Turn your Life around 20's



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    I decided this week to make some goals starting today to try to motivate me more this week. I am just ganna post them here for some accountability.

    Be under calories 5 out of 7 days.
    Drink at least 8 servings of water each day.
    Do at least 30 minutes of work out each day.
    Do at least 25 push ups each day.
    Do at least 75 sit ups each day.

    Join in on my goal if you'd like!!

    I'm in! Great ideas! And congrats on the loss! :drinker:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    I decided this week to make some goals starting today to try to motivate me more this week. I am just ganna post them here for some accountability.

    Be under calories 5 out of 7 days.
    Drink at least 8 servings of water each day.
    Do at least 30 minutes of work out each day.
    Do at least 25 push ups each day.
    Do at least 75 sit ups each day.

    Join in on my goal if you'd like!!

    Sounds great!
    I'm in.
    on the 1st 3. but i am going to do 60 min instead of 30! And I love the idea of posing every evening how you did! sounds great!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey Ladies hope every one that weighs in today saw a good number!!

    Well I had a cheat day yesterday and I definitely went over board!! I went out to eat with my boyfriend and his friends and then we had a game night and i just kept eating because everyone else was. So I'm going to make up for it the rest of the week and try to do any extra work out each day even just 5 more minutes and not eat back the calories for it. I ate about 2500 to 3000 calories yesterday.:noway:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    I am in the library trying to study and all i can think about is how much i want a damn chocolate shake from McDonalds. lol Well that and the annoying girls talking.
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    Heck ,why not?

    Short BG: Military female from a fat family... Always had weight issues, currently 175 and the same weight I was in 5th grade (I've grown 1 inch since the 4th grade).

    My highest weight was 238 (after son), and lowest adult weight was 155 on my last deployment. I was stable at 160 for a while, but I neglected my cardio, and the weight crept back on over the past year. I still have a good base to work on, and I am hoping this will be the last trip I have to take down the scale.

    I started MFP because we are having a Biggest Loser Contest at work. I have to beat my friend Karl =) I have made that pretty clear in my profile.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    sollygirl... It's amazing how quickly those calories add up, isn't it? I hate it when I eat only cause other people are eating. I think that's why I relapse when I go home. :grumble: I'm really glad to hear you're pulling it together again. I'm back with it, too, now that I've left the family at home for another week. :smile:

    deeann... I really hope you beat this... Karl!! :mad: :laugh: .
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Lost another pound!!! Gosh it seems this last week took forever to get by! Glad it is a new week! Hope everyone did well yesterday with the challenge! I combined my sit ups and push ups with the 30 minute workout (short on time). Under my calories by 54 and drank all my water! So yea, had a good day!

    Solly, don't worry about the evening out. Today is a new day and you have to indulge a little here and there! You are doing great!

    Ash, sorry about the annoying girls. Thats the worst! Hopefully they finally shut it and you could get some work done. :smile:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey All,

    Sounds like you all have been busy losing weight!
    Work and Stress have me stalled at 170, which I'm not going to complain as thats still down 10lbs.
    We started going back to the gym 6 days a week so I'm starting to get back into the full on cardio and lifting schedule, hopefully this will jump start me back.

    What everyone's favorite healthy meals for warm weather?? I'm looking for some new ideas to change it up -

    Havea good rest of the week!
  • Im 23 and have ALOT more to go!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Welcome to the new girls!! Good Luck!!

    Great job mshay!

    Well I have been working out like crazy this week going on my normal 40-45 minute walk in the morning and then I've been adding another work out at night and also doing sit ups and push ups at night. So I'm really hoping for a great number this week. I have one month exactly to get at my goal weight which is about 127! So I need every bit of motivation and support I can get!!!
  • olney75
    olney75 Posts: 36
    im 21 years old and i just had my daughter Ellianna 2 1/2 months ago. when i first started dating my husband 6 years ago i was at 115lbs and looked amazing! now at 185 i hate the way i look and feel. my husband is active duty air force and just left for a deployment and i would REALLY like to get some weight off for when he gets back. my ultimate goal is to get back down to 135lbs, so thats 50lbs i would like to lose eventually. so id love any advice anyone has and if you have any menu plans you fallow id love the help!!!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Welcome Olney!! I gained about 60lbs with my son and I found that after about the first two months the weight was easier to get off! Good luck with everything!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey everyone! Hows your week going?!! How was the weekend?! I was in anaheim all weekend, I was able to eat healthy, luckily there was a fridge in the room and ran twice so that was nice, it was quite windy one day though. Have a great night everyone! :bigsmile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey everyone!! Well it looks like are thread is dying down again. We gatta keep it up!! How is everyone doing still losing i hope!! Well good luck to everyone with the rest of the week!
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    I lost 5.5 lbs my first week, but I am sure a lot of that was water weight... I weigh in on Mondays, and I am (cautiously) hoping for at least 1 lb weight loss this week... I have been staying within my given calories, but we recently bought a house and had to short notice move out of our rental, so I have been packing and moving instead of hitting the gym.

    I just hope it doesn't bite me in the butt.

    Sollygirl, my coworker told me to tell you you have beautiful eyebrows. He keeps looking over my shoulder.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Hope everyone had a good week. Lost a 1lb. which isnt to bad considering i still had a fairly stressful work week.

    Looking forward to next week, as I am coaching some MS girls lacrosse in the town i live in, and its a few days a week. I figure i am going to try and run with them as much as possible to help get in some extra cardio in.

    Whats the challenge for the week?
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Hope everyone had a good week. Lost a 1lb. which isnt to bad considering i still had a fairly stressful work week.

    Looking forward to next week, as I am coaching some MS girls lacrosse in the town i live in, and its a few days a week. I figure i am going to try and run with them as much as possible to help get in some extra cardio in.

    Whats the challenge for the week?

    That sounds like fun plus you'll get an extra workout in! Yes we need a new challenge, PLUS we need to keep this thread going... we seem to lose a lot of people that post once or so, hopefully they'll make their way back to us! So challenge, what about trying to eat a serving of fruits or vegetables with every meal?

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey ladies! Well today was my weigh in and I get up and am really nervous to weigh in bc i had a big dinner the night b4 at my parents house and guess what!! My scale isn't working lol. So I will be weighing in tomorrow morning. I have a feeling I gained this week I have been working out so much more, but i keep getting influenced to eat when I'm not even hungry. But i have 18 days to lose as much as I can so I will be working my butt off for the next 18 days!!

    Good challenge maybe we should throw an exercise one in as well.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Hope everyone had a good week. Lost a 1lb. which isnt to bad considering i still had a fairly stressful work week.

    Looking forward to next week, as I am coaching some MS girls lacrosse in the town i live in, and its a few days a week. I figure i am going to try and run with them as much as possible to help get in some extra cardio in.

    Whats the challenge for the week?

    That sounds like fun plus you'll get an extra workout in! Yes we need a new challenge, PLUS we need to keep this thread going... we seem to lose a lot of people that post once or so, hopefully they'll make their way back to us! So challenge, what about trying to eat a serving of fruits or vegetables with every meal?

    ~Leash :heart:

    Yah, I need to kick their buts in shape otherwise they will not make it through running in a whole lacrosse game. Doign stairs and ladders this week.
    Fruit and veggies sounds like a great idea. So glad strawberries are in season now.

    Happy it was so nice today, cleaned the house from top to bottom and the deck too!
  • lecarter
    lecarter Posts: 15
    23 and needing modivation! thanks!

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