NaomiJFoster Member


  • It's not negative. It means you've gone beyond your goal. MFP is set up with your goal first, and everything you enter goes toward meeting that goal, then it shows how much more you need in the rest of the day. If you get "too much" it shows up as a negative, but it just means you reached the count-down to zero and gone…
  • There is a lot of up and down with weight loss. Even when you think or know that you are doing all the right things, it will still go wonky sometimes. Because you are a human being, not a robot. Things like excess sodium, menstrual cycle, illness, etc will come into play. And other invisible factors that you have no…
  • I'm Jewish. I always knew. It was my job to keep the secret from my other little friends. And that is a job that I failed. I told my best friend when we were five. I got in trouble.
  • Good for you! Once I figured out how this site works, I also found it quite simple. You make all your puzzle pieces fit (carbs, fats, proteins, exercise) and it all comes together nicely. Patience is the key ingredient. And dedication. Lots of dedication.
  • You're more than welcome to browse through my diary. I've been on here for 3 years. Mostly, I just know that I like to have a snack a couple hours after dinner. Fruit, Greek yogurt, protein bar, etc whatever. So as I eat my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I try to make sure that I will still have about 100-200 calories left…
  • Ignore that. It's just a really really rough guess. Every day is not like today. It's unrealistic. But the reason it does that is that it is always five weeks from TODAY that it wants to show you. You'll never catch up to it. Why did they pick five weeks? Nobody knows.
  • Working out is wonderful for you in many ways. Coupled with a healthy diet, it will improve heart health, stamina, strength, flexibility, and help you keep those calories at your goal. Just do it, as the saying goes. Anyone else who is also out there, is really just focused on themselves. In the gym, at the park, at the…
  • I think it's partly that actual fat is leaving the entire body, including the feet. And partly that since there is less pressure (weight) pushing down on the feet as you stand and walk, there is less 'spread' of the flesh there.
  • I had to get a new watch. My wrists actually shrunk. And my feet. I've gone down a full shoe size, from 8 to 7.
  • Advil is a brand name of the drug, ibuprofen.
  • That sounds similar to what I have. My feet point outward, and my ankles roll in. It's just how I've always walked. And it's never been a problem. Until about 3 years ago. I suddenly developed a very sharp pain right in the spot you described. Seriously, it was sudden. I was walking up a flight of stairs. On about the 7th…
  • I live in the desert. I teach preschool, so we're spending time on the playground and doing outdoor stuff for much of the morning in 110+ degrees. So drinking gallons of water is essential to keeping myself from getting heat stroke. It's just become a way of life. I have a bladder the size of a ladybug, and if I'm not…
  • Form-fitting is the term you're looking for. This is not too tight, unless you're physically uncomfortable.
  • It fits you quite nicely, actually. No worries there. Yes, a different bra. Depending on the cut of the back you'll need either a strapless, a racerback, or a halter bra. The length is nice for someone young and/or someone confident with something short. And the asymmetry actually plays in there, making it both shorter and…
  • That's what I do, too.
  • It doesn't exist on the website, only the app.
  • Oh honey. You should be rejoicing. I hold onto 3 or 4 pounds of water retention each month, and it likes to stick around for a solid two weeks before suddenly dropping off again. It slows things down, sure. But it is 100% natural and normal. Let yourself relax and just accept the fact that this is normal. And get used to…
  • My popup seems to finally have timed itself out. I have AdBlock plus, always have. The pop up for the upgrade still came through. Now it's done though. Thank you.
  • Every other time it pops up on me, it triggers a virus warning. I have no idea if it really is bringing in a virus or not, but I do a scan anyway. I'd really like to be able to just click on a 'no' and be done with it.
  • My vacation rule is that I pick one meal a day to completely splurge on. Like, go crazy splurge. The other two meals that day, I try to keep them more sensible and be mindful of what I choose. And I indulge in at least one treat each day. It's a vacation. It won't make or break you. Just enjoy it.
  • I'm a preschool teacher in an extremely large facility. I walk at least 1.5 miles back and forth across the building and up and down the stairs several times each day. Plus I'm getting up and down off the floor and from children's sized chairs at least 100 times a day, running races, climbing monkey bars, chasing…
  • Nonsense. "They say" is rarely going to be a reputable source of info. Be leery of info that comes from 'They' 'Them' or 'People'.