What do you think about when you feel like giving up?

No one is perfect. Most people have a hard time staying focused throughout their entire healthy lifestyle and making that complete transition. . So I ask my fellow MFP peeps what helps prevent you from breaking down? That one(several) thing(s) that aid you get back on the horse and ride it through?

For me personally, it's just a constant reminder of how it used to be when I was at a heavier weight. Not being able to do things that I can now. Asking myself what is this all for.


  • RJag92
    RJag92 Posts: 1 Member
    This is something I have problems with, much like many other overweight people hoping to get healthy. I get discouraged very easily. I get tired, I can't breathe, I don't FEEL that unhealthy and then I start a workout and realize that I really need it.

    This time it was a video of myself I saw from my friend's 21st birthday. Looking in the mirror is not the same as seeing yourself looking and moving like you normally do. I just sat back and looked at myself from someone else's point of view. It made me start the 30 Day Shred over again after I had recovered from the night out.

    The problem with this is that I start out with a negative outlook. "I can't believe I actually look like that," "Am I really that bad?" "I really have to work hard this time and stop being fat."

    I'm just generally down for the moment/week/month. It's hard for me to find a positive motivator that makes me WANT to work out rather than thinking I have to work out because I'm disgusting.

    Just my thoughts.
  • When I think about giving up, I just remember that I HAVE to do this. Period. Losing a little more weight is something I have to do if I want to have a chance at getting a new set of lungs someday. It's a big requirement of lung transplant, being at a healthy weight. Because I want a future, I battle on.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    What keeps me moving forward is how far I have come. I pray that I keep in that direction, moving forward and not falling back.
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    No one is perfect. Most people have a hard time staying focused throughout their entire healthy lifestyle and making that complete transition. . So I ask my fellow MFP peeps what helps prevent you from breaking down? That one(several) thing(s) that aid you get back on the horse and ride it through?

    For me personally, it's just a constant reminder of how it used to be when I was at a heavier weight. Not being able to do things that I can now. Asking myself what is this all for.

    The time, effort, and money I've spent.. It's too late to back out now.. I've invested too much. And I just don't quit, even if I fail. I will die trying.
  • 'I want to lose 20lbs by Christmas' is my mantra. I set myself this challenge at the beginning of September, a reasonable plan at just over one pound per week.

    I made a Christmas card with twenty baubles on the front and the idea is to colour in as many baubles as possible. Then give the card to a friend who I have told about my plan. The thought of giving her a card with just a few coloured in baubles is keeping me on the straight and narrow.

    I have to have a plan, I've wanted to lose weight for years and it was only when the Doc said I think you should consider eating less, that I was galvanised into action in August.

    Don't make life hard for yourself, be kind to yourself. Have a back up plan, if you feel hungry, what are you going to snack on? Ensure you have that snack available. (Now I eat seven almonds as a snack rather than half a bag. )

    Have a plan.
  • I'm not quite sure. Usually I never get in a bad mental state. If I look at the bad side of things, it doesn't phaze me. But when I'm depressed, then I always tell myself the same thing, that life is a pointless venture because I'm going to die someday (basically losing the will to live when I get depressed.) Then I either stuff my face, or go to sleep, or both. That's happened a couple times to me so far, but everytime I wake up I'm right back on track, I don't know what's going on with me when this happens. My only conclusion is that it is what it is, depression, and not me talking. It's hard to not get depressed when I got the things going on I do right now though.
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I don't have much going for me. I've found that exercise keeps my mind at ease about my crummy life and bleak future.

    You have to have something that can relax you. After more than a year of effort exercise has become my relaxation and escape. Diet has become second nature.
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    'You won't always be at this weight. It's up to you to decide whether the scale goes up or down. Keep going & eventually you'll start losing & be healthier again.'

    Those are the exact words I think to myself. It helps when I've hit a plateau & feel like all this work isn't paying off. I also give myself this little pep talk when I'd rather sleep in than get up early for a workout. :smile:
  • 'I want to lose 20lbs by Christmas' is my mantra. I set myself this challenge at the beginning of September, a reasonable plan at just over one pound per week.

    I made a Christmas card with twenty baubles on the front and the idea is to colour in as many baubles as possible. Then give the card to a friend who I have told about my plan. The thought of giving her a card with just a few coloured in baubles is keeping me on the straight and narrow.

    I have to have a plan, I've wanted to lose weight for years and it was only when the Doc said I think you should consider eating less, that I was galvanised into action in August.

    Don't make life hard for yourself, be kind to yourself. Have a back up plan, if you feel hungry, what are you going to snack on? Ensure you have that snack available. (Now I eat seven almonds as a snack rather than half a bag. )

    Have a plan.

    I really like this idea of coloring in the cirles on the card. It is a "visual aid" that I can see every day to remind me of what I am doi through ng. I will make it today and hang mine in the bathroom. Thanks for a great idea.
    I'm just starting out and struggling through it day by day. I hope this will help to give me some motivation.

  • An update on my bauble card. It is inspirational to me. It is now looking colourful and I've even coloured in the top bits with a gold gel pen. I hadn't realised I would respond this way to a visual stimulus. Feeling very proud of myself, now I've put ten stars on it. I'll finish off the baubles with glitter nearer Christmas. Will it be 20 though?

    I am suggesting 20 eggs for an Easter card starting January. The thought of giving it to someone adds in the 'I will succeed factor.'

    My plan is working for me. What's yours?
  • I remind myself that its going to suck starting over again.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I look back at old pictures of myself.
  • freedomischaos
    freedomischaos Posts: 25 Member
    No one is perfect. Most people have a hard time staying focused throughout their entire healthy lifestyle and making that complete transition. . So I ask my fellow MFP peeps what helps prevent you from breaking down? That one(several) thing(s) that aid you get back on the horse and ride it through?

    Realize that I want to climb better and to climb better I'll need to lose a lot of this fat that I've gained over the last few years. I've already lost 37 pounds, started MPF after already losing 30 pounds but hadn't lost anymore and wanted to get a lower score of the scale game. I can already see the effects that the loss has had on me and can't wait until my muscles that trained at a much higher weight will react when I have much less to push up that god-damn rock.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I feel too good about myself now to start feeling ****ty again. I didnt feel like me anymore when I was 27lbs heavier and I dont want to feel that way again. Thats all I have to remember in instance like this morning when I wanted to stop and buy breakfast even though I made my own that I brought to work.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I think about all the things I could go eat.
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    SO many things...I have a size 20 pair of jeans hanging in my closet. My kids...I want to show them a healthy lifestyle.
    But most of all, I think about how happy I am now and how sad/depressed I was a year ago. My life has changed so much and I never, ever want to go back...that's what keeps me going. :-)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I force myself to take a longer view. Yeah, I may be discouraged and not seeing the progress I want to today, but if I stick with it, I WILL see results.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    Simple fact that I am not a quitter....might take me a bit longer but quitting on me is not something I believe in.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I think about this....

    And this....

    Remind myself of the changes....


    And move on!

    If you do this right youll get results.
    If you arent getting results then ask for help.
    Look for those on the forum whove had the best results.
    Look at the ticker and the join dates.
    Friend those people so you can gain insight on this stuff.
    Its not that difficult once you discover the sweet spot.
    Good Luck!
  • I have these issues quite often...always have and the reason I wasnt always successful in attempts to lose. But, I have come a good distance right now so, my pictures are my motivation.
    Last August...
    A year ago...
    And last weekend...
    Seeing this progress and KNOWING I have the ability to go this far, I KNOW I can keep going!! :-)

    Plus, I dont want my daughter to be as CLUELESS as I have been about health and FOOD. She may end up a FOODIE like me but, i want it to be GOOD food, not just JUNK!!!!