

  • I defiantly agree with what your saying. I have to admit I use to be one of those people that would only eat 1200 calories and it became impossible to ever be full which then i had to go workout even more to be able to eat one extra cup of cereal or whatever it was. With doing this I was starving my body and I stoped using…
  • Awesome job!!Keep it up!!
  • A girl at work told me about this last week. Sounds pretty disgusting if you ask me.
  • Ya I have actually had it before it is pretty good!! I just was persuaded to eat the bad stuff which is a weakness of mine, but I'm doing great so far today so I'm happy about that. How many calories do you eat a day?
  • Hey Ladies!! How is everyone doing today??Well I started today off great went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes burned 400 calories!! Yesterday I didn't do so great went out to the mall with my pregnant sister and friend lol so they kept tempting me and I was exhausted from all the walking and starving and…
  • Yes I agree Alicia we need to make it over the 500 post. Tonight I started snacking got carried away, but stayed under my calories. I'm constantly moving at work and by the end of the night I'm starving. Well tomorrow I have a really busy day and I do not want to be tempted into eating anything so I will be trying my…
  • Hey Girls!! I'm glad to see everyone writing again!! Well i weighed in on Saturday this week and I lost 1 lb I'm 3lbs away and I have 15 days left to lose it, which I'm hoping wont be a problem. I did eat bad yesterday, but it wasn't as bad as i expected so I'm not to ashamed and I also went to the gym this morning!! Its…
  • Hey Ladies Good morning! Well I'm really excited I had to weigh in today bc my scale wasn't working yesterday and I lost another lb last week!! I made some bad choices last week so this week will be better and I'm glad I'll have this group for motivation! Good luck with the challenge everyone!
  • Omg my mom is just like this!! I went over there for dinner the other night and she knows I'm on a diet and there having a bbq with hamburgers, tator tots, and pasta salad. Well I thought i could work with that just small portions and then she insist on making my plate and give me like 30 tator tots and then forcing me to…
  • Either one sounds good to me. But i really like the idea of daily challenges. Good luck everyone!!
  • Hey ladies! Well today was my weigh in and I get up and am really nervous to weigh in bc i had a big dinner the night b4 at my parents house and guess what!! My scale isn't working lol. So I will be weighing in tomorrow morning. I have a feeling I gained this week I have been working out so much more, but i keep getting…
  • My willpower has been horrible for the last couple of days. I need to get it back and do better!!
  • I'd love to join. I'm in another group, but it has slowly been fading away so I'm not getting the motivation I need. My starting weight was 138 my current weight is 131 and my goal weight is 127, but i have 18 days to lose as much as I can which may not be 4lbs, but I hope so!! Oh ya and I'm Sara!!
  • I absolutly hate when girls/women doll up to come to the gym, or the ones who are working out with nothing on and everything is hanging out, people who are working out while on there cell phones, when theres no treadmills.ellipticals left and the people who are on them are either walking 1mph bc there to busy talking or…
  • Hey everyone!! Well it looks like are thread is dying down again. We gatta keep it up!! How is everyone doing still losing i hope!! Well good luck to everyone with the rest of the week!
  • My lower stomache hasn't gone back to normal and im about 15 lbs lighter then my pre baby weight but i did also gain about 60lbs.
  • All i have to say is BREASTFEED and you will not have a problem losing the weight!!!
  • I'm ganna be doing day 7 of it today and omg are my calves sore!! But i agree the side lung with anterior raises are a tough one the cardio is the best/easiest part for me and i never thought i would say that. lol.
  • I'm in! I really need the extra motivation!! Great Idea!!
  • I'm definitely going to look at that!
  • Im procrastinating getting ready for work. Ugh I do not wanna go!!
  • Welcome Olney!! I gained about 60lbs with my son and I found that after about the first two months the weight was easier to get off! Good luck with everything!!
  • My best guess would be your gaining muscle. Great job with the 5 inches!
  • Welcome to the new girls!! Good Luck!! Great job mshay! Well I have been working out like crazy this week going on my normal 40-45 minute walk in the morning and then I've been adding another work out at night and also doing sit ups and push ups at night. So I'm really hoping for a great number this week. I have one month…
  • I've been having a fat free chocolate pudding as a snack which also helps with my sweet tooth. Its only 80 calories and there about 4 for a dollar.
  • You can do it!! I was like you I struggled between 142 and 149 for about 6 years and now the last time i weighed in i was down to 132. You just need to keep focused and remember if you have a bad day its not the end of it just get back on track for the rest of the day. Good luck and just know You can do it!!
  • Hey Ladies hope every one that weighs in today saw a good number!! Well I had a cheat day yesterday and I definitely went over board!! I went out to eat with my boyfriend and his friends and then we had a game night and i just kept eating because everyone else was. So I'm going to make up for it the rest of the week and…
  • Welcome Ang. Good luck! This group has been such a great motivation for me and i really hope it helps you!!
  • Awsome, I'm glad you girls joined in. I have a feeling this week is going to be hard for me to lose bc i did have a good loss last week and I'm nearing the finish line. So I'm really trying extra hard to be accountable for everything.
  • I decided this week to make some goals starting today to try to motivate me more this week. I am just ganna post them here for some accountability. Be under calories 5 out of 7 days. Drink at least 8 servings of water each day. Do at least 30 minutes of work out each day. Do at least 25 push ups each day. Do at least 75…