chip40 Member


  • Create your own workout and name it 30 day Shred. Estimate your calorie burn or use a heart monitor to keep an accurate count. I created workouts for P90X and Insanity. For Example: P90X-Arms & Back or Insanity-Cardio Circuit. That way it is there.
  • Go with Polar heartrate monitor. It sync with all the cardio machines at the gym (unless its an older machine). If you use it with the Polar watch, if can calculate your workouts, jogs etc. I use the monitor in conjunction with my Nike + running watch. Works great and no issues. You can find them on Amazon for good price.
  • Good brand is to buy is Polar Heatbeat Monitors. I like it as well, because it also syncs with all the cardio machines at the gym (treadmill, stairclimber, etc). In addition, once you set up your personal settings like weight and height on the watch, it will give you a pretty accurate count on how many calories you burned…
  • Here is another tip, I recommend buying a heart rate monitor to see how hard you are really working. A good cardio workout that is conducive to burning fat and losing weight is between 135-170 beats per minute (bpm) and you want to be within that range for at least 30mintues. I have a heartrate monitor synced with my Nike…
  • Insanity and P90X both helped me lose weight by putting it into my workout routines, but I have to honestly say it was not the videos that did it for me, it was changing my eating habits. When I started really watching my calorie intake in conjunction with P90x, Insanity, running and doing more cardio machines as opposed…
  • Don't get me started on Personal Trainers at the gym who are out of shape and sitting at their desk eating McDonalds. You are your biggest promotional piece and people are suppose to take advice from you?
  • If I am hungry before an evening workout, I'll eat something light to settle the craving and have energy to make it through my workout. Generally after my workouts, the hunger is usually gone and I consume protein for muscle building and recovery in the form of protein drink, supplements & multi vitamin. If I must eat late…
  • 400 calories a serving (1 cup) for Kraft Mac. Id pass and rather have a burger. Homemade can be a better option if made right.
  • Starbucks Venti Iced White Mocha Non Fat-No Whip is or was my addiction for at least 4-5 days out of the week on my way to work. But that single drink is a Whopping 460 Calories, basically a meal in its self because of all the sugar in the syrup. Because of that little addiction, I had difficulty losing weight and I…
  • Dang Acronyms....thanks
  • Im suffering from accumulative work related lower back injuries-2 herniated disks and Spondylolisthesis in a addition to a torn achilles tendon. By no means can it compare to your sacrifice you had to endure for our country. But my injuries do come with limitations of not being able to do things I use to do in my twenties.…
  • Mike_littelero. You hit the nail on the head. People who run 5 miles daily at the same pace everyday will stop seeing results. They need to push themselves to a new go, whether its a longer distance or faster pace. Iv seen countless guys at the gyms who can swim all day, but look the same, even after 4 months. You have to…
  • Since I started counting calories, it has definately helped me assess how much I need to burn or work out a day. I am not sure what your excersise routine is like, but you need to change it up every 3 weeks or so to keep your body from adapting to the movements. Plus changnig up workouts also challenges your body to…
  • From what I recall when I was putting on muscle mass from working out in college, the practice was to consume a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound that you weighed. Therefore, you would need to consume somewhere in the range of 170-190 grams of protein for lean muscle gains. That is a lot of chicken and eggs to eat,…
  • This whole calorie counting business is new to me. But I figured out this much, when I started counting calories, I struggled to be around 2000-2100. With that count, I basically maintained my weight. Speaking with people, I found out in order for me to lose weight I needed to drop down to 1,500calories a day, which is…
  • 36 years old. When I was in college and my twenties, I drank and ate what ever I pleased. With alittle workout, run etc & I maintained and stood looking fit. Older guys would tell me, enjoy it now, it gets harder when you are older. And they were right. After graduation, I slowly gained weight by still eating bad and not…
  • I do sports action and sports portraits photography. I'll do the occasional wedding and social events for friends, but it is not my speciality. I self taught myself alot of what I know. Alot of your tact sharp issues can be a variety of things ranging from the internal setting of the camera, to a combination of shutter…
  • FIGHT ON!!!!!
  • Does not look like it went through. go to google. Search: Workout Motivation and click on Images.
  • I did a google search and found some really cool images. The problem is alot of them are made by some one using photoshop finding a cool picture and putting in a quote. So I doubt you will find a poster like what you are looking for. So you can either create your own and print one yourself or find someone you know who is…