Turn your Life around 20's



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    23 and needing modivation! thanks!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome!!!! Challenge for this week is to have more fruits and veggies, every meal... Saw that your training for a marathon, I'm training for my 2nd :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    This weekend went horrible... I am dreading the scale like a pig dreads the slaughterhouse.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey Ladies! Its been two weeks. Im ashamed! This boyfriend thing isn't working out for me! He isn't really supportive of me loosing weight at all, mostly because he doesn't care and he can eat whatever he wants. Its so much harder with someone there to root on your bad decisions.

    On the up side i did loose like 5 pounds over the last two weeks, i had gained a couple back. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but i'll take it.

    Has anyone seen that Jamie oliver's food revolution show... its on hulu... its great!!!! OMG i had no idea i mean i guess i had some, but dang... we all ate that **** as kids in school. He makes cooking look sooo easy haha. Definitely great motivation though.

    So weigh in day went good, i'm gonna eat some breakfast then work out for an hour... Any challenges this week lades? How about checking in once a day. letting us know how you are and how your day went, if you exercised, or what the hardest part of your day was example being cake in the break room or something.

    Have a wonderful day ladies. Solly I agree lets keep this board going!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey all,

    I lost a pound this week so that is good! I agree that we need a challange and the fruits and veggies sound great! The local farmers market is opening this weekend so that will help out! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey Girls!! I'm glad to see everyone writing again!! Well i weighed in on Saturday this week and I lost 1 lb I'm 3lbs away and I have 15 days left to lose it, which I'm hoping wont be a problem. I did eat bad yesterday, but it wasn't as bad as i expected so I'm not to ashamed and I also went to the gym this morning!!

    Its good to see your back ash it is definitely difficult to diet with out support from your boyfriend. My boyfriend eats insanely horrible, but he is now being so supportive and will remind me how guilty I will feel if I eat something bad or to much of something, but it used to not be like that he would constantly be tempting me and I just didn't have the willpower before.

    Lets all have an awesome week ladies!!!
  • Well, I guess I can give it a shot. I will be 25 next month and its about time to get healthy. I am looking to start a family soon and dont want to start it on a bad foot...
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Welcome chachay...

    Hows the fruit and vegetable eating going everyone?! I had a banana this morning and just had a slice of pineapple... I have more trouble with veggies but I'm planning on having a salad for lunch with spinach and all sorts of yummy things... I got in a light workout this morning, I ran 14 miles yesterday so my legs were a little tired... I'm about to sign up for my 2nd marathon, I've been feeling good so I should be able to do it, I hope its not full yet...its not until June anyways, the training program that I'm doing only has me run 3 days a week so I can cross train a lot, I think this will be perfect cause my body can't handle running 6 days a week and its so unnecessary especially since I have a good base.

    Solly- You'll make it don't worry! Good luck!

    Ash- Welcome back, I'm sorry you don't have the support, hopefully he'll come around.

    Mshay- GREAT job! I love farmer's markets, I wish I had one super close, I'll be going to one thats not too far though. Plus the strawberry stands are starting to open, they are sooo good!

    Have a great day everyone, keep checking in!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    By the way one of our goals should be to get to that 500 post so that we can start a new one, my runners club on here goes to a new one like every week! We got this :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Yes I agree Alicia we need to make it over the 500 post.

    Tonight I started snacking got carried away, but stayed under my calories. I'm constantly moving at work and by the end of the night I'm starving. Well tomorrow I have a really busy day and I do not want to be tempted into eating anything so I will be trying my hardest!

    Hope everyone had a healthy day!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I really need to eat more veggies. The last time I remember eating a veggie was on Saturday - broccoli, covered in OIL! :sick: - This week I'm going to make a commitment to buy more veggies! I need to go grocery shopping...
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey Ladies!! How is everyone doing today??Well I started today off great went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes burned 400 calories!! Yesterday I didn't do so great went out to the mall with my pregnant sister and friend lol so they kept tempting me and I was exhausted from all the walking and starving and gave in to Rubios so I'm pretty mad about that, but am ganna make up for it today, tomorrow, and Friday. Sisters baby shower is on Sunday and its being catered by Panda Express so I'm not ganna be eating my exercise calories for the next 3 days to save it for Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great day its beautiful outside!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Ladies!! How is everyone doing today??Well I started today off great went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes burned 400 calories!! Yesterday I didn't do so great went out to the mall with my pregnant sister and friend lol so they kept tempting me and I was exhausted from all the walking and starving and gave in to Rubios so I'm pretty mad about that, but am ganna make up for it today, tomorrow, and Friday. Sisters baby shower is on Sunday and its being catered by Panda Express so I'm not ganna be eating my exercise calories for the next 3 days to save it for Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great day its beautiful outside!!!

    Hey girl! Rubios has a pretty good chicken salad but the dressing is whats awful, they only have the mayonnaise ranch or something, so I've eaten it dry or I just use salsa which works great. I went to the gym too, 30 minutes of ellip and then 40 min of lifting... My body has been tired lately, I think I need to eat more... we'll see. Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Hey Ladies!! How is everyone doing today??Well I started today off great went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes burned 400 calories!! Yesterday I didn't do so great went out to the mall with my pregnant sister and friend lol so they kept tempting me and I was exhausted from all the walking and starving and gave in to Rubios so I'm pretty mad about that, but am ganna make up for it today, tomorrow, and Friday. Sisters baby shower is on Sunday and its being catered by Panda Express so I'm not ganna be eating my exercise calories for the next 3 days to save it for Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great day its beautiful outside!!!

    Hey girl! Rubios has a pretty good chicken salad but the dressing is whats awful, they only have the mayonnaise ranch or something, so I've eaten it dry or I just use salsa which works great. I went to the gym too, 30 minutes of ellip and then 40 min of lifting... My body has been tired lately, I think I need to eat more... we'll see. Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:

    Ya I have actually had it before it is pretty good!! I just was persuaded to eat the bad stuff which is a weakness of mine, but I'm doing great so far today so I'm happy about that. How many calories do you eat a day?
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! Just drink my 5 fruit smoothie! Not doing as good with the veggies! But then again I really need to get to the grocery store!

    Great workouts sollygirl & Leash! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    I'm baaaaccckkkk!! It has been about 2 weeks, but I'm really wanting to drop 12 pounds by the end of May, so I'm pushing myself to the max. Tonight, I went to Zumba and then went on a 14 mile bike ride with my friend. Needless to say, I'm exhausted! So anyway, I'm hoping to maintain this motivation and see where it gets me. Let's goooo!
  • :drinker: Hi everyone!I'm 22. Sunday I will be turning 23 and I am trying so hard not to weight myself til then. I am hoping that I will be at 230. I am so mad at myself because the last 2 months I did not diet and I gained 15 pounds back. I could have been so much farther. But I am doing it now and I do not plan to let myself fall off the wagon like that again. Why does food taste so good? They should make a diet pill that makes food taste like crap! :wink: LOL! Then maybe it wouldn't be so hard! Good luck everyone!:drinker:
  • I really need to eat more veggies. The last time I remember eating a veggie was on Saturday - broccoli, covered in OIL! :sick: - This week I'm going to make a commitment to buy more veggies! I need to go grocery shopping...

    I hate veggies except corn on the cob. I even hate salad. It makes me want to gag! :grumble: What do people like me do about veggies?:huh:
  • I am 26 and would love to join!!! I just started last Monday the 5th and lost 5lbs so far!!!
  • Just an update!!! I went the gym for the first time today (prior to this it was walking/running in my neighborhood) and it felt great! I did an hour and am so SORE now!!! I will definitely pay for it tomorrow!

    I do have a great support system with friends and family. Most have joined so that I do not have to go alone and when I am tempted to eat MyFitnessPal is definitely mentioned. :o)

    It is a struggle to eat the vegetables that are necessary in a day. I just cant seem to do it. But, fruits are not an issue.

    One question I do have, if anyone can help is... Are women supposed to have protein shakes to? If so, how much is suitable? My boyfriend says we are supposed to be my goal is definitely NOT to get bigger lol.... I am looking to go on a cruise in September and want to make sure I feel comfortable.

    Thanks for everyone on here that gives the encouragement, it is truly helpful and thank you in advance for any answer or suggestions you may have.

    Good luck to all and stick with it!!!

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