ladies answer it :Naked ladies in public



  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Does being naked under my clothes count? Because if so, I'm going commando all the time.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think the same laws that apply to men should apply to women. I don't want to see anyone's special parts at Taco Bell. Be naked all you want at home.

    I just like that phrase 'special parts' haha!

    It feels like something Mister Rogers would say. "Some are fancy on the outside, some are fancy on the inside" is a quote from his song about the differences between boys and girls...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I went to buy gas the other day. A woman pulls up to the pump, get outs of her car totally naked!!! She looked amazing too! SO I go to the grocery store and turn down one of the aisles. I see this totally hot woman pushing a cart completely nude!!!

    Then all of a sudden I'm back in college giving a speech, completely naked!!! And then I woke up.

    OP, :::smack::: women don't walk around here public. WTF is wrong with you???

    OMG!!! I had that same dream ... and you were there!
    I have this dream about once a month
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member

    Are boobs REALLY special?

    Nah. Half the world has them, or even more if you count fat dudes.
    And everybody has nipples.
    No big deal.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    We need to work out wether men and women are equal in nudity or not?
    SHould the rules be equal to both gender?
    and Why you see fitness ladies competition late at night? why you keep your hot body hidden for children?
    Do you think your husband should be tough on the wa you cover your body?

    In the US we keep a special list of the people that don't keep their hot bodies from children. Are you on it???

    I think that we should just leave that out of my country lol. think i would be keeping my children indoors until they are old enough to make a choice if my son is going to see naked women, and my daughters are going to see naked men. no thanks. I am straight, but dont want to see men naked, let alone another woman. I will stick with my own hubby, and to the guy that originally posted this, for your comment about women and men being naked in front of children, you obviously dont have any of your own or you would never have to ask that. why on God's green earth would you want to expose your body to a child?!
    The question is: If getting naked is ok then why you keep it away from children? Don't you remmember, not many years ago yourself was a child like that. all of us were chidren, we only passed some years.
    and if It is not ok then why people do it?
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    personal preference... personally, I'm not getting naked. Nothing less than bikinis in public for me, lol.

    as do I.:smokin:
  • BlueGenius
    BlueGenius Posts: 103 Member
    I think the choice should be left to the individual. However, I personally don't think anyone should go out in public naked. I think modesty is a good thing.
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I can't believe there have been this many replies to this ridiculous question........are all of you really as bored as I am right now that we're all discussing this?

    I say no to the OP. Same reason I dislike a lot of the revealing club and beachwear, etc. rarely the ones who you would actually want to see wearing/not wearing the clothing who actually take advantage of it. Not trying to be mean........but common sense should tell you a lot of things.
  • msmarieann
    LOL What kind of post is this?

    Hey ladies, hot body contest!! Who wants to get on the trampoline first?!???

    In Toronto it's legal for women to go topless if she so desires. Therefore Naked News is pretty much nude interviewing folks on streetcorners in the summer. With that being said, I even had Naked News on my show last season. Lots of boobage.

    I think in a truly free and equal society taboos attributed to nudity are null. However, we don't live in such a society. We live in one where women are taught "Don't get raped" instead of guys being taught "Don't rape". Because of that, I think hot body competitions will be reserved for fitness and beauty pageants and other similar ticketed events.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    In my country (iran) women are not allowed to uncover themselves in public. that is a crime.
    Do you think it should be a global rule? are you ok if you see your husband or bf watching a beutiful naked lady on tv or club or ..?
    Even in mfp many of you hot ladies put your hot body photos.
    We cannot forget the facts that there are differences between men and women bodies when uncovered and the effects it has on the viewrs.
  • sheripoynter
    i think OP only started this topic for some w**k bank material...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    In my country (iran) women are not allowed to uncover themselves in public. that is a crime.
    Do you think it should be a global rule? are you ok if you see your husband or bf watching a beutiful naked lady on tv or club or ..?
    Even in mfp many of you hot ladies put your hot body photos.
    We cannot forget the facts that there are differences between men and women bodies when uncovered and the effects it has on the viewrs.

    I live in the United States. We are far more liberal than Iran. You still won't find women -- or men -- walking around naked in public.

    But, no, I don't think there should be a global law that women have to conform to strict Islamic dress codes. From what I understand, there are a lot of people in Iran who don't think that should be a law there, either.

    I don't think there should be "global laws" at all.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    In Toronto it's legal for women to go topless if she so desires. Therefore Naked News is pretty much nude interviewing folks on streetcorners in the summer. With that being said, I even had Naked News on my show last season. Lots of boobage.

    It's legal in NYS, too, but all the years I lived there, I never saw anyone do it.
  • msmarieann
    In Toronto it's legal for women to go topless if she so desires. Therefore Naked News is pretty much nude interviewing folks on streetcorners in the summer. With that being said, I even had Naked News on my show last season. Lots of boobage.

    It's legal in NYS, too, but all the years I lived there, I never saw anyone do it.

    Yeah, it's not common outside of Naked News. But, it happens. Especially during gay pride. But during gay pride it's a no judgement space so you see a lot of bodies - which really is inherently beautiful. But, I don't think it really applies to this case because it's PRIDE! Love Pride in the city!! :D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    In Toronto it's legal for women to go topless if she so desires. Therefore Naked News is pretty much nude interviewing folks on streetcorners in the summer. With that being said, I even had Naked News on my show last season. Lots of boobage.

    It's legal in NYS, too, but all the years I lived there, I never saw anyone do it.

    Yeah, it's not common outside of Naked News. But, it happens. Especially during gay pride. But during gay pride it's a no judgement space so you see a lot of bodies - which really is inherently beautiful. But, I don't think it really applies to this case because it's PRIDE! Love Pride in the city!! :D

    I think there was an event every year in Buffalo and possibly one in NYC where women would get together and take off their shirts, but that was about it. I don't think a lot of people even know it's legal there. It's basically legal for a woman to go topless anywhere a man is allowed to go topless.

    Personally, I wouldn't ever do it, but if a woman is so inclined, more power to her! lol
  • msmarieann
    gender inequality is a long standing issue that even permeates what men are allowed to use as their profile picture vs. what women are allowed.

    It's a cross we have to bare, let's not belittle it by tossing an assumption that women want to go naked or show off our bodies. If that is your understanding of what gender equality is, then you have put it through a masculine lens.
    In my country (iran) women are not allowed to uncover themselves in public. that is a crime.
    Do you think it should be a global rule? are you ok if you see your husband or bf watching a beutiful naked lady on tv or club or ..?
    Even in mfp many of you hot ladies put your hot body photos.
    We cannot forget the facts that there are differences between men and women bodies when uncovered and the effects it has on the viewrs.

    Okay. Let's get into this.

    First off, the rules surrounding what women can and cannot wear are imposed upon by a ruling patriarchy and one that does not believe in the separation of church and state. It is not a woman's choice. In that case I don't agree that it is just. If we, as human beings, were created with the power of free will then we deny the act of free will to others because of gender, race or sexuality.

    In all, no, I don't believe these rules should be global. To create an asymmetrical opportunity for violence and greater penalties for being female and wearing what we fancy. No.

    To a female, the concept of gender equality isn't one that is asexual, but one where men can accept us for who we are instead of attempting to exploit us as a mechanism for control.

    Do I think the world needs to subscribe to the same moral code of conduct - no. Cultural differences are just that.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    In my country (iran) women are not allowed to uncover themselves in public. that is a crime.
    Do you think it should be a global rule? are you ok if you see your husband or bf watching a beutiful naked lady on tv or club or ..?
    Even in mfp many of you hot ladies put your hot body photos.
    We cannot forget the facts that there are differences between men and women bodies when uncovered and the effects it has on the viewrs.

    What the fugg are you talking about!?! We don't run around naked here even when it is allowed (except under unusual circumstances)!

    But we don't hide our bodies - male OR female under a pile of cloth. If that's how you like it, then stay there.

    I've seen both male and female bodybuilding and fitness competitions on during the day as well as night.

    You are making no sense.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    listen being naked can be reffered to completely naked or you my reffer to a photo of celepbrity in playboy magazine with some revealing.
    There are some sensitivity for some women who really don't like seeing their male partner noticing another female body. the morallity behind it can be true or false as a jealous behavouir.
    some of you may really don't like to leave you husband in a srtip club alone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    listen being naked can be reffered to completely naked or you my reffer to a photo of celepbrity in playboy magazine with some revealing.
    There are some sensitivity for some women who really don't like seeing their male partner noticing another female body. the morallity behind it can be true or false as a jealous behavouir.
    some of you may really don't like to leave you husband in a srtip club alone.

    If a woman is so insecure that she can't trust the man in her life not to jump on every attractive woman who crosses his path, then she needs therapy, not a relationship.

    Naked has a very specific definition. It means that someone is not wearing any clothing. At all. I don't know any place in the world (outside nudist colonies or nude beaches) where anyone walks around naked unless that person is drunk, drugged or mentally ill.

    Not wearing a chador or veil or burqa does not equal being naked. If I wanted to live under strict Islamic law, I would move to an Islamic country where those are the laws. I don't. Many of the women who LIVE in those countries don't want to live under those rules. It's not OK. It should always be a woman's choice.

    And a sttrip club is not "public" and if a woman has an issue with her husband going to one, that is between that woman and her husband. It's no one else's business.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    listen being naked can be reffered to completely naked or you my reffer to a photo of celepbrity in playboy magazine with some revealing.
    There are some sensitivity for some women who really don't like seeing their male partner noticing another female body. the morallity behind it can be true or false as a jealous behavouir.
    some of you may really don't like to leave you husband in a srtip club alone.

    If a woman is so insecure that she can't trust the man in her life not to jump on every attractive woman who crosses his path, then she needs therapy, not a relationship.

    Naked has a very specific definition. It means that someone is not wearing any clothing. At all. I don't know any place in the world (outside nudist colonies or nude beaches) where anyone walks around naked unless that person is drunk, drugged or mentally ill.

    Not wearing a chador or veil or burqa does not equal being naked. If I wanted to live under strict Islamic law, I would move to an Islamic country where those are the laws. I don't. Many of the women who LIVE in those countries don't want to live under those rules. It's not OK. It should always be a woman's choice.

    And a sttrip club is not "public" and if a woman has an issue with her husband going to one, that is between that woman and her husband. It's no one else's business.
    I am absolutely amazed by your information about iran or islamic culture. and to some extent you explanation is satisfying me.
    but let me tell you one thing, even those women in islamic countries who think against the rules of dressing when they see their husband in less covered and more free situation with other women like parties, I can feel there is a kind of anxiety or unpleasantness with the situation in their beaviour. although they might not expose these feelings.
    I mean women like to show off their bodyies but when they see their partner might pay attention to someone else body they fell differently.
    This is hard to explain, they like to expose their bodies but at the same time women behave in a way that they don't like to be at the center of other men's attention. This I think can be a reason that women are real secrets.