How do you like your tea?



  • annadolezalova
    annadolezalova Posts: 51 Member
    I drink a giant mug of green tea every day with two teaspoons of agave nectar and I usually only buy organic loose tea.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Loose leaf expensive green stuff. My tea collection is extensive. Must be drunk without any sweeteners or milk. Occasionally I'll make an exception for chai.
  • Tea is the one thing I can tolerate and sometimes prefer to drink unsweetened. Especially iced tea. But with hot tea, I usually do want a little bit of sugar. I don't like artificial sweeteners, but I find they don't have the same yucky after taste when added to tea. It's the only thing I can tolerate artificial sweeteners (and only a tiny bit). I'm trying to learn to like drinking my coffee black. That is one of my fall backs is that I have to have my coffee with cream and sugar or sweetened creamer. I usually spend 300 calories just on my coffee each day!
  • I love any kind of tea. But my favorites would have to be green tea and english tea time. I used to put a sweet n low in no matter what kind it is. But I've only been drinking green tea lately and with nothing in it and I've really learned to love it :)
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    Russian tea <3 google it. But I like me a good Earl Grey. (with LEMON, not milk. If milk, then full fat milk.) no sugar.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I drink my tea with a spoonful of honey, not because I need it sweet, but "just because". Call it a treat or an addiction... I just can't have one without the other ;-)
    I love Twinings teas, prefer herbal or fruity over black, but I also love green with some added flavour.
    When I have a cold, I add some lemon to it.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I'm going to sound like a total freak. I steep my bag then empty the cup and then re-pour. Too much caffeine irritates my bladder and i just love a cup sometimes :) I have a half teaspoon sugar and a splash of milk.

    Favourite teas are Early Grey and Darjeeling. But i do like a PG tips!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    currently I have a boring cup of PG tips with milk, but most days I use my Piao-i infuser with loose leaves. One teaspoon of good leaves lasts me all day. I have with me some Aged Pu-erh, and some Dragon's Well green tea, and also some Xing Ran Dan Cong which I got from a tea club I joined, but haven't yet tried.

    tea-bag tea with milk, good quality loose teas I prefer without milk. I am booked on a tea tasting in November can't wait!!!!
  • adrienne1086
    adrienne1086 Posts: 27 Member
    I drink probably 4 cups of tea a day, usually earl grey, english breakfast, or green. By far my favorite though is Tazo's Honeybush. If you haven't had it yet, I highly recommend it, it's an herbal tea that is naturally sweet, so no need to add any sugar/honey/artificial sweeteners. Perfect for that sweet fix!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I drink loose leaf Japanese "brown rice tea" It's delicious. I buy it in a big bag from the Asian market (Marukai) for a couple dollars.

    It looks like this: large.jpg

    Edited to say: Nothing added to this. It tastes nutty, earthy, and smells of toasted rice.
    I love this tea. Numi has in in bags. It is so satisfying. As with any green tea don't get the water too hot (just below boiling) and don't steep it over 3 minutes.

    I drink most teas straight. Some flavored teas seem to need sweetener and I will add one packet of Nectresse to a 32 oz. pot.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    By far my favorite though is Tazo's Honeybush. If you haven't had it yet, I highly recommend it, it's an herbal tea that is naturally sweet, so no need to add any sugar/honey/artificial sweeteners. Perfect for that sweet fix!
    How does it taste compared to Rooibos? There is something about Rooibos that I don't care for.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    With milk and sugar!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Now I drink plain green / fruit teas, but I really like earl grey with milk and crystallized ginger... Yum.
  • mcsnoogins
    mcsnoogins Posts: 12 Member
    I used to drink coffee with milk and two sugars, then i cut out the sugars, then the milk. I didn't like black coffee but drank it anyway cause it was better for my diet. At one point i was drinking 8 cups a day all with 2 sugars! Anyways, i didn't like the coffee i was drinking so i decided to drink green tea instead cause i didn't like that either but at least it didn't stain my teeth and leave me feeling poisoned at the end of the day. Eventually came to like it straight, Nowadays it's a rarity though, i carry around a two litre bottle of diluted squash and drink that through the day instead, i try to get squash that has as little chemical rubbish in it as possible but i find it very hard to avoid them all (aspartame is the one absolute NO) I do get some funny looks walking around with a huge bottle sometimes though :)
  • ravenforest3009
    ravenforest3009 Posts: 50 Member
    As i don't like coffee, i have about 10 large mugs of tea or more every day.
    Anything from ordinary black, to green and white teas. Herbal and fruit.
    I guess i have about 40 different kinds in the cupboard. Helps to drink a lot (my kidneys are happy) and the different flavors from the tea keeps me from snacking.
    My favourites are blends with spices (ginger, cardamon, chili, cinnamon, ...)
    They taste like dessert in a cup without the calories.
    Try an Indian chai ..... Yummy
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Earl Gray, English Breakfast, Constant Comment, and Chai are my faves. I also make a syrup from Chai and add it to milk, kind of like a latte. Delicious!
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    Organic Green Tea:

    ❤ hot or iced

    ❤ unsweetened or sweetened- (with organic coconut nectar or raw honey)

    ❤ squeezed lemon slice

    ❤ organic matcha- (optional)

    Organic Green Tea Vanilla Latte:

    ❤ hot

    ❤ homemade organic vanilla nut milk

    ❤ organic coconut nectar or raw honey

    ❤ organic matcha

    Organic White Tea Vanilla Caramel Latte:

    ❤ hot

    ❤ homemade organic vanilla nut milk

    ❤ homemade organic caramel sauce
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    earl grey w milk & sugar; green tea; moroccan tea as a treat.

    any other tea reminds me of being ill. chamomile especially.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Plain (no milk or sugar)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    With jam and bread...
