Dress Fitting January 15th..please help!

Hello everyone! I need some advice/help. I'm getting married on March 9th next year and my dress fitting is on the 15th of January. With already shedding close to 50lbs already, I have 14-15 more to go. Can people give me advice on what foods I should be eating more of to reach my goal? I feel like I could be lacking something that could be slowing down my progress.

I drink 6-10+ glasses of water a day
Exercise 30+ 5 days a week

If you've already reached your goal, please let me know how you got the last 10-15lbs off. I'm finding this extremely hard for some reason and I want to be a knockout looking bride in that dress!! My fiance has never in his life seen me in a dress and we've been together going on 5 years now.

Thanks! xxxx


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you do strength training? if not do it! you may not lose weight but you will lose inches like crazy!
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    What kinds of strength training do you recommend? I currently just ride my elliptical at home and use 20 - 25 lb weights for my "love handles" and I do push ups and situps. I do not live around a gym so any at home exercises for strength training would be useful. Thanks!
  • AmandaP_23
    Try switching up your cardio, too. Doing the same thing is only working the same muscles. Try at-home kick boxing or running. =]
  • jgrodzicki
    Totally agree on the strength training! I did P90X (don't worry, I couldn't do half the stuff in the program, I just did the best I could) and I lost 10 lbs. and was the smallest I've ever been since highschool volleyball days. If P90X isn't an option... just try to devote around 30-40 minutes 4-5 days per week on strength training. Mixing it up, using different muscles... there are other programs out there too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    push ups, sit ups, planks, side planks, squats, lunges. i dont go to a gym, i just use dumbells and body weight.

    google nerd fitness, i found a really good resistance training circuit, that will give you some ideas.
  • spencer7593
    i'm going to echo TavistockToad ... looking great in a dress is going to more about INCHES than about POUNDS.

    and to get rid of inches, add strength training to your weekly routine.

    you don't need a lot of equipment, just some dumbbells. target the major muscles - the upper back (rows, shoulder shrugs), shoulders (one armed row, pullovers, shoulder press), chest (you already got that covered with the pushups). upper arms (curls exercise the biceps, and the triceps), the lower back (don't need any weights for this, just the floor for the pelvis tilt and back extension,

    for the legs, work the quads, hams and glutes (squats rule!) -- once you get the form right, you can add resistance (weight) by holding a dumbbell (goblet squat)

    the important thing in strength training is correct form (avoiding injury), focusing on and visualizing the muscles you are working, maintaining your breathing, and getting the pace right - (lower the weight slowly)

    to build strength, train with LOW REPS at HEAVIER WEIGHT, rather than lots of reps at lighter weight

    if you are just starting out, having an experienced trainer can really help you get your form right,
  • flutternfly
    Can people give me advice on what foods I should be eating more of to reach my goal? I feel like I could be lacking something that could be slowing down my progress.

    Get the book "Female Body Breakthrough" by Rachel Cosgrove and follow it religiously. It has weight programs and food suggestions and she has you switch it up so your body doesn't get used to anything. That's how I lost 25.5 lbs on a similar program in 6 weeks at the beginning of my fitness journey. I'm still following the exercise stuff mostly and you know I'm down 66 lbs:)

    Also, I've been in a challenge the last few weeks and one thing I was reminded of is veggies. I have to eat a minimum of 3 veggies a day, so I took that as a challenge to eat 3 green veggies a day. Some days it's tough but I swear that's one of the secrets to the 13.2 lbs coming off me the last 4.5 weeks.

    I'm so proud of you! Can't wait to see wedding pictures next year! You have done so well.
  • Apeck87
    Apeck87 Posts: 68 Member
    if you give up carbs and sodium you can drop a pound a day the first 10 days.. look into the michael thurmond diet. it is VERY hard but very effective. low carb, high protein no sodium and no dairy
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you all for the advice!! I'm definitely going to start working on strength!! I already eat pretty sensible but there is always room for improvement! Thanks again to all of you! :)
  • suziek88
    suziek88 Posts: 10 Member
    One of the best sculpting videos is "Yoga for Abs" with Rodney Yee. It's not too intense, so you'll be able to do it, and it really attacks those love handles!