ddtph_hayes Member


  • I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Im in the same boat. I get a great start with counting my carbs and then my family discourages me in some way and I quit. At my age it is difficult to lose weight anyway. When I do lose weight it is usually a small amount. Most of my eating is emotional. I need to learn to let the…
  • I am 46 years old and have three beautiful children. I didn't have a weight problem until I had children. and now that I'm middle aged it is even harder to get the pounds off. I get on a great start and then I get discouraged by my family mostly and by the fact that Im not losing very much and I stop. I am trying to let…
  • There are some non gym ways of working out. I have a 7yr old and she and I will play outside. Sometimes we play hopscotch or kick a ball around, She has been known to make up a game. While you are at soccer games instead of sitting in a chair you could run around the field. You can still see your child and cheer him/her on…
  • Hi i'm Dawn I have been married 17 years and a mom to three, twins that are 13 and a 7yr old. As most people can teill you Im not the best housekeeper. It is hard to keep a house clean when there are five people making messes. I'm trying to change that. Im committing to clean house for one hour a day. I'm thinking that…
  • Hi Im completely new to the group. i'm struggling with my family resisting the changes i'm trying to make to the family's eating habits. i need help in staying strong and keep making changes to my diet at least without getting discouraged.
  • I havent logged in for a very long time and i've gaine a lot of weight. I'm now motivated to do this especially since I am on the road to diabetes. I want to prevent that .
  • Hi I am 44 with three kids also. I have just started. I am making small lifestyle goals each week. My goals for this week are exercise everyday, spend more time in prayer and limit portions.
  • I too am a weight watchers drop out. Counting points seems so time consuming. If I went over I would feel bad.I didnt feel like it was teaching me to make a lifestyle change.
  • I would wait until Im hungry and then eat even if it is at an odd time. Sometimes I dont eat very much.
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