I've put on weight!!

mercodon Posts: 3 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I started on my fitness pal almost 2 weeks ago, and while theres a 5lb weight loss recorded, that is only because I put in the wrong starting weight by accident! I weighed myself on the 2nd day and I was 6lbs lighter than I thought. Now after a further 8 or 9 days I am up 2lbs!!! I have been really careful-weighing everything and creating new listings for everything I use that are not already available. I cried a lot this morning. My husband has lost almost a stone in 3 weeks (We were good the week before too but didn't log on). I am seriously baffled and very disheartened. HELP!! I


  • Hi mercodon. I'm really sorry to hear that you've had a little setback. It can be really disheartening and frustrating when you see it working for someone else and your weight refuses to budge.

    It could be that your body is resisting it for some reason. Maybe if you posted your calorie intakes on here then someone may be able to help you.

    Sorry I couldn't be any more help. I feel your pain, I really do. Just try and stick with it and keep your chin up. x
  • Our weight changes throughout the day, that's why it's recommended that you weigh yourself at the same time everyday. I would not panic if I were you, just keep with your program and I'm sure you will see results. Good luck :smile:
  • The same thing happened to me! I put on 2lbs after 3 weeks of deligently exercising and watching my food intake. And it was very disheartening. Then, 4 days later, I dropped 3 lbs!! It will come off....just give it time. Don't forget as well that if you are really exercising hard, your muscles are developing and they are more solid than fat! Just keep at it and you'll see it come off!
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    I have to agree. The body will slow down on weight loss at times. When That happens I just do a change my work out. Your body gets used to the same work outs. So you have to change it.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hormones, weighing after eating, an extra drink last night, more salt or caffeine than usual, upping or starting exercise?...all will contribute. Weigh yourself straight after your first pee of the morning wearing nothing but a smile.

    Men will automatically drop the pounds quicker than women, they have by nature more muscle, muscle burns the calories better.
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    Another thing to remember is a lot of women have a weight fluctuation every month (I knew one girl who claimed her fluctuations were nearly 5kg over the month) Wait and see how you go over the next couple of months, there may be a pattern to explain this little blip, it is too early to tell yet.
  • jennyjennbug
    jennyjennbug Posts: 101 Member
    Sweet heart it could be a little extra water weight if you drink alote. I know some days the scales say I gained then I will hop on a coulple days later and it will be gone. I say just give it a few days and see.
  • Women can gain 5 - 7 pounds of water weight with their time of the month. I gain a bit every month, and lose it when the TOM passes. :)
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    Did you do your measurements same thing happened to me but i had lost a inch from everywhere it was my fat turning to muscle ( which weighs a bit more ) people have told me tokeep going and the scales will budge when they are ready ... getting the fat away is more important to health though so i'm relaxed about it at the moment
  • It is so hard to lose the weight that has crept on over the years
    What is worse is that my husband still wears the same size he wore when we started dating 30 years ago
    Be motivated and do it for you
  • littlemissgreedy
    littlemissgreedy Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with staceyb_2003. I was going to a slimming class for 6 weeks with no weight loss at all, but when I measured I had lost 12 inches! I now always make sure i measure myself - my tape measure is normally my friend far before my scales!:smile:
  • mercodon
    mercodon Posts: 3 Member
    I can't say how good it is to hear from you all. Thanks so much!!! I DIDN't take my measurements so I'll do that right now. Another thing is I have Narcolepsy and was a very athletic 5'4", 112-126 LBs until I got the disorder at 24. Within a year I had gone up to over 160 LBs right in time for my wedding!! 18 Years and 3 kids later I am 230LBs with 3 lovely slim children as we eat very sensible meals. I am now eating 1600 calories a day and it doesn't feel very different-however having high cholesterol means I 've had to ditch all the bad stuff so it is healthier. With Narcolepsy you will always put a nap before food and then I wake up and grab carbs. The chemical which causes Narcolepsy is also involved in weight regulation. AAAArrrrgh-What chance have I got??? Any Narcoleptics out there???
    Thanks to your support though, I will perservere!! (I'm sure if I were dropped into a famine I'd lose weight eventually-Narcolepsy or no Narcolepsy!!)
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    definitely get out the measuring tape, I've only lost ~4lb since September but in that time my waist and hips have dropped 3". That is a full clothing size gone.
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    it is discouraging but try to weigh yourself once a week, with the same outfit on.

    Muscle does weigh more than fat as well. Keep your chin up and don't give up.
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