

  • Just got back after being gone for 2 weeks. I had put the fitness pal app on my blackberry figuring I would be able to keep track. However, I couldn't get it to work. My report is that I've stayed the same weight. I plan to start exercising and hopefully that will help me to lose. Marianne
  • So, after my first week I report that I stayed the same. This has been a learning week for me. I've been becoming more aware of my eating habits. I am actually starting to think about what I put into my mouth. I will be away from home for the next 2 weeks, no access to a scale. So I won't be able to weigh again for some…
  • WOW! What great loss! So happy for you. Keep it going girlfriend......
  • I pretty much eat out of boredom. I always find myself in the kitchen....looking and then eating. I am trying to find things to do to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen. I have not gotten started exercising yet. I guess that would give me something to do. Wouldn't it? Marianne
  • One thing I am proud of myself for today is I got up out of bed, showered and dressed when I would have liked to go back to sleep. I have found that if I get myself going I have a more productive day. Go figure..... Marianne
  • Hi, my name is Marianne. I am married for almost 26 years. We have 2 sons, both recent college grads, living at home while trying to save money and working their first "real jobs". My hubby works contracting in another state and has been doing this for the past 3 years. I quit working over a year ago so I could be with him…
  • I would like to join all of you too. I'm 49 and want to lose 40 lbs. before I turn 50 in May. Please add me to the group. I look forward to getting and giving support. Please add me in. Thanks. Marianne
  • I really like this idea of coloring in the cirles on the card. It is a "visual aid" that I can see every day to remind me of what I am doi through ng. I will make it today and hang mine in the bathroom. Thanks for a great idea. I'm just starting out and struggling through it day by day. I hope this will help to give me…
  • I sure hope so!!!! I will turn 50 in May. I just joined MFP last night. I sure hope to find support and inspiration through MFP. I wish all of you success and may we all be on our way to a new better life.
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