Fruits vs. Protein?

*NOTE: I do not plan on doing this longer than 10-14 days! This is not a long term thing I am asking*

Which is better to see results quicker - fruits/veggies/smoothie diet or pure protein? I will do this for about 2 weeks. I would like to know which would be more effective in reducing the extra water weight, bloating, etc.


  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    Neither. Drink water. Don't eat things that will make you bloat.
  • danielg810
    danielg810 Posts: 76 Member
    carbs retain more water around them physically on a molecular level than protein, that why many high fat-low carb diets have quick weight loss because they lose a lot of water weight in the first week... but once you go back to eating carbs it comes back. protein will help you burn more weight & keep you full..but a purely veggie shake is good in the mornings to fill up on fiber & nutrients & keep you less hungry throughout the day, i usually have one myself, maybe adding a low carb fruit like berries could be a good compromise! i put lemon w/ veggies to help jumpstart metabolism personally & start off more alkaline than acidic
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Which is better, shoving a whole handkerchief up your nose, or swallowing a sword?
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    Which is better, shoving a whole handkerchief up your nose, or swallowing a sword?

    Which one will jumpstart my metabolism?
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    I would think that the protein would have the most results. As it is basically like the Atkins and all of the other low or zero carb diets. Plus, if you are only doing this for a short amount of time why not just try both and see what works best for your body.
  • finickyfeline2
    finickyfeline2 Posts: 10 Member
    I honestly don't know if either would decrease bloating and water weight. You will be hard pressed for anyone to recommend a protein only diet on this forum or anywhere because it is not healthy for your kidneys even for just 2 weeks. Just increasing water and watching your sodium can help decrease bloating. Exercise and eating less gas producing foods will help also.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    What the heck is a pure protein diet anyway?

    How do you go about getting 0 carbs and 0 fats and 100% protein?
  • spencer7593
    Which one will jumpstart my metabolism?

    Your metabolism doesn't need a "jumpstart".

    A healthy diet includes BOTH lean protein AND vegetables and fruit, along with healthy fats (olive oil and walnuts) and plenty of clean, filtered water.

    Omitting either protein or vegetables from your diet won't "jumpstart" your metabolism. Increase your metabolism by increasing the amount of physical activity, and by properly fueling your body with a healthy balanced diet, and by AVOIDING "hydrogenated" fat, high fructose corn syrup, added sugar, white flour and processed foods.

    It's not clear what you mean by a "pure protein" diet. What the plastic does that even mean? If that means eating only skinless boneless chicken breast, then, heavens, NO, for the love of all that is holy, just NO. If its a choice between that and going vegetarian, then go vegetarian. But be sure to include sources rich in protein, which means legumes (black beans, lentils, et al.)