don't necessarily think I will be unhealthy.
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I totally agree with you. I left room so that after I reach my goal I can still lose a healthy amount of weight without going overboard.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm going to offer a view from the other side. About 10 years ago, I lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks. There was absolutely nothing unhealthy about it. It resulted from a change in lifestyle. I basically cut out fast food restaurants, starches, and sugars. I would have had to try to slow down the weight loss.

    The point is that everyone is different. Twenty pounds in a month may be too much for some and too easy for others. I wouldn't even consider setting a goal of 3-4 pounds per month for myself. I know from past experience that if I make a slight change in my eating habits and make time for exercise, the resulting weight loss will occur quickly.

    wish I had you're problem!! haha!!

    (just joking...)
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