tinapi96 Member


  • I though I was the only person who did this. I put the video on on my laptop, put it in front of the TV and do it while I watch TV. The way I see it is if I forgot to change from side to side to forward and back it doesn't really make a difference. I cannot stand how cheery she is about walking in place, but it helps me…
  • The Yoga Ball -Me too! I have all these crazy rules about it, too. I have to be within 500 steps of my goal and I need to do arm exercises while I do it.
  • I would exercise when she napped and pop her in the playpen to straighten up the house while she was awake. I have three children and when they were little guys I would pop them into the pack and play and roll them from room to room with me. Sometimes I would do it so I could exercise (my middle one) and the other two so I…
  • I love egg salad made with cottage cheese!
  • Anyone interested, feel free to friend me. Yesterday was my one year anniversary logging and I am down 44 lbs (gained over the holidays - 10lbs! I had a major setback in my personal life) but I am back on the wagon now. My goal is a total of 117lbs. I am a Zumba enthusiast and really enjoy participating in online…
  • I have lost 54 lbs since January. All together, my goal is 117 lbs. You can do this!
  • I do not count ordinary walking, only, like others said, walking as purposeful exercise. To me, if you are walking to exercise you are walking at the high end of your speed and ability. Now, if you are hoofing it quickly and purposefully from university to home, then it should be counted.
  • I have suffered with PF since I was a teenager and I am now 43. I have done PT, cortisone, "the boot" to bed, the whole gamut. Sadly, I think what works for every one is very personal. My mother had great success and relief from cortisone, which did nothing for me at all. My greatest success has been through massage (my…
  • I never had any side effects on Spironalactone. It did not help me regrow any of the hair on my head, but after a year I had gradually lost all the inappropriate hair (lip, chin, random stragglers on my chest) and.... all the other hair on my body. No leg hair, no arm pit, no arm hair, NADA. Yup none. I cannot say it was…
  • Level 2 Dream Weaver - Tina Pie
  • No way are you too big! Zumba is for everybody. Shake it and dance your butt off. I burn between 800-1000 calories (HRM) in a one hour session. Well worth the effort!
  • Spironolactone is the drug the normally prescribe for the hair loss. I had no success with it except that all of my body hair fell out, too, which is both a blessing and a curse. I have lost so much hair that I shave it off and wear wigs now. It was the single, greatest thing I have ever done for my own self esteem.…
  • Mine comes up on my diary as +500 or so because I set my MFP at sedentary and use my Fitbit to add calories to my day. I may only exercise 30 minutes (for me that means about a 250 burn) but if I make more than 8000 steps in a day I normally get extra just from getting on with my life. I log exercise on my Fitbit and food…
  • This post is exactly what I needed this morning! Congratulations on your weight loss and congratulations on the improvements in the bedroom! I have been so wrapped up in health benefits and being an example to my kids, blah blah blah, that I forgot that one of the biggest benefits are the naked ones with my husband.
  • I weigh myself twice a week, on Sundays and Thursdays, and log my weight once a week, gain or loss, after the Thursday weigh-in. If I show a big loss on Sunday (more than 1lb) I will log Sunday's weight, too, only because I get so excited and it motivates me when I look at my phone!
  • I will send you a friend request!
  • I am Tina, 42. I long suspected I had PCOS but was officially diagnosed at 34. I have lost weight with PCOS with the help of medications (which once I went off of I gained back all of the weight!) and am now finding success with a combination of prescription/homeopathics (Metformin, coupled with Chasteberry (Vitex) and…
  • I really think what he was trying to say was don't beat yourself up trying to get down to a magic number or a certain weight. He loves you. If you are 155lbs and he thought you were too skinny at 140lbs but you aren't willing to share pictures, I think he is trying to tell you that maybe you are a little too caught up in…
  • I started wearing wigs three years ago. I tried Biotin, Rogaine, short hair, comb overs, etc. It was the BEST decision I ever made in regards to my self esteem while fighting this good fight. It is significantly cheaper than all the products I was using to try to regrow hair and I spend less a year on wigs then most of my…