I'm new.

Hi everyone. I'm Jessica. I need to lose about 130 pounds. I have lost 17 so far. I have been low carb dieting but I am switching because I do not like the way it makes me feel. I am going to do a vegan type diet. Like the one on The Dr. Oz show. Its something I have always thought fit my personality but never had the guts to try. I am running out of time. The longer I sit in my fatness the fatter I will get and the more medical condition I will get. I plan on changing my life style drastically. I have three kids and I need to be there for them and be able to do things with them. My biggest fear is that something bad will happen to me, that was preventable, and my kids have no mother. I already have a tough time as it is to keep up with my toddlers. But I am optimistic that I will do it this time. If anyone needs a buddy or friend I am so open and hope you will be.

God Bless!


  • Phatdaddymike
    congratulations on your move to lose the weight!!!! this is a great place to log your cals and keep you on track!!! good luck
  • jessicajoy87
    Thanks Mike. I know I can do this!
    DARTHDOUGY Posts: 53 Member

    Good luck and keep going! The best successes are based upon sound nutrition and physical activity and moderate weight-loss over time. I have a lot to lose also. It takes time, so we all have to be patient.
