anikkim0915 Member


  • I am also a nursing student. Graduate in MAY!!!! I need some motivation to get my butt moving. I spend a lot of time studying and even more time not eating right. GOOD LUCK everyone!
  • Great job getting in all that walking! From what I can find, 2000 steps is about a mile. (thanks google:))
  • Good Monday morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have had company for a few days and have not been very good about watching what I am putting in my mouth:) My Tip of the day "It's a new day, move on!"
  • I was going to ask that too! I have had 2 c sections and i had a complete hysto where they had to cut through that same spot because I had horrible adhesions
  • GOOD MORNING ALL MY SHORTIE FRIENDS! I am already up and at them! I am getting ready for my first of 2 pole fitness classes today! I can not wait to rock it out! I stuck a move last night that I have been trying for 3 weeks to get! Mind you it is a "basic" move, however it made me feel so awesome that I could accomplish…
  • Nicely done! Keep up the great work!
  • these are awesome!!! Thanks for the laughs
  • GOOD MORNING!!!! I hope everyones day is off to a great start! I forgot my breakfast this morning:( but I have been downing my water to keep try and make it to lunch without diving into the Reese Cups (darn work candy jar) Tip of the day for me "Do some purposeful movement! Get off your Butt and do some thing!" Tonight I…
  • Had a strange day today! I didnt work today because I was visiting with my Sister in Law. Went to Applebees and had spinich and shrimp salad... 3 of them! UGG! But I logged it! And I feel really good about the fact that I wrote it down and moved on! Tip for the day for me "DRINK WATER! Drink 1/2 body weight in ounces of…
  • I have to say that I agree with you on this! I kept reading the books and when I finished I basically said "really besides the red room of pain, there was NOTHING about it that I can't do myself:blushing: "
  • That is an awesome workout! Keep it up!
  • HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!!! I hope everyone is off to a Great start this morning! I know I am feeling pretty stankin' good! Stepped on the scale... Down several pounds this morning! I try to not step on the scale often, but it never works. So I don't record it as a loss until I have had several days of decreasing #'s (I know, a…
  • My form of exercise today was cleaning... hard core cleaning! I do not count cleaning for exercise, but if I did, I bet I could count it as 400 calories burned. I hope everyone had a fabulous day!
  • I have a few fashion faux pas's that really push me over the edge! I HATE ripped jeans! Saggy baggy jeans where you have to hold the pants up so they dont end up at your ankles ANYTHING CAMO! (in any color) Scrubs on non medical people (I am in nursing school) BED HEAD! I really just want to go up and brush their hair for…
  • HAPPY TUESDAY LADIES!!! I went for a 4.5 mile walk last night, came home and was craving ice cream, (there was none to be had in the house) but ate fruit salad instead. It was so good! My tip for myself today is "make healthy food choices and log all of them" !
  • Good Morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good until yesterday! We went to a Cleveland Indians game. I did really well with the food until the car ride home (it is a 3 hour car ride) and we had to stop for dinner. We had McDonalds:( Ohh well... today is a new day! I have already logged my…
  • I got free panties from Victoria Secret (to bad they don't carry the size that actually fits my backside) and Fredricks of Hollywood. It was a very good panty day for me:)
  • GOOD MORNING! I hope everyone is off to a great start to their weekend! What does everyone have planned for today?? I am going to try and get some extra exercise by going for a walk (no place to go hiking within 2 hours of me he in Dayton Ohio). I am going to a Pole Dancing class at 10 too! I swear it is addicting! I had a…
  • [/quote] Ive been thinking about walking the dogs nightly after dinner. Do you have a preference of when to walk? [/quote] I like to walk in the evenings.I walk with my husband and we normally walk 3-4.5 miles a night unless I am doing my pole dancing class. I will say that the walking is very nice. It gives us time to…
  • I hope everyone is having a great day! I am feeling renewed and refreshed after an awesome workout last night! Going to go for a walk tonight when I get home from work. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • I have to say that I think that people think that marriage is something you can dispose of because so many of us have divorced parents. I got married at 21 and will be celebrating 11 years of marriage to a wonderful man. However my parents did not set a very good example for me with their marriage. They were divorced at 17…
  • I sit at my desk most of the day to.... I need to find some simple things I can do too... The only exercise I do will at my desk are Kegals :laugh:
  • I am 5'1" and 215. I would LOVE to join the group~ I recommited yesterday after putting on my jeans and feeling like they were offensivly tight! I already work out (pole classes) and now I am making this work!
  • I like some chest hair... NO SWEATERS ALLOWED!!!
  • I wil have to try this soon!
  • I did Shakeology with just water (mainly because I do not drink milk at all). It tasted fine, however I had a hard time getting past the graininess of it. Maybe it was b/c I was not mixing it up correctly or something.
  • I have recently found that Target is carrying a variety of dried fruits. Like, pineapples, mango, apples, banana, strawberries and preaches. Each bag contains 1 serving for 90 calories. I never eat the entire bag. I normall get 2 servings out of the bag:) They are a great snack for me when I am at school:)
  • Nikki 33 1. I find cake decorating relaxing and a stress relief, if you mess it up, just eat it:) 2. I am addicted to wedding planning! (I have been married for 10 years and had a very small wedding then) 3. I am leaving my well paying, laid back job to be a nurses aide 4. I am in college to be a Nurse and plan to be a…