

  • I'm at 1200 calories per day. My diary is open and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • WOW! Great results! Good job! I just started yesterday. I'm thinking about trying to do it twice a day some days for a total of 40 minutes. Does anyone else do it more than once a day?
  • It's funny, because there have been times I've thought "oh it's too much takes soooooo long...I'll start another day...later, someday..." then as time passes I look back and think "gee, if I'd just started X-amount of time ago I'd be where I want to be RIGHT NOW"...but I never started because I thought it's too…
  • :laugh: Hotdogs and vanilla ice cream?
  • I'm doing 1200 and you can peak at my's public. Feel free to add me as a friend, as well. :) Also, I haven't been exercising much lately (I need to get better about that, but my baby hasn't been letting me leave her at the gym's kids club so I've been struggling with being able to work out) so I'm not eating…
  • I started taking Glucomannan supplements (fiber) before meals and in the evening when I shouldn't be eating because I have no more calories to spend in order to mask that feeling because I was finding myself giving in to the pain and eating in the middle of the night. I know there's no magic pill, but it seems to help! LOL
  • This is what is the active ingredient in Lipozene - but they want so much more money for it. I was curious about Lipozene and started researching it to find that you can buy glucomannan for much cheaper and it's also what those Shirataki noodles many people in this community eat is made out of. So, I just ordered 5 bottles…
  • That's what I was thinking too.
  • Probably the same way that for someone clinically depressed, sometimes it is truly hard to find the motivation to get out of bed. To most people that seems so easy! But I do love this quote: "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
  • Did you make it yourself? If so, I always use the recipe option and input the ingredients then figure out approximately how big of a portion I ate to figure out what my meal was.
  • I always thought that popcorn (minus butter and junk) is pretty healthy because it's so high in fiber. I get the Orville Redenbacher NATURAL popcorn that is the "salt and pepper" flavor which is low calorie also, but without the chemical fake butter junk and I sprinkle ranch seasoning on top and it's seriously DELICIOUS! I…
  • Well, it's an improvement from last month where you averaged around 400 calories per day.
  • Mine is open...however I'm only about a week into this tracking/logging stuff. :)
  • I want one too! They aren't very expensive for all it does, IMO!
  • I have, and I saw results while I stuck to it. Everyone I know who stayed with it had great results. WW WORKS!!
  • If I didn't, I'd be in trouble. My problem area for excess calories comes from my coffee and creamer I can't give up. I don't drink anything but coffee and water, though. If I didn't count my coffee, I'd never lose weight!
  • I notice that the width definitely changes. I think it is because your feet spread out more when they are holding up more weight. When I lost a bunch of weight, I noticed that my feet felt different (smaller) in shoes and boots I'd worn for years. When I gained weight again, some shoes I wore while thin were way too tight.…
  • Nice! I'm going to try that!
  • WOW!!! Good job!!!
  • Here is another one that I'm going to try next because I have a half a head of cabbage to use up after making Fat-Burning Cabbage Soup. Stuffed Cabbage Casserole - 251 calories or only 195 without the cheese / Serves 10 Ingredients: 2 tsp olive oil, divided 1 lb. 95% lean ground beef (I'm thinking ground turkey would work…
  • I got 54...and I just have to say that as I was reading the list, I noticed MAYBE 10 of the ones I hadn't tried that I thought "Oh, I've been meaning to try or should have by now tried" and the rest of them I'm just not interested in!
  • This is what I made tonight and it is about 348 calories. Ground Turkey Spaghetti with Quinoa Pasta. It was delish! This is how I made it and then calculated the good portion I ate to be 348 calories. (The noodles I divided into 4 portions and ate 1 portion, but the meat sauce mixture made a LOT more than 4 portions, I…
  • I would focus on CARDIO to lose that more than strength training exercises in my opinion.
  • What I made tonight that was pretty filling and right around 400 calories was a Tri-color Pasta Salad HEAVY on the veggies: 6 cups cooked Tri-color pasta rotini (I used the Eating Right brand called veggie pasta made with spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets and shiitake mushrooms.) fresh, raw broccoli florets (or…
  • I am a single mom! My youngest is 6 months old, so I have some baby weight to lose. I also have four other kids ranging between 10 and 17 years old. I just started going to the gym and tracking my calories, so I'm new here. :)
  • Cleanses are not BAD, many of them serve a great purpose of ridding the body of toxins, cleaning your colon etc...however I agree that if your reason is to lose weight, it will only be temporary weight loss. But I just had to add my 2 cents that I don't think it's fair to say that cleanses are BAD. They are just bad when…
  • Tea is the one thing I can tolerate and sometimes prefer to drink unsweetened. Especially iced tea. But with hot tea, I usually do want a little bit of sugar. I don't like artificial sweeteners, but I find they don't have the same yucky after taste when added to tea. It's the only thing I can tolerate artificial sweeteners…
  • What's the deal with these? This is not the first mention of these I've seen in the last few days, never heard of them.
  • Mine is currently all Armin Van Buuren (techno) I love house/dubstep/techno music for working out. My faves are Armin Van Buuren, Tiesto, David Guetta, Kaskade, Paul Van Dyk ect
  • I'm not a doctor or a scientist, however I find it hard to believe in "starvation mode", really. It doesn't make sense. I know that for several months I was in true starvation mode a couple years ago and I dropped weight very, very quickly. I lost 50 lbs in a very short period of time because I would go days without…