

  • ^^^ THIS ^^^ Everyone has at least one. Everyone has at least one "trigger" food, that makes the neurons in your brain fire off making you desire not just a taste, but for more and more. For some people, it's warm freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. For some, it's raw cookie dough, or ice cream or whatever. The only…
  • Your metabolism doesn't need a "jumpstart". A healthy diet includes BOTH lean protein AND vegetables and fruit, along with healthy fats (olive oil and walnuts) and plenty of clean, filtered water. Omitting either protein or vegetables from your diet won't "jumpstart" your metabolism. Increase your metabolism by increasing…
  • This can't be right. A change in weight of 26 pounds in 4 days? That's just crazy! That's one whopper of a bowel movement. It sounds to me like your scale is inaccurate. Rather than using weight as a measure, a better measure is inches (waist, hips, butt, chest, arms, etc.) --- EDIT: I misread your post. You didn't say…
  • 1. use lean beef. The healthiest choice (in terms of nutrients, such as CLA) is grass fed beef. Barring that, the next best choice is ground round. At a minimum, you want "ground chuck". Avoid anything labeled "hamburger". The USDA regulations allow meat labeled as "hamburger" to contain fat from other cuts, which means it…
  • Start with drinking lots of filtered water. Plain old H20 run through a carbon filter to remove contaminants. Dihydrogen monoxide. Drink lots of it. All day. Eat fiber. Eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, whole foods. Organic. Lots of them. All day. Don't eat anything containing high fructose corn syrup or…
  • I need 5 hours per week of "cardio", not as calorie burning exercise, but for cardiovascular health (i.e. reduce my chances of a heart attack, etc.) I basically don't count any of that 5+ hours (walking, climbing stairs, housecleaning, mowing the yard, washing the car, cleaning out the garage, carrying groceries) as…
  • - plain non fat greek yogurt (chobani, fage, dannon oikos) with 1/4 to 1/2 cup (30g-60g) (thawed) frozen berries (i get a 3lb bag of Kirkland blueberry,raspberry,blackberry from Costco) - i measure the berries the night before, and have them in the fridge to thaw overnight - i like mixing the berry juice with the yogurt -…
  • 1/2 square (14g) Baker's Semi-sweet baking chocolate (70 cal, 4.5g fat, 2.5g sat.fat, 8g carb, 1g fiber, 6g sugar) ... preceded 15 minutes earlier with 16 fl oz iced green tea, fresh squeezed fuice from half a lemon. I'm not gonna mess up whats working for me because the calendar says Oct 31 and the kids are out procuring…
  • i'm going to echo TavistockToad ... looking great in a dress is going to more about INCHES than about POUNDS. and to get rid of inches, add strength training to your weekly routine. you don't need a lot of equipment, just some dumbbells. target the major muscles - the upper back (rows, shoulder shrugs), shoulders (one…
  • I step on the scale the first thing in the morning (after relieving myself of all that excess water I drank the day before.) By doing it at the same time everyday, I'm catching myself at the same point in the cycle everyday. My body weight varies throughout the day. Right after breakfast, I weigh 1.6lbs more than I did…
  • What works for me is goblet squats. I make sure my weight is on my heels, not just on my toes. I go below parallel, so I can really feel the activation in the hamstrings (the back of my legs), and the glutes. (My quads are much stronger than the hamstrings, so I'm primarily doing squats to strengthen my hamstrings. (The…