check out my diary for today and tell me how I did?



  • msswinter
    hey there :)

    good of you to open up your diary for opinions ;) good that you're now working with your doctor!

    I think you eat pretty healthy food, just eat more of it! As for protein, maybe you could also try quinoa? It's a seed I think, not a nut so you should be ok!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're nearly there, and it's good you're getting help from your doctor.

    Your choices aren't bad at all - I'd echo what others have said and add in more protein - maybe a slice of cheese with your tomato sandwich, or some humous with something to dip into it for a snack.
  • saudade108
    Well, it's an improvement from last month where you averaged around 400 calories per day.
  • Well, it's an improvement from last month where you averaged around 400 calories per day.

    yeah that was a really bad time for me would rather not look back there aha
  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi yeh I agree you are not eating enough, A wee sugestion that I find helps when iv not ate enough calories. Have some nuts or seads for a snack, they are healthy and good for you and up's ur cals.

    Hope this helps xxxx
  • Britlamia
    i'm allergic to dairy eggs and nuts! :P

    OK I totally understand the allergys as i am dairy and gluten intollerant........but you can get cheeses and other dairy products that arnt cows milk ie dairy..have you tried Bufflalo mozzerella or any goat or sheep products this will increase you fats. Protein sources can be fish ie tuna, salami, ham etc these are high in protein and will increase you calorific content without going mad....

    You ask if you diary is healthy ...healthy would be getting your intake up to 1200 calories so increase what you actually do eat instead of one cup make it 2
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    You need to eat more.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    ugh guys please dont lecture me on too few calories. i have made a post about this but it got deleted i think. i have seen my doctor, he said i was underweight, i'm getting the help and i have started making regular appointments with him.
    i would just like to know if my choices are healthy. please nothing about the number of cals..

    You asked us to look at your diary and tell you what we think of it. That's what I think. You don't eat enough.
  • HOW ABOUT TODAY GUYS :) i'm feeling pretty proud of today actually!!
    except I alwaysss feel like I just overeat at dinner... then I feel bad.. but oh well!
    and I felt like I didn't get enough veggies thats why I drank the V8 haha.
    so what do you think about today?!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    It looks really good but maybe add some protein to your lunch like some canned fish, turkey/chicken or eggs.

    I would hope soon you'd up your calories even more if you can. You'll still loose weight on a couple of hundred more calories I'll bet. I know it's hard for you right now but yes today is very good. Drinking lots of water too I hope. I didn't look at that.
  • okay I'll remember what you said about lunch :) and yes of course lots of water!
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    ugh guys please dont lecture me on too few calories. i have made a post about this but it got deleted i think. i have seen my doctor, he said i was underweight, i'm getting the help and i have started making regular appointments with him.
    i would just like to know if my choices are healthy. please nothing about the number of cals..

    The choices are good, generally, plenty of veg and fruit. The amount of fat is too low to give you the fat-soluble vitamins you need, and you could definitely use more protein for building muscle and general repair of the body.

    Glad you've found a doctor and are getting help. Good luck to you.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Deactivated account? Wonder why when you were doing so well..