Well hello there! :)

Hello everyone! I've been using this site off and on for approximately 2 years now. I tend to really utilize the site for a couple of weeks before I simply become too busy for it. But, as I continue to gain...and gain...and gain, I've decided that it's time to take control! Another hurdle I am facing right now is that I am 5 days into NOT SMOKING! Yay ME...I know! But, the consumption of food has increased significantly in such a short time. I have been trying to keep myself busy to keep my mind off the nicotine, but also to keep my mind off the candy dish at work! :) So far I have not been doing so well, so I've decided to start keeping track of exactly what I'm putting in my body (just because it's a miniature Snickers doesn't mean I can eat 5...in one sitting...many times a day)! In this instance alone I think it will be beneficial to see exactly how many calories I'm consuming versus how many calories I'm burning.

So, any helpful tips and support is greatly appreciated! One question in particular - does anyone have any good workout tips for when the weather starts turning cold? I love to take my dog for walks, but with the weather turning I am less motivated than ever! Really, outside activities are my preference, but I need to find something else that I like, in order to keep motivated, that I can do indoors.

Good luck to everyone in their weight loss endeavors!


    DARTHDOUGY Posts: 53 Member

    Good job on not smoking...keep the streak alive!

    As far as alternatives, you can find a mall or store close to you that you can walk in during cold weather. Also, I have a Wii fit, and that is a fun way to change up your routine.