

  • I did! :blushing: LOL. So I am going home tonight and taking the batteries out. Then I am going to give it to my husband to hide. It didn't tell me anything positive anyways, but when I exercised today I felt a tremendous improvement. It just renewed my determination.
  • I started out at 307 (5'9"). I actually conceived on Clomid with an IUI the first time and I was 277. I lost the pregnancy at 7 1/2 weeks. This was before I started losing weight. Then my weight ballooned up to 307. In March of the following year I started losing weight. I got down to 255 lbs. I was tracking ovulation…
  • I also use Fage, but Costco has a Kirkland brank non-fat greek yogurt with only 10 more calories. I also add frozen fruit to mine...adding a little vanilla extract and cinnamon is good too. I have added walnuts as well, but that adds a lot of calories. I eat 1 cup yogurt with 1/2 cup wild blueberries for less than 200…
  • We tried for 5 years and didn't use protection most of the time we have been together (just the good ol' POM) for over 10 years. I had a miscarriage in 2010 after our first IUI. It was my first time on Clomid and he gave me a really high dose to increase our chances because we also had male factor infertility as well as my…
  • I love music and I used to listen to my IPOD when I would do cardio at the gym. I generally just had it on shuffle. Now that I have a gym-grade Stairmaster in my home I usually catch up on my shows on Hulu or Netflix. While I also like ska and punk I actually would choose dance or pop for working out and then folk for my…
  • I'm Rochelle. I'm a 35 year old first time mom to a 10 month old and I work full-time. He is our golden boy because he was conceived after 5 years of trying and will likely be an only child. I was losing weight when I found out I was pregnant. I have a long ways to go. I have been overweight most of my adult life. I was 10…
  • My favorite is: Progress not perfection. It always helps to remind me that even if I make a decision that leads me astray I should keep moving forward. Every little baby step counts. Recently this one resonates with me: Discipline is just choosing between want you want NOW and what you what MOST.
  • I love sandwiches, but try to eat moderate carb. This week I am having a sandwich thin (I prefer Orowheat) and low sodium good quality ham. I take half a medium avocado and smother it on both sides instead of using condiments. For breakfast I had non-fat greek yogurt with defrosted wild organic blueberries and nitrite free…
  • Today is day one of my squat challenge which I will do while chasing the kiddo around this evening. I have to do 50 of those (yikes). It's also my cardio day so I started out with 30 minutes on the Stairmaster at 5 am and will take a 20 minute walk during my lunch break. I'm pretty pumped about my workout this morning…
  • Hi everyone! I am Rochelle. I'm 35 and currently in Texas. I had my first and likely only child 10 months ago and I am trying to lose the baby weight plus the adult weight. :laugh: I have been overweight most of my life with the exception of my teens and early 20's when I managed to keep it off for about 10 years. It all…
  • Name: Rochelle Age: 35 Height: 5'9" SW: 297.4 CW: 287.6 Neck: 16.5 Chest: 42.5 Waist: 41.75 Hips: 52.25 Thigh: 30 Calf: 19.5 I was about 255 and losing steadily when I got pregnant. Now 10 months post partum I am trying to get back down and keep going. My immediate goal is to lose 2 lbs a week until our vacation at the end…
  • CW: 287.6 Neck: 16.5 Chest: 42.5 Waist: 41.75 Hips: 52.25 Thigh: 30 Calf: 19.5 I don't measure my arms. Too inaccurate. I hate these numbers, but that's even more motivation. I am starting calisthenics three days a week in addition to my cardio and doing a squat challenge for 30 days. Big month! Hoping for tiny numbers.…
  • This is exactly what I needed right now. I have been working pretty hard and not seeing much difference on the scale. This will help motivate me to kick the scale to the curb for the month. I will post my measurments this evening or tomorrow.