savoy815 Member


  • Hi! I started the program on Jan 5 so i will be on week three on Monday but am totally down to give you some support. There are also a few Max 30 groups on here that you can join. I will send you a friend request. I am absolutely in love with this program and really feel like this is the first one that I look forward to…
  • Hi! I plan to start on January 5 but i am down to join!
  • i am not starting until Jan 5 but i will join then!
  • i will join you all too! mine should be here tomorrow. I am going to star Jan 5.
  • Hi Team! I am sorry for the long absence...a lot has happened since Sunday. I was excited to find out that I am expecting our husband and I's first child so needless to say, my T25 journey is being put on hold for a while. I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to tackling T25 next year...I am sure that I will…
  • Good Evening guys! The week 3 double day is in the books and it kicked my behind. I had to take a 4 hour break in between TBC and Ab Invervals, I was just too exhausted. Right after ab intervals I did a 20 minute Zumba session to get a better calorie burn today. I always try to go a little harder on the day before…
  • Cardio done! I did pretty well but i have a really sharp pain in my back/shoulder that really prevented me from going full speed. It feels like when you sleep wrong and get a crick in your neck but it is in such a strange place i have no clue how i did it. It is like under my right lat in my back. It prevented be from…
  • Hey team! Did Lower Focus and again i am seeing improvements. Since this is the first time I did this one on a single day it was nice to be able to push and not have to save my energy for that extra workout. My legs felt like jelly during all the lunge pulses. I still have to get out of it for a few seconds in the middle…
  • Hey folks! Completed speed 1.0 and did WAY better. Did about 95% with the crew and had to just take 2 super quick breaks. Really excited about my progress! Have a great day guys!!
  • Good for you! It is always nice to have someone to do the program with you! Last week I lost another 1.4 lbs so I am down 6 lbs since the start and going into week 3 of Alpha.
  • I just started week 3 and I lost 6 lbs. in the first two weeks. Not sure about measurements because I am not taking them until the end of the Alpha phase but my clothes are definitely fitting better already. Keep at it and I am sure you will have great results!
  • Hey everyone! Today I did TBC and actually feel like I made some progress with the planks. I also did Stretch today since I was crazy busy yesterday. I fell off on my eating this weekend because my husband i going to be out of town for the next few weekends so we went out a few times but i wasn't TERRIBLE. I will admit…
  • I am totally into this! I love Shakeology vanilla but am really looking forward to trying the other flavors!!!!! Count me in: SW: 179.2 W1: 174.6 W2: 173.2 Total Loss to date: 6 lbs Goal Weight: 158 Please keep me posted!!!
  • Hey folks! Just checking in with STATurday results....down another 1.4 lbs this week. Really happy. Has dinner last night at a restaurant and called myself being good ordering the scottish salmon and when it came out and i took a bite, it literally tasted like it was grilled in butter! I still ate it (and enjoyed it…
  • Good for both of you ladies. I figure, as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and eating what you are supposed to be eating then you WILL make progress....
  • Thanks guys! I was hoping that everyone would post their results here but oh well! ha ha ha
  • Hi! I just finished W2D4 and while it is kicking my *kitten*, I am seeing improvements. I am following the 1600 calorie meal plan that came with the program and last week I lost 4.6 lbs. I do think that is slightly off because my initial weigh in was a bit on the high side (i drank a number of sodium filled dirty martinis…
  • Accountability: W2D4 done. I didn't eat before I worked out this morning and it was tough for me....i won't do that again. Get pretty winded during the burn out but still felt pretty good and definitely see progress. Nutrition is good. Following the T25 plan and really enjoying the meals. Had the chili rubbed sirloin salad…
  • I am 32, 5'9 and 175. I typically burn around 325 - 350 per workout for the 25 minutes. But I let my HRM run until my hear rate drops to under 100 (typically an extra 15 minutes) and I end up somewhere between 450 and 500 total.
  • can you please send it to me? My email is Jeelex96 at aol dot com Thanks!
  • HI everyone! I just finished day 3 of week 2 Aplha and i promise you....IT GETS BETTER! The first week is brutal and week 2 isn't a walk in the park but what workout is? It gets better and you will se progress right away. Keep pushing play is worth it!
  • Hey guys! Checking an after an awesome Speed 1.0 workout. I really like that one because, 1. you get breaks and 2. it seems to have the most natural flow/rhythm to it. I almost dance through it! fe_nyx: i hope that your interview went well! Anyway, off to fuel this body! See you guys later~ Stacey
  • Hey folks! I am on week 2 of alpha and lost 4.6 last week. My goal is to lose 20 lbs so i am well on my way. I really love this program and look forward to pressing play every day (even when i have to do Total Body Circuit which is my kryptonite).
  • Hey folks! I am on W2 D2 but will join you all anyway! Goal: 158 Age: 32 SW: 179.2 Week 1 weight: 174.3 Total Loss: 4.6 (after 1 week)
  • checking in- did TBC today and it kicked my butt....but in the best way possible!!! See you tomorrow!
  • Thanks! I am very happy and can't wait to see my final results too! We are al going to do GREAT!
  • Checking in! Did Alpha Cardio this morning and while it was certainly not a walk in the park, I did WAY better today than i did last Monday and Friday. Making small steps to large goals! How is everyone else doing this fine and lovely day? Is your body used to the time change yet? After this winter I will sacrifice an hour…
  • Stacey: SW: 179.2 Wk 1: 174.6 Weight loss to date: 4.6 I will take a new set of measurements after Alpha is over so I will share those numbers then. Happy Sunday.
  • Good morning team! Just completed T25 Stretch. It was actually a little workout too! But I feel great now that it is done. Keep pushing play and enjoy your day!