

  • Hi there, anyone can add me. The more support we get the better.
  • welcome!! and good luck
  • A 22 year old who feels the need to 'share' such beautiful information??? ... you dont need to drink etc to have a good time, but this just makes me feel sad that you think you are sharing. What you are doing is limiting the number of people who will actually want to spend time with you, listen to you etc.... This sort of…
  • factor your chocolate into your calorie allowance. And I'll tell you right now whats making you crave it... SUGAR!!! It's like poison. It takes at least 3 days for the sugar to work its way through your bloodstream and the whole time, its sending you signals that you must have it, that you need it... but its just the sugar…
  • I agree that a whole day of eating what you want is a recipe for disaster. But a meal out etc once a week, who cares? You have to live and enjoy yourself. That being said... if your free meal is a non stop pig out until you have to crawl away from the table or couch, and I know alot of people who look at it like that...…
  • Stretch marks are NOT caused by losing weight, they are caused by STRETCHING your skin when you get fat. Lift weights and do cardio and look after yourself. You are young and its easier for the skin to pull itself back together. Stretch marks are an unfortunate part of putting on too much weight and I have to say that they…
  • going to bed genuinely hungry is the worst!! My tummy burns, my heart races and I cant sleep. I feel like my blood is toxic. Even just a boiled egg or som egg whites is enough to calm it all down. I dont believe you have to eat much to get rid of that feeling, just something thats solid enough thats its not going to wear…
  • Of course you can!! But why would you want to? You'll end up all flabby. And who the hell suggested to you that you should do something like P90X?? For someone who hates exercise that much, I would certainly not be telling you to go to extremes. For you, its going to be important to find something you can do that you can…
  • Do you actually know how much you can lift and complete 3 or 4 sets of each exercise? Why do you think that 20kg dumbells are too light? I lift all the time and have a very strenuous routine and I can tell you right now I cannot lift a 20kg dumbell. I would choose a basic sample routine, get into a gym and try out the…
  • fibre is so easy to get!! Whole natural foods... fruit, veggies, grains and legumes. Anything from nature that hasnt been overly processed... fibre. Anything from an animal, no fibre
  • Your muscles are there.. they are just wasted. The MINUTE you pick up a weight, even if its 1lb you are going to activate the muscle. The MINUTE you get on your knees and do one half push up.. the process begins. Wall squat with no weight... placing stress on your leg muscles which may shake and carry on because they arent…
  • Gawd!! ditch the cupcake and limit yourself to 4 drinks, if youre drinking a spirit, mix it with diet soft drink. And all alcohol will affect you as it slows down your metabolism. We all need to go out and have fun, just have a good night! drink heaps of water tomorrow to flush the booze out of your system
  • I can tell you from experience I am the worlds slowest loser. I can work out for 3 hours a day eat 1200 cals, and lose 100grams in a week or nothing at all. Sometimes it takes weeks then suddenly my body will drop one or two kilos. You just have to eat as best you can, more whole foods, less crap. Exercise every day and…
  • I agree with the frustration of it taking so bloody long to lose!!! Also having been so big, the damn stretch marks on tummy and boobs, then when you lose the weight the skin cant support itself. Too poor to buy new clothes, too poor to afford a boob job, and I've never been a cold person but I've noticed that when I get…
  • You look fantastic!!! You are half the size, awesome work!
  • In the old days 1000 cals was what we were told to eat to lose weight. These days we know that you need food to fuel yourself and your brain and that food truly isnt the enemy, Eat as clean as you can with a treat here and there, if you arent sure what clean eating is google it. There are a ton of websites that talk about…