Have you had results with leslie sansone dvds?

jordypooo Posts: 25 Member
I started leslie sansone: walk at home, 3 mile weight loss walk. has anyone had results with her? i've seen tons of people say they love her workouts, but have you ACTUALLY had results with them? thanks


  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    Yes, about 15 lbs. gone with her videos. Love it!! (Although her voice is kind of annoying.) :laugh:
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I love them, I can't say I have had success with them because I use them sporadically...I am having success over all but I am not using her dvd's exclusively. Still, she is very good!!!
  • jordypooo
    jordypooo Posts: 25 Member
    what if you only have about 10 pounds to lose
  • empowerme12
    empowerme12 Posts: 32 Member
    I was wondering about this also. I did her 4 mile walk and burned a about 400 calories.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    You get out what you put in. Just like if you're going to an aerobics class but barely moving.

    I do think they are better for a starting fitness point. I feel like the treadmill is working better for me, so I gave my DVD's to my sister, who is just starting her fitness journey.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I love them for the days I can't get to the gym. I don't use them solely, so I can't tell you how much success I've had. But I feel I get a decent aerobic workout when I do the videos...but I also push myself and do bigger movements, add arms even when she doesn't, etc.
  • prairiedawg2014
    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! i credit her dvd "walk away the pounds" for my weightloss. i did 2 mile walk in am and then 1 mile in afternoon everyday. 50% of my loose skin has tightened up as well as the weight that came off. i took the summer off and now am starting back with her dvd. it worked awesome for me!
  • prairiedawg2014
    I started leslie sansone: walk at home, 3 mile weight loss walk. has anyone had results with her? i've seen tons of people say they love her workouts, but have you ACTUALLY had results with them? thanks

    ^ yes....i do find her voice irritating too....i thought it was from doing her video everyday for 5 months LOL! i know all her lines by heart and mimic her as iam excersing lmao!

    sry....wrong quote lol
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I started walking with Leslie on September 4, 2012, the exact same day that I started MFP. I lost 15 lbs the first month! I did her 5 Really Big Miles DVD. The first month I only did a total of 30 miles. This month my goal is 60 miles and I'm very close to acheiving that goal. I would have been finished already but I started doing Turbo Fire and that has me totally consumed right now...LOL!! I am going to finish out my challenge goal with Leslie this month and for November I will only be doing 5 miles with her on Wednesday's. So to answer your question: YES INDEED!!! I went from 247 to 227, All thanks to MFP and Leslie!! I can't count Turbo Fire just yet...LOL!! I just started it on Thursday of Last week. I'm going to send you an invitation to our Group!
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I started leslie sansone: walk at home, 3 mile weight loss walk. has anyone had results with her? i've seen tons of people say they love her workouts, but have you ACTUALLY had results with them? thanks

    ^ yes....i do find her voice irritating too....i thought it was from doing her video everyday for 5 months LOL! i know all her lines by heart and mimic her as iam excersing lmao!

    sry....wrong quote lol


    So funny you said that!! I was wondering if I was the ONLY one that felt that way! I love her but her voice kills me...LOL!! Can you do 2 more of THEZE.. can't you hear her now!!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I started leslie sansone: walk at home, 3 mile weight loss walk. has anyone had results with her? i've seen tons of people say they love her workouts, but have you ACTUALLY had results with them? thanks

    What results are you asking about? I'm now fit enough to be able to do much harder workouts and I didn't hurt myself doing it. (low impact) That was important to me since I'm 60 years old and hadn't done any exercise in years. (I work at a desk all day and sit at a computer most of the other time)

    If you do it, you'll burn calories. Some will burn more calories and some less.

    What results were you asking about?

    I also agree, the woman can talk!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    what if you only have about 10 pounds to lose

    You need to burn calories to lose 10 or 100 lbs. The walking will burn calories and help you become more fit. Is it a magic bullet that can be used to drop those last few lbs you feel you want to lose? I'm not sure how to answer. Yes it can be but the last few pounds can be tough, depending on your goal. Bottom line......it won't slow you down. It's just exercise and you only need about 6 feet of space to do it in.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I am doing Leslie's 2 mile or 3 mile walk on alternating days, in between my other workouts. I was having some success with the other workouts, but I really started seeing a change when I started add in in this workout. I would recommend it either on its own, or in addition to other workouts.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I started my journey in July, eating right and walking outside. Then I found my Leslie Sansone VHS (yup its that old) 3 mile walk and starting using it everyday. I would definitely say I can credit her walking videos with helping me to lose weight. I have lost a total of 40 pounds since July 1. I do other things too now, not just solely her video, but I always go back to it a couple times a week. I wear a HRM and when I do her 3 mile walk with 3lb weights I burn about 375 calories. I add in more reps with the weights usually. Personally, I was seeing very good results, when I was doing the 3 mile in the am, and then walking another 3 miles outside at night. It is quick, easy, and works. I used to listen to my ipod when I got tired of her talking. Don't you wish exercise dvds you could switch up the audio???

    I am going to get her 5 mile dvd so i can do more this winter when I can't get outside. Keep with it. You will see lots of changes, I am sure.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Oddly, I don't find her voice irritating. She's upbeat, but not super cheery. I appreciate that she hasn't lied to me about how many more reps she wants me to do. When she asks for 8 more, she doesn't talk for 2 minutes and then count out the 8.

    I did the full 5 Day Slim Down yesterday and I felt really worked up. I would buy more of her dvds if I can find them.
  • pegsum
    pegsum Posts: 15 Member
    I don't find her irritating either.

    What I like about her videos is that I can always do them. When I'm tired or headachy or have a cold or otherwise "don't feel like working out" I can always "at least" do a Leslie video. They are a good workout without being super strenuous and it's good to have that option. It keeps me moving every day and takes away excuses.

    I like that I can get my heart rate up and also daydream. It's almost meditational for me. My favorites are the original 1 mile, 2 mile and 3 mile (blue, pink and orange) I am of the opinion that any movement is better than none, so her videos are a life-saver for me.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Oh god, I'll admit it...her voice killed me sometimes and every so often I did mock her while doing the video. But I used to do the workout every morning before class and did enjoy it.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Oh god, I'll admit it...her voice killed me sometimes and every so often I did mock her while doing the video. But I used to do the workout every morning before class and did enjoy it.

    Yup, me too. "That's nice!"
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Is it just a dvd and u are walking in place??
  • somemansdream
    This was interesting for me to read. I am currently obese and using her 5 mile dvd to get some workouts in. I am using other dvds and walking outside as well though. I listen to my music with headphones on so I don't have to listen to her talking. I just like music more and it seems to go faster.
    Thanks for posting this and it just makes me want to stick with it so I can get some results too.
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