

  • I feel for you all. I really do. Why are you eating things you don't like? If no one else has told you, let me tell you right now - treat yourself and switch that mutha up!! The only thing that I tried that physically made me ill and put me off coffee for a bit - Starbucks sugar free syrups. OMG that stuff is VILE!!!!!!! I…
  • You should eat. Breakfast, if not for anything else, provides your body with nutrients and energy you need to stay alert and functioning. Restricting or skipping meals is the quickest way to resort to being famished and making poor meal choices. Eating keeps you in control. So no, there's no difference in eating several…
  • 40! Such a hot age. You're reppin' it like a pro. I'm convinced that now a days people don't really age. We're like in a weird vampire age. It doesn't matter the age, you're hot you're hot. Know what I'm sayin'?
  • Zucchini might not be ideal for pad thai. But, I think in that case, it might be easier if you make the dish from scratch then have half a serving. You just shave off the zucchini with a vegetable peeler and it makes noodles. Check out my blog for my dinner from last night. Re: Cauliflower - YEAH I KNOW RIGHT! It's…
  • Well, personally I think you need to have =: ground almonds (you can use it to bread things with) agave nectar (it's a low GI sweetener that's all natural but without the horrible taste of stevia) Coconut sap sugar (low GI Sweetener, all natural, doesn't taste like *kitten* and it's a good substitute for brown sugar)…
  • Quinoa "oatmeal" Avocado Coconut flour (awesome for making biscuits, pancakes, etc) Agave Nectar (low GI/doesn't taste like *kitten*) Coconut Sugar (lower GI/doesn't taste like *kitten* even more so) Zucchini Pasta (check out my blog) Hummus Beans Veg How much carbs are you eating right now?
  • georgie_lou - you're gorgeous! You have a wicked face - great cheek bones. PS - person next in line, I'm the girl on the left in the pic. In the black leggings.
  • As a girl in recovery - when I was anorexic I aimed to eat no calories in the day. When you don't eat anything you lose 2.2lbs a day. Around family, I consumed only what I knew I could burn off. Negative caloric intake is the name of the game. If I went to the gym I consumed energy drink so I wouldn't pass out - that…
  • my trainer used to have me do 10-15 minute warm up on elliptical or treadmill then weights, then finish with a cool down of 10-15 on the elliptical or treadmill. It helped to keep my soreness to a minimum.
  • Falling_Star - I think you should be proud for what you've accomplished so far. Smart of you to reach out to find your edge, a lot of people would just give up when faced with the same challenge! Looking at your diary, it looks like you could tweak your breakfast to be more sustaining. Long story on how I know this, it's a…
  • I'm a n00b as well! First off, welcome!! :D Secondly, remove all negative reinforcement from your vocabulary. You didn't fall of the wagon, you fed your body what it craves. You'll soon learn how to listen to your body and respond. This site is really helpful, it's been 6 days for me and I really like it. Feel free to add…
  • gender inequality is a long standing issue that even permeates what men are allowed to use as their profile picture vs. what women are allowed. It's a cross we have to bare, let's not belittle it by tossing an assumption that women want to go naked or show off our bodies. If that is your understanding of what gender…
  • Yeah, it's not common outside of Naked News. But, it happens. Especially during gay pride. But during gay pride it's a no judgement space so you see a lot of bodies - which really is inherently beautiful. But, I don't think it really applies to this case because it's PRIDE! Love Pride in the city!! :D
  • How do you feel about smoothies? Do you have enough time in the morning to prepare? I have used Slim-Fast quite successfully as a meal replacement. I buy the dried version and mixed it up with unsweetened almond milk, banana and other good things. Then I throw it in a travel mug and head out into the world! I'm about to…
  • LOL What kind of post is this? Hey ladies, hot body contest!! Who wants to get on the trampoline first?!??? In Toronto it's legal for women to go topless if she so desires. Therefore Naked News is pretty much nude interviewing folks on streetcorners in the summer. With that being said, I even had Naked News on my show last…
  • Black. Full stop. I like the lace. Wear it with a sickening pair of heels, s'il vous plait! It'll create a great line. Have fun!
  • Hahahaha you're a sucker for a brunette, huh? You're my kind of people! @marthadztx - You're sweet! <3
  • I'll come in and do the two-fer. It looks like Zach got lots of love. Towel couldn't go any lower, Zach? haha scandelous! marthadztx = Your eyes! Bonus points for having SIC eyebrows! I appreciate the effort you put in. So jealous. SoVictoRRious = You have a great smile, but honestly, your cheek bones are amazing. Straight…
  • Nope. As hard as it is, positivity in others comes back ten fold. This ultimately will give you the support you need in order to make your goals. If your friends are taking that energy and not giving it back - walk on. Because they aren't your friend. Sometimes I slip, but I remind myself that I love my friends and I am…
  • Thanks! So far with one post, everyone's been so supportive! Now... how do I send friend requests here... hmmm.... m
  • For me, I really don't miss anything. I'm a bit of a whiz for making my fav foods at home. I'll eat some sweet in the a.m. so I don't crave it later, I eat balanced meals, again so I curb cravings. But, if after all of that I want an oreo, I'll have an oreo. There's no falling off the wagon, just adopting healthy habits…
  • I like poached fish in green tea. It sounds weird, but it's really tasty. I like it better with white fish. I also don't cook with measurements, but I'll do my best here! I use a large saute pan with deep sides. About four fillets of fish. 4 fillets of your favorite white fleshedfish. 1 of each zucchini and yellow…
  • I love smoothies! My go to breakfast is: Unsweetened Almond Milk Banana Activia plain yoghurt Half a scoop of chocolate meal replacement 1 Tbs peanut butter 1 tsp instant coffee Ground Flax A bit of unpasteurized honey with royal jelly or Agave Nectar if I need a little sweet. Ice if I want to add some water Smoothie #2…