

  • i usually weigh in on monday... it was completely by accident that it happened that way, oct 1 when i started MFP just happened to be on a monday. i've found that it really helps start the week's mind-frame and keeps me accountable over the weekend. besides, a bad # doesn't ruin my friday vibe :laugh:
  • HAHAHA "waist my time". that's funny! i went to a nutritionist (because i was trying to get pregnant, losing weight was just a side bar) and she helped me put together quality foods that my body needs. i'm allergic to some nuts and most seeds, so she helped me work around that. i have serious hormonal issues, so there are…
  • THIS. i find that trying to stick to 1200-1300 calories forces me to put a lot of vegetables into my day that i wouldn't normally do if i was just eating whatever i want. if i'm hungry, it's because i blew my cals on something empty and dumb and next time i think twice about it. it's about increasing quality of cals, not…
  • my mom had my ears pierced for cultural reasons when i was too young to know what was going on. No, they do not close when you get something pierced that young and grow up with earrings in them. I'm 30 and I can leave them for YEARS at a time - they will never close. I didn't so much have a problem with the piercing of the…
  • bikram is fabulous... try it - you'll either love it or hate it. as for what to wear: as little as possible, you will be laying in a puddle by the time you're done. any kind of hot yoga is awesome for losing weight if you push yourself - i was doing hot yoga 5 days a week from october-december and lost 50lbs. no one…
  • i got this one: for $20... it's digital, has a "tare" function, and you can switch between metric/imperial... it's been all i've needed so far.
  • hot yoga is awesome for losing weight, as is any sort of power yoga where you're working hard to build strength. because you're using your own body weight for strength moves, you can progress at your own pace. hot yoga was my major activity over the last 3 months / 50 lbs.
  • i'm 30 and i'm sure i left my horribly teenaged phase... at least a couple of years ago :wink: generally i think they grow out of it when they start to do things on their own, for themselves. they get some control over their own lives and stop feeling like you're out to ruin them. of course, my brother is 27 and hasn't…
  • now it's QUADS! :happy:
  • TRIPLETS! 1982
  • i cook mine in a toaster oven... but it pretty much takes all night :/
  • yoga has been my main exercise for the last 3 months. core, arms, shoulders, and LEGS... i couldn't believe the change in my legs! it also helps you to maintain flexibility while building the muscles.
  • are you guys all seriously talking about 50mL of ice cream? that's like 1/5 of a cup! if 1/5 of a cup of ice cream is going to blow your entire diet...
  • Sept 3: 337 lbs Oct 1 (started MFP): 327 lbs (-10 lbs) Nov 19 (7 weeks): 295 lbs (-42 lbs) Dec 3 (9 weeks): 284 lbs (-53 lbs) just counting calories, daily hot yoga (for strength) during the week and cardio on weekends.
  • i don't have OCD, but my hubby does. i never knew how hard it was to live with OCD until i started living with him, and apparently his is much milder than when it was first diagnosed. he also has severe anxiety... his mostly revolves around safety - checking locks, checking taps, checking the stove / oven. he relies on me…
  • i'm far too distracted by the wings and glitter to notice the girls... i record it every year.
  • are you taking any medications to help with the PCOS? typically if you don't need to lose weight, there's not a lot the dr can prescribe except exercise and specialized diet - if you don't already have a diet like that then you really need to see someone about that - a dr, a nutritionist, a dietician. the combination of…
  • sorry, i don't have any help, but have you seen GSP's legs? AMAZING! but very huge. i seriously doubt he can wear normal clothes...
  • i seem to remember reading that a cold sweat right after working out had something to do with the thyroid... i'd get it checked by a dr.
  • people react differently to different hormones depending on the make up of your own body. for some people progesterone causes them to gain weight, other people it causes them to lose weight - the same thing with estrogen. you can't say hormones don't affect your metabolism when your metabolism is controlled by nothing more…
  • My dad had non-hodgkins lymphoma and I've never seen him drink a diet soda in my entire life. I say "had" because he's been in full remission since they removed his spleen and they don't expect him to come out of remission now. Completely aside from the aspertame debate, I really hope you don't tell him these things to his…
  • I have 5. more than 5 years ago - a rose, sweet peas (for my grandmother and grandfather) 3 octobers ago - a lotus with rainbow (for my friend that passed away who had a tattoo in the same spot) Last october - tinkerbell (for becoming a professional engineer - tinkers are engineers too) This october - ariel (because yet…
  • I'm 5'7" and my highest weight was 337 lbs... I'm basically looking to halve that, so about 168 lbs. I have no idea if I'll make it there ;-) I have an XL frame (seriously. I measured. My wrists are almost as wide as my hands, when I was a teenager they couldn't put a wristband on me that I couldn't get off because when I…
  • she talks all about it in her metabolism book. read it.
  • i find that when i order from that the difference in price more than makes up for the cost of shipping.
  • if you've reduced your diet, there might be something in it that you're especially sensitive to... try writing down what time you're getting them and relate them back to your food log. also, since i've started eating a specific calorie diet i find that i go from "fine" to "I MUST EAT NOW" really fast, and my husband can…
  • i think there are a lot of reasons to eat seasonally, including variety, supporting local business, and reducing carbon footprints (all assuming that you're eating in your local season, which it sounds like you are). i see you're in toronto, i'm in calgary. i find it really easy to eat seasonally in the spring, summer, and…
  • i've never had an iud, but i've been in fertility treatments for years now, including progesterone treatments which is the active hormone in your iud. once the offending hormone is removed, you should start to see the difference almost right away.
  • find a store that sells them and go try them on... they all feel different so just try them on and walk around in them, jump around in them, do whatever you would do with them on and see how they feel. i tried on every different style they had in the store i went to, and the ones i got were the only ones that didn't feel…