_Alkaline Member


  • No. You have to add your exercise in etc. It is just basically giving you its estimate on how much you burn.
  • See for me lately its been odd, i've found that if i can ...wait out the ravenous phase I am more willing to eat that healthy meal I have and I don't feel like i have to stuff my face but it is much harder to wait it out than to eat ahead of the feeling.
  • Will power tells you when you are hungry? interesting. . .
  • I always forget to post important back story. I am not just starting out, I've lost 40+ lbs. I've read extensively You on a diet, Gary Taubes, Mindless Eating, and much more/ I get the science aspect, but I am curious about what methods other people use to determine hunger. In the past I will admit I have lost weight using…
  • whoa, whoa, whoa, but I demand more than 3hrs sleep.
  • This. After finding out from consumer reports that dollar store tests were just as good as drug store ones I was appalled at how crappy drugstore tests must be. Luckily I carry stacks of hundreds around for various reasons (fan, paper airplanes, emergency fire kindling) and now sometimes I use it as a pregnancy test. I…
  • I am going to go ahead and say I think anything masticated and blended together looks disgusting, I don't like mcdonalds because its filled with too much fake foods and flavor enhancers and I was lucky enough to hear the workers talk about their current rat infestation once.
  • I do not exercise, when ever I try to it makes my cramps much much worse and i've passed out at least 2x's screw that, I can wait it out. (I usually only have to sit out one day anyway)
  • How tall are you? I ask cause that is my baseline as well. I try to always eat half my exercise calories back or keep it between 1400 and 1500 I find to have good work outs you need to eat the right amount, If you find yourself feeling ...not energetic at soccer practice or on a run, switch it up so that you can eat…
  • For me a better question is when- answer : the AM! the lesser of the rush hours.
  • 1) People who stare at the dashboard on my machine, usually for about 50% of the time we are at they gym. You don't know me, you don't know my journey, that number isn't going to help you - Which is why I am never curious about your time. 2) The ever so popular person who saddles up next to you on a machine despite a rows…
  • I am about to start this (again) next week!
  • You know what helps to deal with fluctiations if you weigh yourself daily? Using a 3 day average to gauge weight. It gives you a little more stable of a number. Hmm.. I should make an excel form that does this automatically!
  • I think it was silly of me not to point out that I am currently down 43lbs from my high weight of 235 :-) slow and steady.