

  • OMG i'm really tearing up from this..I am absolutely an emotional eater, and the want to get healthy IS causing anxieties, I want it so bad that I feel like i'm hurting myself.. I hate this "pitty potty" feeling, I just want to RID of it!!! I love that and I will try it right away, I'm going to write it on a piece of paper…
  • I think I'm stressed, I just went through a breakup in November on our 1 year anniversary, and I find myself getting back into old (and really bad) habits. I don't know why I wake up, I think my body is just used to me eating at odd hours and now expects it...
  • Thank you ctroxell2004 :) I think i'm a little emotional right now lol, just reading your reply made me tear up. I appreciate your input, very much.
  • OMG, I am the exact same way! I thought I was a crazy lunatic because I would always do this, I guess if I am one, then I'm not alone!! :laugh:
  • No offense taken, but it makes perfect sense to me, no offense.
  • Interesting. I figured myself that if MFP did not put any earned calories under strength training to begin with, then it must be for a good reason. Thanks for the post. I myself will continue to keep strength training and cardio seperate. I say "Better safe than sorry" :wink:
  • I'm curious about this question also...I just been going along with it not really knowing why...:ohwell:
  • "The soup sounds fantastic ! I was looking for something comforting because we are so chilly here. Im a die hard Colts fan but I will cheer for you (Romo's on my fantasy league- just until Peyton comes to town. lol.). " I checked out your profile and see we have a lot in common, i.e: "We are football fans in this house.…
  • Ha-ha!! Tomorrow is THE BIG GAME for us too!!! I am going to be making a recipe that I found from another MFP member here it is: "Hey I made a great dinner last night and thought I would share. It started out as white chicken chili but sort of turned into a Mexican tortilla soup! I slow cooked about a pound of chicken…
  • You could always ask them if they'd like to try what your going to have, ahead of time. That way you don't have the temptation to eat the extra you made, in case they don't ask for any. If they say "No thank you Mommy" they don't want any, or they're not hungry, but yet still ask when your sitting eating your meal, you let…
  • Welcome! I just joined recently and have found this site to be AMAZING!!! So happy to be here with all the wonderful and supportive people. Also, good luck tonight at Curves!! I had joined there once but it didn't work out for me, as I was a single Mom at the time the hours didn't work with my schedule...BUT found it was a…
  • I CAN'T WAIT, love that show!! Definately agree with the JM quote too, love it!!!
  • Oh that sounds delicious, I'm definately going to try that, thanks for sharing :)
  • I've always wanted to try it. How long do the classes usually last? The gym I currently go to, doesn't offer them, but they will be relocating and will have it then. I can't wait to try it!! I little intimiated though. I always hear it such a great work out....
  • Wow! I definitely understand. I would also look in the mirror, and I'd see a pretty face and think I looked great. Then, I'd see a picture from that SAME DAY and BAM! I am just in shock and discust, I just can't believe that's how my body "really" looks or that's how big I really am. It just amazed me that I let myself go…
  • PHEW!! Honestly, I kind of thought that if I just worked out it shouldn't be to much of a big deal. I am just really focused and am trying really hard to do this right. I just started this work out regime and counting my calories etc. and there is so much information on this site, sometimes I don't know which way to go.…
  • Great thanks so much. This has been bugging me for a while. Definately makes sense to eat them during the day if I plan on working out, or try to eat atleast 3hrs before bed. Hmmmm, I think this is doable :)
  • That is so awesome!!!!!!!!! Great job & keep up the good work!!!!! :happy:
  • I totally understand. I would get this sudden urge of motivation and I'm at it for a few days or weeks, then all of a sudden the motivation disappears!! I weigh more now than what I did when I was 9months pregnant with my son, 6 years ago!!! It's time to rock and roll!!!!!!! We can't give up on ourselves, our kids need us…