Looking for Support Buddies with Similar Stats!



  • Ldevinemk
    Ldevinemk Posts: 44 Member
    I think kissmevodka wants to join as well. I am not sure how we get new members. I am still trying to figure out all the "ends and outs" to the site. Just wanted to let you know Iamslimandfit :wink: And Shershack
  • 53 year old female with a 9 year old and 11 year old.
  • Hi - 49 yrs old (mother of 3, grandmother of 4)...joined when I decided I wanted to drop 30 before I turn 50 in Feb. I'm down 11, so 19 to go.
  • Ldevinemk
    Ldevinemk Posts: 44 Member
    Great Job Erains63. You can do it!!
  • i want in
  • RobinP1234
    RobinP1234 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 47..nearly 48..I have one child, but he is not so much a child..LOL..my baby is almost 25 years. I log in at least three times a day and all food gets tacked..good or bad, it gets logged. I have lost 3 pounds so far..I would love to be in your group! I think having someone to share our ups and downs would be very helpful. Trust me, I am no angel and oh so not perfect..LOL..you can look at my logs and see I have good days and bad days.

    Game on! :)

  • Name ideas: "All the WEIGH down" or "Drop it like its hot!"
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Hello! I'm a 45-year-old mom of two kids with 60 pounds to lose. I would love to have a support group here at MFP to cheer each other on to our goals!!! Please post here and we can decide on a positive name for the group to post under. WE CAN DO THIS..... TOGETHER!!! :-)

    hows this for similar.... I'm a 45 year old mom of 2 kids with 60 lbs to lose too. :) I'll add you.
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    If I am not too late...me too!
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    I'm definitely ready to join your group if you'll have me. I''m 47 with 2 grown kids, and 2 grandbabies. I've lost 18lbs so far. But I need to loose more that's for sure.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! I just now saw all of these other posts from people interested in the group. What a wonderful response!!!

    ***** OUR GROUP IS CALLED "MIND OVER BODY" and you can access it under the "Community" tab on top right, and then under "Groups." Please join in the discussion!!! The more, the merrier!!! :smile: *****

    Thanks for welcoming these people, Ldevinemk!!! :wink:
  • I would like to join all of you too. I'm 49 and want to lose 40 lbs. before I turn 50 in May. Please add me to the group. I look forward to getting and giving support. Please add me in. Thanks.

  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Hello Marianne,

    You are more than welcome to join the group, but only YOU can sign yourself up for it. Go to the "Community" tab at top right of page and then to "Groups," and find our group "Mind Over Body." Click on the green "JOIN" icon and you are IN!!! :-)