Getting back on track after a binge

Sarah_LM Posts: 96
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So yesterday I spent with my family and my mum always feeds me loads! And she knew I was on a diet but she bought McDonalds for tea, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate biscuits and gave me a big easter egg. So I thought, ok McDonald's isn't that bad occasionally so I had some, then before I knew it she was cutting me a piece of chocolate cake and talking me into eating biscuits! I now feel really bloated and craving junk, which I hadn't craved in weeks because I just went cold turkey on it all. Does anyone else have a mum like this? How do I get back on track and prevent it happening again?!?! thanks xxxx


  • I have a similar family to that! My food diary yesterday was terrible after being good all week. I have a wedding coming up next week where there will be lots of and I mean lots of food.
  • Sarah - don't beat yourself up too badly for falling off "the wagon" once in a while. It's hard not to, I know, but just climb back on! You're only human, so you're bound to have days where you'll eat the junk you don't let yourself eat on others! You know you can do it, so let that be your motivation. I usually keep a bar of expensive, delicious chocolate in the freezer for when I'm craving the chocolate. I don't want to eat it too fast because it's expensive, so I just take little bits at a time. Good luck and have a great holiday! =)
  • While I don't have a mom like yours (she passed away) my grandmother is EXACTLY that way...she just doesn't seem to be happy unless she's not getting you to eat something....I think that just means they love us :)

    Unfortunately I can't point the finger at anyone but myself, as I have lived thousands of miles from home for several years. I am very prone to binging, and thankfully have gotten it down to once every few months (where before it was a least two or three times a month!) I know what my "triggers" are so to speak, and try to avoid them. I think what gets me back on track is (honestly) acknowledging that it happened and reminding myself that now it's time to be accountable again. We all have slips and then feel really bad for not doing as good as we have. I wish it were a more ingenious way than that, but I think that MFP has helped tons! Best of luck to you!!
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    I usually keep a bar of expensive, delicious chocolate in the freezer for when I'm craving the chocolate. I don't want to eat it too fast because it's expensive, so I just take little bits at a time.

    I do the same thing!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    That's really tough...there is so much wrapped up in food, isn't it? All sorts of family stuff, relationship stuff--all mixed in with those calories that taste so good! And family especially likes to "love through food" it's a way of showing that they care.

    Someone used the term "pressure feeder" with me one time for those people who just keep pushing foods and unhealthy things--no matter what the reason for it is. The term resonated with me! My strategy is usually to just be honest with them in a non-hurtful way if I can. Saying something along the lines of "I know you are just trying to make me happy, but I'm feeling like I am under pressure to eat these things that really aren't good for me? I'm trying to eat healthier and would love to have your support." In my family now, sometimes we still do it, unintentionally, but usually all someone needs to say is "pressure feeder" and we realize what we are doing and back's like a trigger word now. Kinda cool for keeping everyone accountable...
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Omg my mom is just like this!! I went over there for dinner the other night and she knows I'm on a diet and there having a bbq with hamburgers, tator tots, and pasta salad. Well I thought i could work with that just small portions and then she insist on making my plate and give me like 30 tator tots and then forcing me to have pasta lol and then worst of all she made a cake and I couldn't say no bc she would have been upset so I'm like just a tiny piece and she cuts me this huge slice!! And I can't say no to them bc every time I do they freak out and think I'm not eating enough, but i clearly am.
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    Thanks everyone! It's nice to know I'm not the only one lol. Families eh? Lol my mum is only 8 1/2 stone as well and she has bigger portions than me!!! grrrr
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