pegsum Member


  • THIS! My tracker is set to 1/2 pound a week. I am losing super slowly, but it's EASY. I'm good with easy :-)
  • Why do people think that fat people need to be told about it? Like we don't know or something? The only person who gets to decide what your sister does or does not eat or what she does or does not do for her body is YOUR SISTER. It's nobody's business but hers. Leave her alone. All your "well meaning" attempts to control…
  • Thank you for this valuable insight. Saying "peace out" after being a jerk doesn't cancel it out. I know, I know, I shouldn't feed the troll. Sorry everybody, but I'm tired of jerks.
  • I highly recommend googling a blogger called "The Fat Nutritionist" I'm a huge fan of hers. She blogs about health at any size and our tendency to suffer in order to be thin instead of enjoying life and respecting our bodies.
  • I'm a big fan of the show What Not to Wear. They always say to stop worrying about finding clothes to fit off the rack. Find clothes that flatter your shape and get them tailored to fit just right. Since you're a design student, perhaps you can sew (or will certainly be working with people who can!)
  • Losing weight isn't success. Keeping it off permanently is. Check back in a couple of years and let all know how "easy" it is.
  • Coca Cola. Not the diet kind. The REAL kind. Sigh. I refuse to give it up completely, but I have been able to drastically reduce my intake. I practically swoon when I drink it. It's almost indecent.
  • I want to add that if you're tired, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep is just as important as exercise for your health and well-being. Google "sleep and weight" It's very interesting.
  • I don't know what they are called, but there are such things as sports bra "shirts" The sports bra is built in and the shirt goes all the way down to your waist. I have one. The shirt part is snug and holds things in. I just Googled and there's a website for a company called Athleta that has them. They call them "support…
  • I don't find her irritating either. What I like about her videos is that I can always do them. When I'm tired or headachy or have a cold or otherwise "don't feel like working out" I can always "at least" do a Leslie video. They are a good workout without being super strenuous and it's good to have that option. It keeps me…
  • There's no rule that says you have to eat traditional breakfast food for breakfast. I often have dinner leftovers for breakfast. Sometimes a salad or a tuna sandwich. Soup is good too. Pizza. You get the idea.
  • Getting my gall bladder out was a great thing for me. Wish i did it sooner. Complete relief from the pain it was giving me. So so so happy it's gone. Give yourself at least two weeks of taking it really easy after the surgery. There is some muscle that gets cut into, so your abs are going to be plenty sore. It also takes…
  • The letters img in the tags need to be lower case. Also, change the size of the photo down if you can.
  • YES, This! Also, is your plan to be super strict to ge the scale to move and then live that way forever? You lost the first bit pretty quickly. What is the hurry? There is no End point for your health and fitness. Move into a lifestyle that's sustainable forever.
  • Lin7604' I'm like that too. Slowest loser ever. That's why I tend to give up, because I lose 2 pounds in a month if I'm lucky. I'm determined to keep with it.