jessicapk Member


  • Seriously, the journal thing works! I've been through a few different versions but my favorite is a basic weekly planner where I plan my tasks AND my habits. Seeing them visually and taking a moment to reflect goes so far.
  • Inspiring story! I'm willing to bet that calorie count is pretty low, though. And now I'm wondering how many steps Forest Gump did on his running streak :p
  • Overall, I've never found it very beneficial but I did sign up for monthly check in's where I weigh, get my blood pressure checked, and just usually chit chat for a few minutes. I see a nurse practitioner and am normally not there much longer than 5 minutes but that 5 minutes can be truly motivating. Seeing the blood…
  • I love these! Plus, you can actually buy them in sets of 5 (one for each work day) and they fit a vegetable rich approximately 500-600 calorie lunch :smile:
  • Great start! Inverted rows or assisted pull ups (either band or machine) are also a great way to move up into a pull up. I've also heard that you can start at the high position and work on gaining the strength lower yourself as another effective exercise to get you closer. PS Hanging on the bar can be really good for…
  • Probably not a long enough trip to worry about. I weigh daily but don't carry my scale or use another if I'm out of town but I'm usually not gone much longer than a weekend anyway. Sucks, too, because my later wake ups on weekends are usually my lower weigh in's:smile:
  • Currently 5x5 (Stronglifts program) at 135lbs and ready to progress to 140lbs next workout. 5'1", 240lbs, 35 years old. Started with the empty bar.
  • YES!!! I have known quite a few myself in my younger days. I used to have very low self esteem in my teenage / young adult years but hell, the confidence I gained from those relationships really made a huge difference in how I felt about myself down the road. I know you're not supposed to put your self esteem in the hands…
  • Could you clarify on what you're trying to do? Do you need help losing weight after surgery, getting around, etc.?
  • So, this isn't a traditional post in that I'm far from looking as hot as you girls up here so far! However, for all those girls who want to wait til after they lose weight to start "toning," you're wasting your time! It's never too early to start and keep the muscle you have. My picture is my progress picture from my 6…
  • Go for the Dexa scan! I've been trying to find one in my area to help track progress since it's way more accurate than either scales or calipers.
  • A weekend treat for me! There is nothing better than a post run or post cycling nap :smile: Pure heaven.
  • If you are exercising or doing any sort of training, make sure you take that into account, too!
  • If you've been logging already, look at your past days and see what trends seem to work best for you. My diary is open and you're welcome to take a look to see how I split mine up.
  • For comparison, go to and enter your stats to get a rough estimate of your TDEE (daily calories burned). For every pound per week you want to lose, subtract 500 calories per day (or fractions, e.g. 250 / day for a half pound per week). For the most part, when I do…
  • I think I'm committed for life. And realistically, nobody bats an eye at it if you keep a checkbook register. Why is it such a strange notion for anyone to count the calories that go into their own body? Gaining a pound may not be as immediately obvious as an overdrawn account but which one contributes to mortality?
  • When fat is broken down due to a calorie deficit, it is expelled from the body as water, which you pee out or sweat out, etc. and carbon dioxide, which you breath out.
  • I came off mine at about 40 lbs gone and have monitored it ever since, with consistently great results. One of my friends on here was just removed from hers, as well. I'd suggest getting a nice monitor (about $30) and checking it first thing every morning or once a week. Increase exercise as your doctor permits and keep…
  • I second the Corn Nuts for a favorite snack! However, if I'm trying to be healthier, I am a big fan of cold cuts, either as sandwiches or just meat and cheese. I also like bags of vegetables like pickles, cherry tomatoes, etc. that are super low cal but bulky. We usually pack a cooler, even if it's only for a day trip, to…
  • Stronglifts 5x5 here! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning :) Still seriously weak in the upper body but my years of cycling helped my legs progress much faster. Currently working on a custom run/walk program (similar to C25K) with 5K's in the near future and triathlons in my sights. On week 7 of 15 now and already…
  • Losing weight is mostly done by diet. Quit making excuses for why you can't do it and look for solutions for every single reason. You don't have to exercise so maybe start with the goal of logging your calories for the first couple of weeks. Once you see some losses coming in, you'll feel more motivated and have more…
  • Yep, stress has done it to me before. I've skipped a month and also had 2 periods in a month due to major stress going on. I was concerned and talked to my gyn and she verified that was not necessarily perfectly normal but a normal response to stress. And buying a house is SERIOUSLY stressful! So don't be surprised if you…
  • I've got probably 100+ lbs to lose total and I'm working in 5lb goals at a time! It keeps my goals nice and close (less than 30 days) and it will really surprise you how quickly they add up when you are working hard to reach the next 5lbs instead of 50-60+ lbs away :smile: Some people can do without deadlines but I've…
  • I don't see it as any different from watching how much money goes into your checking account compared to how much goes back out... And I have become comfortable with the fact that I will likely log calories for the rest of my life if I want to maintain my weight, once I reach goal. But I'm fine with that. It's amazing how…
  • This is fascinating and I MUST try it!!! I love pickles, chicken, and Chick Fil A :smile:
  • I can only do inclined push ups and inverted rows right now but I'm working my way to push ups and pull ups. Goals are to be able to do 5 of each but I'm not setting a time frame on it. I'm just adding it to my regular Stronglifts 5x5 routine.
  • Daily and I use a trending weight from the Libra app, which I log weekly on MFP. It numbs you to the fluctuations so you don't focus on it as much. I forget some days what I weighed in that morning and I like it that way. It lets me focus more of my attention on fitness and nutrition and, in the meantime, my chart keeps…
  • I second this! If so, you might simply be eating too little. As far as cardio, if you're already doing all this manual labor, ditch it and work on your strength. But make sure you're eating enough at the same time. Your body needs fuel.