buenita Member


  • I started Insanity today too. Took the fit test and will take my measurements soon. We can do this!
  • I just started my first day. I had started a few weeks ago and then missed about a week so I decided to start over. Here are my numbers to compare: Switch Kicks: 110 Power Jack: 42 Power Knees: 72 Power Jumps: 34 Globe Jumps: 8 Suicide Jumps:13 Push-up Jacks: 21 Low Plank Oblique: 45 Good luck!
  • I got through a week and a half and then my husband stopped doing the workouts with me and the kids had non-stop activities. So, I just restarted tonight. I want to be able to do the whole 60 days or close to it, so I thought I should start over. I have been walking or running several times a day, so I did better on my fit…
  • I fell off too. I wasn't sure where to start. So, I decided to start over. I just did the fit test tonight. I have been walking or running every day though, so I did better on my fit test, so that was nice to see. :) Good luck, we can do it!
  • I only missed one day (Saturday), was unable to make it up on Sunday. :( Won't have that problem this week. I do feel that I can get through the workouts better already, but still having a hard time. I'm also walking in the afternoon. Love the sheet and being in a group. :)
    in Week 1 DONE! Comment by buenita May 2012
  • I took before pics. I'll wait to see how I look at 30 days as well. :)
  • I posted my info, thanks for setting that up!
  • I was looking at starting an Insanity Group with a 4/30 start, so glad I found one. I will be doing my fit test later today. I have three sons, my youngest is two. I have about 10 lbs I'd like to lose and it's all around my middle. I've lost about 5 lbs doing Jillian MIchaels dvds and decided to give Insanity a try. Really…
  • --->MFP Name Buenita --->How you plan to get your 2-A-Day workouts in? Running in the morning and doing either Jillian Michaels Shed and Shred or Bob Harber Kettlebell DVD. Looking forward to this week!