

  • i can completely relate! i started "running" on november 1 and was like okay to keep me motivated i am going to sign up for a thanksgiving 5k. just like you are saying, so many things came up! we had a snow storm that lasted for 3 days... literally non stop snow! it was like 30F outside every day, holiday party's, school…
  • I am fairly new to running, but I am loving it!! I love having other runner's on my FL so please feel free to add me too!!! Please just include a quick note so I know how you found me :) ♥
  • feel free to add me too! always nice to have some support! ♥
  • girl!! 1200 calories is barely enough to survive imho. i am also a stay at home mom and i eat 1800 calories per day and am still losing! if you truly aren't hungry and are just eating out of bordem them you need to find something to occupy your mind like reading or do a low key yoga dvd or soak in a bubble bath, or…
  • can you take a cooler with you? make tuna or chicken salad, instead of mayo use avacado! carrot sticks, low fat string cheese, almonds, lunch meat with crackers, apples, grapes, protein bars. if you like salad you can make it early in the morning and store it in a mason jar. put the dressing at the bottom, the more solid…
  • i could never ever ever share my man, haha i don't know how they do that! i would be so jealous! here in utah it isn't such a phenomenom though!
  • yay! congrats!! excellent time! i am running my first one on thanksgiving and doubt i will be that quick!! nice job! xx
  • baking! ^ this is why i'm fat! lol
  • no, haha, what i have heard so much about twinkie's lately that i had a dream about them last night! lmbo
  • ^ i take ibuprofen also, but i have honestly found that if i can get myself to work out i end up feeling better in the end. if your cramps are so extreme that you literally can't move, i would contact your ob/gyn; often times that is a sign of endometriosis, or possibilly a cyst. ♥
  • congrats!!!! that must feel awesome!! ♥
  • Okay, thank you so much for the info! I REALLY appreciate it!!