Need to try something else

Need to loose 200 lbs total but have a short term goal of 50 lbs at least by august 2016 ,i love food tring to eat more veggies without the butter and i bowl on fridays and my challange is to do a mile on a tredmill in 20 mim or less but donno how to do it. HELP


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Butter is not the enemy :)

    I like vegetables so much more with butter. 4 grams of butter, about a teaspoon, only has 29 calories, is well worth those calories, and is all the butter I need for 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of broccoli.

    As for the treadmill, keep doing it and eventually you will get there. Enjoy the journey!
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    use the limits set out by MFP for your calorie count. Measure and weigh everything. As for the treadmill, just keep at it. When I started, I could barely do 10 minutes at a speed of 2.5! Now, I can walk for over an hour at 3.2....Just keep on keepin' on.
  • Pollywog_la
    Pollywog_la Posts: 103 Member
    I would suggest (assuming you don't do it already) trying to cook from scratch a larger percentage of your food.
    Reducing processed foods and eating more whole foods while eating the same calories helps many people.
    This would mean less bread, pasta, rice, etc.

    I also second the suggestion that butter is awesome.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Start slow...go as far as you can. Then the next day do a few more steps. Keep adding steps until you reach a mile. As far as the speed...don't worry at first. Get comfortable walking on a treadmill first. Then bump it up a little.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    Don't try to do 1 mile on the treadmill right away. Work up to it. Each time you go on, try to do *a little better (further, faster, etc) than the last time - and if you increase by only a little - hooray! Cheer yourself and be happy. Next time, try to beat the last time...even if it's "only" a few extra paces or 1 less minute. :)

    What has helped me is to cut out the things I used to eat out of habit but that I really don't *care* about all that much. For me it's most kinds of breads - I really don't enjoy them unless they are specialty breads or home made bread - too many calories for VERY little satisfaction / nutrition. I'm not denying myself anything, just saving calories for the stuff I really really want - so instead of that bread I may have a larger more substantial serving of meat or have a treat I REALLY want like ice cream or a brownie. :)
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    My tip for getting more of the non-buttered veggies in - have a HUGE plateful of either steamed veggies or salads!! It makes everything so much yummier when you know you can have a giant portion of food without it adding up to too many calories for the day.

    Also if you're not sure about how many veggies you're into in the first place, you could get all different kinds of them and try each one out for yourself. That could get you going!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Make your short term goal to lose just one pound. Then lose another. You don't need to lose 50. You need to lose the next one only.
    So make little steps. Don't try to start with 2 pounds per week loss. Just start making sure you log everything. When you are keeping track you will make better choices. Start walking 10 minutes. Then add more. Then go faster.

    Yoy didn't get fat overnight and you won't lose the weight quickly and keep it off. Have patience.
    I've had more than 200 pounds to lose. I figured it was a 4 year process. I'm 23 months in and 120 lbs down. if I can do it so can you.
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    Making your goal 50 pounds by August? Awesome! Do some math and see what that looks like week to week so you can stay motivated and encouraged short term too.

    Simplify. It's the easiest way to start. I used to get carried away trying to cram as much healthy food into one meal as I could. I found out you can get fat on healthy food to. What worked for me was trying to get a portion of protein, carbs, and vegetables all cooked simply (either steamed, boiled, or grilled) with every or most meals, then using my snacks to help balance out my macros. I allowed about one processed food a day and that kept me away from binge eating.

    I hope that helps!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited November 2015
    What works for me is not really changing the types of things I was eating, only how much I am eating. It isn't really about bad foods, but about bad portions.

    I plan every day's meals out the day before so I know I'll hit my calorie goal, then I weigh out the food I am preparing so I know I made the amount I planned to make.

    I did end up eating certain foods - particularly high-calorie sweet foods - a lot less because they're not very filling for the number of calories they contain and that leaves me hungrier. However, since I started my diet, I've eaten the occasional donut, I made a cake once that I consumed over the next eight days, and I eat ice cream fairly commonly. I've also lost almost 60 lb with no sign of slowing down.
  • Getty59
    Getty59 Posts: 72 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    What works for me is not really changing the types of things I was eating, only how much I am eating. It isn't really about bad foods, but about bad portions.

    I plan every day's meals out the day before so I know I'll hit my calorie goal, then I weigh out the food I am preparing so I know I made the amount I planned to make.

    I did end up eating certain foods - particularly high-calorie sweet foods - a lot less because they're not very filling for the number of calories they contain and that leaves me hungrier. However, since I started my diet, I've eaten the occasional donut, I made a cake once that I consumed over the next eight days, and I eat ice cream fairly commonly. I've also lost almost 60 lb with no sign of slowing down.

    That's awesome just wanted to say! How long u been at it to drop 60?
  • Getty59
    Getty59 Posts: 72 Member
    Need to loose 200 lbs total but have a short term goal of 50 lbs at least by august 2016 ,i love food tring to eat more veggies without the butter and i bowl on fridays and my challange is to do a mile on a tredmill in 20 mim or less but donno how to do it. HELP

    Everyone has given great advice, as far as the treadmill goes jump on and hit quickstart and go from there when u feel comfortable then hit the up button to go a little faster and so on. My other advice for the treadmill is if u are not used to it is focus foward (straight in front of u) trying to look around and talk can make lose balance if u are not used to it. Great job and good luck!
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Need to loose 200 lbs total but have a short term goal of 50 lbs at least by august 2016 ,i love food tring to eat more veggies without the butter and i bowl on fridays and my challange is to do a mile on a tredmill in 20 mim or less but donno how to do it. HELP

    Try sauteeing your veggies in a non-stick pan with a small spray of pam and use lots of seasonings. I have an Asian one and I love fresh garlic. I can make a huge plate of veggies for around 100 calories and it's flavorful and filling.

    As for the treadmill, I started out doing 1/2 mile at 2.5 miles an hour at no incline, trying to do at least 1 mile per day. I am now up to between 6-10 miles a day, with the first three at an 8% incline at 3.6 miles per hour and the remainder at 3.3mph at a 7% incline. Small steps lead to big changes over time. I started in March of this year.