

  • Juniors sizes I think are considerably smaller than women's now due to sizing changes affecting women's sizing more than juniors's sizing. For instance, not only is the average American overweight, but even the average 20-something American woman now has a BMI above 25 - and younger people are on average smaller/less…
  • 50 is not actually late for menopause - the average American woman hits it in the early 50s. The normal range is 40-60.
  • 114 lbs, 5'4, and I wear a size 5, sometimes 3, sometimes a baggy 4, sometimes a thrift store 6(because older clothes tend to have smaller sizing) - but I don't have a 27" in's just over 24". Sizes vary tremendously...I have a 4 that I can barely wear anymore because it's so baggy it falls to my hips, but it's…
  • If you asked for advice on weight loss, they would advise you to NOT LOSE. Please do not, as reaching your goal weight would make you underweight. 169 cm - over 5'6 Edited to say - anyone who is using a cm to feet converter and seeing 5.54, remember .54 is over a half a foot, ie over 6 inches, so she is over 5'6, not 5'5.…
  • I'll go ahead and answer this...have been reading mfp boards for awhile, and this is actually a very frequent comment, that "toning" is a myth...Generally people say it's a myth because you can't spot reduce fat - the visibility of muscle depends on body fat percentage being low enough to see it more than anything else. So…
  • Is there anything you feel(stress, anxiety) at the time you binge? Does it happen when you are procrastinating doing something you are nervous about? Whatever it is you feel, you could try to face the feeling - if nervous, get whatever it is you need to do out of the way. If stressed or feeling guilty or negative about…
  • Try to get a job you enjoy! Having one that requires you to be constantly social if that contributes to your anxiety is not necessarily your best choice. A custodial job might be a good place to start, if you're looking for low stress/lightly active, entry level. If you work in a laundromat, you'd probably be the only…
  • I see from your profile that you only have 2.5 lbs to lose - so you are mostly likely not overweight, but at a low weight trying to go lower. And you are clearly fit and clearly very active. Active 5 days/ don't say for how long, but perhaps you are burning 500 calories a day? I can do that on an elliptical trainer…
  • I always gain water weight during TOM, and usually lose it all at once after...It's normal...Don't do your weigh in until after - you aren't gaining fat - or even if you've been overeating, the vast majority of the gain the scale shows will be water, so gauge the gain from weighing yourself after it's been over for a day…
  • Women gain body fat % as part of puberty...and men gain muscle mass...and both things lead to a healthy bmi being higher in adulthood.
  • That is true...which is why it can be better to think of things in terms of fitness rather than weight. In the US most adults are overweight - 2/3s of adults - and most are also not fit. And we've grown to adulthood forming the habits that made us gain weight. If we lose it rapidly, and also lose muscle, and then gain it…
  • 5'4 115 lbs Goal weight - maintenance/muscle gain Calories - 1800-2100 a day, because I do a lot of exercise. I have lost muscle strength and felt worse eating less.
  • There is a style going on, in junior's sizes especially, that the jeans are "hipsters" - they fit below the waist, they hug your legs tightly at the thigh and top of the calf, and they flare out at the ankle. They definitely feel tighter than standard pants putting them on - you have to kind of tug to get them up - but…
  • I am 5'4 and reached/passed 125 when I lost weight in 2009...I actually was only actively dieting until I reached 128 - at that point I was on maintenance, but continued to lose slowly over the course of several months. The less body fat you have, the more your body will try to hold onto it. At 135, you are no longer…
  • I don't think this is true. The desire to eat something can have many causes besides hunger - it may be a favorite food, that you would eat whether you are hungry or not! You may be happy, sad, bored, or influenced by a social occasion. Hunger doesn't cause people to overeat. But the heavier you are, the more calories it…
  • Why would you be either in a state of weight loss or weight gain, without anything in between? Why would you run a calorie deficit when you are maintaining your weight? 2000 calories a day...moderate exercise...a normal lifestyle. That's what you can have after you lose or at any point! If you get weary of a deficit, you…
  • Take it something nice for yourself. You can maintain your current weight for awhile if you want - no harm done, you'll give yourself a little break from the deficit while still being careful not to eat an amount where you would regain any of what you already worked so hard to lose. If the gym doesn't make you…
  • Yay! Bad experience when not eating them back - loss of muscle, loss of endurance, didn't feel well.
  • It can be easier to suppress hunger when exercising. I fell into a trap briefly of exercising off 700 calories a day while only eating 1200. I was NOT losing weight fast, but I was getting weaker fast. I noticed myself not having strength and having what seemed like a rapid loss of strength in my lifting workouts. And that…
  • 90% of the time the bad cases are when I am sleep deprived. Getting a good night's sleep does wonders. I can be crying frantically, go to sleep, and wake up pretty much ok.
  • Berry - good for you for getting back up and jogging again(with the precautions) after that injury. You are right about picking my foot up and the length of the shoe being a factor - my left foot is shorter than my right, so there is more shoe than foot there. Before today it had been awhile since I had a sidewalk fall -…
  • I understand...have felt the same way many days. Just remember your best days and your best moods and know that you will reach that better mood again if you sleep on it...And if it gets worse and you have a chance, you could see a dr. to see if it could be clinical depression.
  • Glad for you! More strength=more you can do without getting tired plus higher metabolism. Always a plus!
  • You are losing though - 23 lbs in 3 months is not bad at all! Lifting weights will help you maintain your muscle mass and prevent you from being "skinny fat" after you lose the weight. But eating at an extreme deficit over time may stall your weight loss. Try lowering the deficit to lose 1 lb per week or .5 lbs per week or…
  • 25" waist, 34" hips, ratio .77
  • I lost 44 lbs in 2009 and kept it off almost entirely(I'm 5'4 and went from 158 to 114). As of this summer, I had regained a few to 121. I have lost it again and am down at 115; I am not really concerned with going lower this point, but am trying to get stronger. I never liked or tried a low carb diet, and when I lost in…
  • Try Kay's Naturals Protein chips-120 cals in a 34 g bag. They last awhile and are filling. This is for the Chili nacho cheese flavor-12g protein; 4 g fiber; 2.5 g fat; 15 g carbs; gluten free. I get them at Giant.
  • Chobani is my favorite! No plain variety of any brand will taste sweet-but you may have been expecting vanilla? The one brand I cannot eat is muller-looks great on the packaging but the taste is like sweetened mayonaisse. I bought it but threw it away.
  • ***Mini-rant*** My father went on dialysis in 2008, when he was almost 58 and I was almost 28....I had volunteered to be a donor if he qualified for a transplant, which it turns out he may not, due to other conditions. At the time my dad started thinking about a transplant and going through that process, I had already…
  • I'm 32, never married, and no kids...but maybe someday. I've got family members who got pregnant near/after 40, with healthy kids, so I like to think I have more time.