For the past few months I've been running and lifting the same day. My gains have been consistent but not as strong as they could be if I ditched the running. I ran early in the morning and lifted in the evenings. I usually had close to 12 hrs recovery in between and typically took the next day off. During the 12 hour…
I should have mentioned I have read NROWL, think it is solid but am skeptical it is the plan for me. I prefer simple moves and it seemed to have more variation then I would have the patience for at this point in my training.
Just figure out what works for you. Some people handle eating before without any problems and others don't, just experiment until you find the best formula for your body and workout. I usually eat a piece of fruit and a cup of coffee before an am run. I find that if I don't eat something to take the edge off my hunger I…
Yikes, I have no idea how you rack up that much in expenses. My grocery bill is around 400/month for two people and we eat clean. Most of our meats are free range/grass fed, dairy comes from grass fed sources and most of our fruit is organic. I also used to live in Hawaii and ate fairly clean and didn't spend nearly what…
Swelling is pretty common, especially with a larger tattoo. No worries.
I battle with that and have found I just have to force myself outside and not think about others. I don't experience it all when I run with others so you may want to look for a workout buddy.
Yeah, I didn't eat meat for years so had a tough time with protein. I am better about it now but sometimes still need to supplement. Do you have any issues with protein shakes? How about more dairy? Those two things definitely help me meet my protein goals. Also eggs! I take them boiled to work when I know I need a protein…
Hmm..... well I know some people are touchy about this, but looking at your diary (if you are logging correctly) it looks like you are regularly under your protein goals by quite a bit and often over on your carbs and sometimes fat. Maybe cleaning things up and getting more protein and less carbs will help?
Do you not have access to a women's bar?
Awesome job! My first full will be the Marine Corps Marathon in October. It is pretty far off but the thought of it still makes me nervous!
I have a 2 yr old pittie who is a real delight. I have owned many different types of dogs and she is one of my favorites. She definitely has her flaws such as aggressiveness towards other dogs (selectively) and can be a lot to handle but she is has so much personality and is one of the most loving, goofy dogs I have ever…
I am doing something similar, but like you am pretty early into the lifting programming and am curious once my weights get higher how it may interfere with the running. Hopefully someone will chime in with more experience. Right now I run and lift on the same days (with the exception of long runs every other week) and…
Well a peanut isn't really a nut so you could technically argue that you are only consuming one serving :) To be honest I kind of agree you should watch your nut intake but not because of overall fats. Nuts consist primarily of omega-6 fats so unless you are eating plenty of omega-3's to balance out the ratio, you should…
This has already been mentioned but starting strength is probably one of your best bets. NROLW has good info but I don't love the actual plans. I prefer something more basic that gets the job done. If you can afford a trainer who understands the lifts and barbell training you could start there and get them to watch your…
To be honest, I would consider a different program to pair with the half training. Insanity + running is a lot of cardio (and impact)!! If you insist on doing both just make sure you are eating enough so you can fuel your workouts. I wouldn't want to do all that on a big calorie deficit. I think a program like P90X (if you…
Would you ask your co-worker "What's up with your face?" I seriously hope not. It seems that you are just trying to save face after being called out by so many people for your rude post.
Do what you enjoy and what works for you. I do cardio and strength. I lift heavy and a lot of serious weight lifters are critical of my doing both but I don't care. I enjoy running as well as lifting and won't give up one for the other. I have found that running early in the morning and lifting in the evening on the same…
Agreed. I haven't seen anyone do this thankfully. That is obnoxious.
People who have never lifted to failure or probably ever touched a barbell complaining about dropping weights. Sometimes you are just too exhausted at the end of a rep to put it down safely. I do admit that some people take it too far and are probably looking for attention for how much they lifted but others are just…
I consider 1-5 low rep but I doubt there is any definitive answer.
I have random knee pain as well as ankle stiffness and occasional arch pain in my left foot. Taping really helps relieve the pain so I can keep working out instead of having to take time off like I did before discovering tape. I haven't been to a PT to show me how to tape but there are plenty of instructional videos online…
BMI is crap. The article is discussing changing BMI scales to account for body fat %. If the 5'6"/150lb woman has high body fat I agree she should be considered obese because body fat is a far better indicator of health than the number on the scale.
I can't run with music. I did when I first started out but after pulling the plug and realizing how liberated I felt not having to fiddle with an mp3 player and being able to pay more attention to what is going on around me I will never go back. I don't really miss it.
Have you tried a mixed grip? I can't lift more than 130 or so without it.
F-5'3/135/DL 185 (max).
I use to find races. You can use as well, a lot of races use them for registration.
Veggies are a big base of the paleo diet. If you are cutting them out that is hardly paleo. I'm not sure what you eat cutting out carbs. Just meat and fats? That sounds terribly unbalanced and I haven't read paleo advice that encourages such choices.