
So I already know how important breakfast is, but I just find it incredibly challenging to eat early in the morning. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I just picked up some Carnation Breakfast Essentials to drink in the morning, because I figured it would be easier to down a chocolaty drink that seems like it's reasonably healthy than to attempt to eat a meal. So my question is, if it's actually good for you? Can you recommend any other meal replacement shakes that may be better than this one? The overwhelming large amount of sugar is what has me a little bit weary. I just want to know if this is going to end up being more of a curse than a blessing. I officially started dieting & exercising just about a month ago, and I've lost 7 lbs already! I don't want to take a chance that might ruin all my work!

Please help!


  • msmarieann
    How do you feel about smoothies? Do you have enough time in the morning to prepare? I have used Slim-Fast quite successfully as a meal replacement. I buy the dried version and mixed it up with unsweetened almond milk, banana and other good things. Then I throw it in a travel mug and head out into the world!

    I'm about to head to bed, but tomorrow I can post my fav smoothie recipes for you if you like on my blog.

  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I also have a hard time eating in the morning. It's a mix of my stomach just not wanting solid food, and not having enough time to make something.

    I love ! All the flavors are good, and not in a 'good for a meal replacement' good-- I love them! they have the lowest sugar of any of the meal replacement shakes I've tried, and it gives a ton of protein, so it's a lot easier to get enough of it.

    I also drink Isagenix shakes, but I'm not as big of a fan of them (especially since they're really expensive)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    There are a lot of people who will tell you it doesn't matter if you don't eat breakfast.

    Personally, I start the day with a coffee with cream and sugar. That's enough to get me going. Once my kids have gone to school I usually do my workout and then eat a real breakfast after. Sometimes my first real meal isn't until 10am. I think I'm pretty healthy with a decent metabolism. I'm losing weight eating 2000-2100 calories/day.

    If you can't stomach breakfast, don't force yourself.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Unless it's the sugar free kind, Carnation has a ton of sugar in it. You'd be better off having a protein shake. I can't eat in the mornings, so I use the Whey Protein in Extreme Milk Chocolate with 1% milk. High in protein and tastes just like chocolate milk.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    So I already know how important breakfast is, but I just find it incredibly challenging to eat early in the morning. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I just picked up some Carnation Breakfast Essentials to drink in the morning, because I figured it would be easier to down a chocolaty drink that seems like it's reasonably healthy than to attempt to eat a meal. So my question is, if it's actually good for you? Can you recommend any other meal replacement shakes that may be better than this one? The overwhelming large amount of sugar is what has me a little bit weary. I just want to know if this is going to end up being more of a curse than a blessing. I officially started dieting & exercising just about a month ago, and I've lost 7 lbs already! I don't want to take a chance that might ruin all my work!

    Please help!

    Actually it seems silly to eat breakfast if you are not hungry. That is how we got fat in the first place, eating when we didn't need to eat. Eating when we felt pressure from others to eat.

    I just read this procedure from Rusty Moore on Fitness Black Book that says that heading to the gym fasted and skipping breakfast is the best way for your body to internally create HGH which gives you many health benefits including helping you lose weight and become stronger. So I tried it recently. I wrote about the experiment here -->

    Anyway, now that I've lost 60 lbs and gone from being obese to super lean and fit at age 50 and maintained for over a year and now at almost 52, I will never again let anyone pressure me when to eat or what to eat. I decide. I own my body. I will skip what ever meal I want, eat when I want, or not eat when I want. I'm not paleo but they have something right about understanding we were designed to eat and not eat since we were hunter gatherers. Modern health has many myths.
  • mgardiner288
    mgardiner288 Posts: 10 Member
    I can't eat first thing in the morning either, but i found it much easier to bring something to work to eat with my coffee once i arrived. I found fibre 1 bars very helpful, or just a tupperware of fruit. Also weight watchers makes some pretty good breakfast sandwiches or quesadillas that are very filling.

    Just a few ideas.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I personally eat breakfast, I find if I dont I am running to the snack machine at 10am and eating rubbish. It works for me and I eat just before I rush out of the door. Its not a meal I enjoy but I eat it for the reasons above.

    Your calories are like a bank balance and you get to spend them how you wish and when you wish. I know there are arguments for and against eating breakfast, on how it is supposed to kick start your metabolism etc, but what works for one wont necessarily work for another, as our lifesytles are all different and you need to do what you feel is right for you. If you dont feel like it dont do it?
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I have a hard time with it too. I'm working on it. Greek yogurt helps. I also buy disposable spoons so I can take it with me out of the house when I'm in a rush. Greek yogurt is twice as high in protein than regular yogurt and the Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt is the lowest calorie GREEK yogurt on the market that that I've found with fruit. At 80 calories for a 5.3oz serving, its lower in cals than many of the plain flavor of other brands. I often have it with a fiber one bar. They range from about 90 cals to 140 but they taste good and have lots of fiber (yum try the oats and chocolate one!). For about 200 calories for both that's a fast brekky that keeps me full for a while and requires zero prep time.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I don't eat breakfast and feel great. I save all my calories for when I am actually hungry in the evening. Works for me. :)