Pollywog_la Member


  • "A good way to help diabetes/insulin resistance is REGULAR EXERCISE." I question if it is the best way, at least the best way for all people. It can be important for many, and definitely recommended. But weight loss is a bigger help, and I lost the bulk of my weight by diet change (carb reduction) without exercise.
  • If you have never done keto, definitely look into it more. A lot (maybe most) people that go low carb or keto experience "keto flu" in the beginning that can last from a few days to a few weeks. For me it was 11 days of feeling tired and brain foggy. But I knew it was temporary and felt great afterwards. But it is an…
  • That is usually fat ;) ...which also helps make the protein in steak, bacon and hamburgers taste awesome. <3
  • A good place to start is here: https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=keto+recipes&term_meta%5B%5D=recipes%7Cguide%7Cword%7C0&add_refine=recipes%7Cguide%7Cword%7C0 On Facebook do a search for "keto" and many groups with recipes will come up. I don't use recipes that much at the moment. I use a lot repetition with core…
  • It can sometimes deceiving. Foods with fructose as opposed to glucose or sucrose (glucose and fructose) won't be as high. Fructose is mainly handled by your liver, and will not affect blood glucose readings the same as glucose. And items like ice cream appear low because of the fat content even with all the sugar it has.
  • I would suggest (assuming you don't do it already) trying to cook from scratch a larger percentage of your food. Reducing processed foods and eating more whole foods while eating the same calories helps many people. This would mean less bread, pasta, rice, etc. I also second the suggestion that butter is awesome.
  • Because the title of this post is "Sugar goals". I see she is trying to stay under a sugar level, but there is no reason to get a minimum amount of sugar. None. Some foods that are nutritious happen to have sugar, but that is not why they are nutritious.
  • THIS as well. Basically, use a meter and go by that. See which foods raise your BG, and reduce or eliminate those. You will see what foods affect you more, and it can be surprising. I found out my homemade sweet potato soup affected my BG like a candy bar! When you do this, learn about the combination of foods as well. If…
  • You don't actually NEED sugar. So I would not worry about getting a minimum of that. Any thing your body needs glucose wise, it can get from any carbs you eat or make itself with your liver. And it is likely you get plenty of sugar anyway. Just concentrate on eating the most nutritious fruits and veggies, with the most…
  • Yeah, it was the first WOE that worked for me without feeling hungry or tired, but it IS a lifestyle change, not a temp diet. I started 3 years ago. Not everyone needs to reduce carbs so much, but for those who do, this diet can be great. Beside the keto groups here, check out https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/ Lot's of people…
  • It depends how you go about with a diet change. If you consume a lot of fat and carbs, body fat is certain. If you reduce carbs and increase fat, not so much. Eating fat doesn't make you fat. You get fat if your body stores away energy, so we have to work to make your body want to burn energy, not store it. I eat 1700-1900…
  • I was diagnosed with type 2 three years ago. Was over 220mg/dL 4 hours after eating. A1c 8 point something. I have never been on Metformin (asked my Dr. to let me try diet changes first) This is highly personal, meaning every person is different. I found for myself really lowering carbs, keeping protein moderate (70g to…
  • I had keto flu for 11 days when I went low carb, even though I knew about it and knew to increase various salts that were being lost. Once adapted, I had energy though. (that was 3 years ago) If after the keto flu, it stills seems like you aren't getting benefits or you hate the food, THEN I would say it might not be a…
  • This is true. Needs to be repeated.
  • Fructose is handled by your liver. So yes, not all sugars have the same effect on your body. Excess fructose may look good good on the glycemic index, but that can be deceptive. http://www.sugar-and-sweetener-guide.com/glycemic-index-for-sweeteners.html Sucrose and high fructose corn syrup contain glucose and fructose.…
  • There is a possibility that the amount of gene copies of AMY1 a person has can affect how successful they are at processing starch. Those with fewer copies under his idea, tend to be more obese than those with many copies. If this correlation proves likely, people testing for lower gene copies could benefit from reducing…
  • Oh yeah, it is not a "fact", but the idea is intriguing. I know I personally cannot handle carbs, but I am curious enough about this possibility to want to see what my level is. If it is high, then my carb problem has nothing to do with it.
  • I am one of those people with a medical reason. If you look at some of the literature for people with diabetes or insulin resistance, they are told to eat many small meals to reduce spikes form larger meals. But I believe the opposing idea that it is better for such people to eat fewer meals, and to allow your body free…
  • Same things everyone else here stated. If you know about "keto flu" before hand, at least you know it is temporary. These groups might be helpful as well as the MFP groups mentioned: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains