mellowadam Member


  • I appreciate you sharing what’s it’s like after a massive weight loss. This is very inspiring and you look beautiful. Life isn’t perfect after the weight comes off. This needs to be talked about more for people just starting out. You’ll still be you after all. You’ll still have issues and emotional demons that have…
  • Awesome progress! I saw your post on Reddit today. I started a couple of weeks ago and really like it. Previously I was trying to cut but eating like 250-300 grams of carbs. I was really hungry all the time and having trouble holding even a 500 cal deficit. On keto I'm never really all that hungry and I find it really easy…
  • I absolutely love my charge HR! I don't think it is very accurate though. Last week is said my weekly burn was 27,000cals and I only put in 20,000 in food over those 7 days. I weigh and measure everything. I am very meticulous with my food. I've been doing this for 5 years now. In theory I should have had a big loss. But I…
  • Be in this for the long haul and realize you have your whole life to get fit and live a healthy and vibrant life. Set new goals constantly and work towards them. The scale is only one variable. How are you sleeping? How is your sex drive? Are you able to lift more? Can you do more pushup/pull ups? Has your 5k time gotten…
  • If you want to look cute in your wedding dress just eat at a deficit for the next year and be totally committed to your logging. Paleo will work but probably isn't neccesary. Maybe shoot for 80 percent paleo and have a little fun on weekends. 30 pounds in a year is absolutely doable and won't be that hard. If you want to…
  • Sun warrior taste really good. It has a weird texture that might be a deal breaker for some people but it's great with a banana and some almond milk.
  • I'm a freaking chewing gum junkie! But it's better than 2 packs of camels a day.
  • Those are just defaults. You'll need to play around until you figure out what your body likes and what makes sense for your goal. Some people do great on moderate to high carbs. Others do better on higher fat and lower carb. Really depends on you goals and what helps you adhere to a calorie deficit. Provided you're getting…
  • WW is a good program. It's just calorie restriction same as here but it's made a little simpler with the points system. I lost a ton on WW several years ago. There algorithm is very effective. I never went to meetings though. If you find the meetings useful you should probably just use their app and tools because you're…
  • I want get better on my chest press. Right now I'm using 45's. I'd like to move up to 50's but my shoulders and some of the accessory muscle feel a little week. And eventually I want to get the guts to try and do legit bench press. Still kind of afraid to do it while everyone is watching at the gym. I'm afraid I'll drop…
  • I love it. I don't follow a particular plan. I just sort of fell into it. I just shoot for 4 really solid days with spot on macros at a tiny deficit. Then I have 2 slightly higher days and one really fun day. Usually the fun day is a small surplus and I end up eating a lot more fat on that day. That's usually when I have…
  • It's one of the better tasting brands and they've been around forever. I personally don't use muscle milk because it is expensive and I have found other products that deliver just as much protein at less calories per serving. I use EAS which will generally give you 30g protein for 170 cals. That probably the best ratio…
  • I've lost 100. I started on weight watchers in 2010. I joined MFP in 2012. My high weight was 304. My current weight is 203. I've been as low as 193 but was looking really skinny fat and had stalled my metabolism. There has been a ton of yoyoing. I struggled with binge eat really bad. I got professional help and started…
  • The soreness will get better I promise! You're going too hard or not eating enough to recover. My guess is it's a combination of both. I've been on this site for years and people are constantly starting programs and complaining about soreness or full blown injury. You can't ask your body to do a bunch of work and not give…
  • Greek yogurt is a superfood in my opinion. Add stevia and fruit. 20 grams of protein for 160 cals. That pretty impressive. And of course good ole chicken breast.
  • This is solid advice. I would also add that a week at maintenance for vacation or a special occasion is also a good mental break and you should consider taking a break every few months and give your body and mind a break from being in a deficit. I had some pretty severe binge eating start to happen when I got too…
  • I eat Greek yogurt with blueberries, strawberries and almonds. There are some Greek yogurts that are sweetened with stevia and are pretty tasty. That's my comfort treat every night. I crave it more than ice cream now.
  • I wear a charge HR and love it. I like the sleep feature and it helps me be more aware of how active I am. I'm consitantly getting over 10k steps and I've got my average sleep per night above 8 hours. Ive also noticed my resting HR is a good bit lower than when I started a year ago. All in all I don't totally trust the…
  • It's definitely possible. Might not happen quickly since you're already pretty athletic but it will probably be more fun than trying to cut. You will probably recover better and make some strength gains. You could also consider shooting for a overall weekly maintenance goal and have some days at a deficit and some days at…
  • I drink 4 cans ov Vanilla Coke Zero everyday. No guilt. It's my last little vice. I'm down a hundred pounds and I haven't had a cigarette in a year. A little aspertame never hurt no one.
  • I'm not using a specific carb cycling plan but I am incorporating some of the basic tenants. I just have 2 refeed meals a week. On those days I eat closer to mantinence and let my carbs go up over 300g. Protein and fat stay about the same. I don't think this really doing much for weight loss. I'm trying to recomp right…
  • I pre log the night before. Some times 2-3 days ahead. Especially when the work week gets crazy. It takes a long time to develope the habits but after awhile it just becomes second nature to have everything prepped and logged. It's way easier to stay on track if you have things planned. That way when you are short on time,…
  • Recovery is possible! I started working with a therapist who specialized in Eating disorders. I've been in recovery for almost two years now. Totally changed my life. So much happier. I also go to support group meetings. It helps to have people around you who get it when everyone seems oblivious.
  • I've lost 100 and kept it off 3 years. Log accurately everyday! The more precise the better. This information will become extremely valuable when you get toward a normal weight and need to figure out how to get the last bit of weight off. Finding your true maintenance is a big deal and can take several months of data. It…
  • One meal won't do anything magical for your hormones and metabolic adaptations. But It will help with adherence to a diet. In my personal experience having a controlled refeed every 5 days or so has really helped me stay on track. It definitely helps with gym performance. My workouts the day after a day eat at maintenance…
  • I wouldn't worry about the ratio so much. Just hit your essential fats and try and get enough protein to support heavy strength work outs. Eat the rest as carbs or play around with more protein for saitity. TDEE isn't static. A rest day will be different than a heavy rowing day, strength day etc. Fuel yourself…
  • Scoop of whey + 1cup frozen fruit 2 hard boiled eggs 2 nutrigrain waffles
  • Hi vismal. Thanks for this thread. I also follow you on youtube. Great info. My top weight was over 300lbs several years ago. I'm currently down to 204 and I'm on the chubby side of skinny fat with all of it concentrated in my belly. I'm probably between 25 and 30% bf. I've developed a lot of discipline to maintain a 100…