Ok...We've got three people....who's gonna make it four?
Hi there...good luck and success!
Any more takers....let's have some fun!!
I'm in.... :)
Always willing to add positive friends to support our healthy journey
Hello....congratulations on your first step....I've found out it's all about making your future a new lifestyle of proper nutrition and exercise. A new LIFESTYLE. There is good support on this website. We are all on a journey.
It's pretty good. I don't have digestion problems with it, as opposed to 2% milk
Hi, support is great for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The best goals are ones based upon sounds principles -- healthy nutrition and moderate exercise can get you there.
Welcome, Moderate exercise + good nutrition = success! = a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Fads are failure. Don't get overly hungry and don't eat late at night. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner with some small snacks. Keep yourself busy with other tasks, don't watch the clock. Good luck!
Way to go....if only everyone could capture and maintain that feeling that you have right now and use it during the journey.
I have tried "gimmicky" diet plans too, and have finally realized that a lifestyle change is what will work for the long term. Set moderate goals for weight loss through common sense nutrition and exercise.
Yes, it's a good alternative. I like the soccer "balance" challenge
Hi, Good job on not smoking...keep the streak alive! As far as alternatives, you can find a mall or store close to you that you can walk in during cold weather. Also, I have a Wii fit, and that is a fun way to change up your routine.
There is some truth to that, but maybe a better version is "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels"
Hello, I just joined a week ago. I would suggest starting to record your food and exercise in the diary. Also, there is a strong community on here, so make friends!
Hi Ladies, I just wanted to give all of you tall ladies a vote of support! I think you are the right height, and everyone else it too short ;) Good luck on your routines...feel free to add me as a friend if you need some encouragement. I just started using the website about a week ago, and am excited. :)
Sending good thoughts your way! Keep going!
Jessica, Good luck and keep going! The best successes are based upon sound nutrition and physical activity and moderate weight-loss over time. I have a lot to lose also. It takes time, so we all have to be patient. Doug
Thanks for the encouragement. The thing that get's me sometimes is the depth of the hole I have dug for myself. I have to have patience to see this process through. I figure if it took me 12 years to gain, I should at least give myself 1 year or 2 to lose!