What's your "Don't get me started" subject?



  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Politics, Religion and anything to do with work. I avoid most of my co-workers, just doesn't pay to get on friendly terms with them at all.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    British politicians
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If anyone comments on how the plants I'm eating have feelings.

    If anyone even tries to bring up the whole canine was/wasn't designed to chew meat topic. Other than that, the omnivore/ herbivore topic is interesting to talk about as long as no buttholes are involved.

    Anytime anyone uses god to justify their behavior. I know right....

    Religious people who assume everyone wants to hear how much they love god. NO.

    Religion, violence, and animal and environmental ethics in general are heated topics for me.

    I totally agree with all of these! Recently I've really enjoyed restriction on birth controls, family planning, access to women's health, etc by the people who vote against welfare programs to help single moms and impoverished kids. Makes sense...love the egg...unborn baby etc until it's born...then screw it.

    I know, right? If these people wanted to stop "certain procedure", then shouldn't they support the tools that help do just that? Birth control prevents unplanned pregnancies, welfare programs help poor women who want to be mothers, but can't afford it, and those programs help children thrive.

    I think those people just want to control the sex lives of the masses.....maybe because they themselves aren't getting enough sex. I'm sure if they got laid more often, they would chill out. lol
  • chip40
    chip40 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't get me started on Personal Trainers at the gym who are out of shape and sitting at their desk eating McDonalds. You are your biggest promotional piece and people are suppose to take advice from you?
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Ahh the fact that working individuals are constantly penalized while the lazy people taking advantage of social programs continue to get more and more free crap all the time. :) Also people the fraud, waste and abuse in social programs.

    Don't get me started about this!
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    The only way you can get on my bad side is if you try and lecture me about how Dt. Coke will give you cancer.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member

    The ingenius plan to scrap tuition assistance for military (sequester cuts) while other places (CA, MA, etc) have continued tuition assistance for illegal immigrants!

    ETA: Oops, sorry. Must have hit the reply button too hard and got a duplicate.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Religion,horror flicks I hate them with a passion,how I should be raising my daughters by indidvidauls who do not have children or anyone for that matter its rude and well I wouldn't do that to someone else even If I disagreed with their parenting style.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    This is kinda stupid but you asked lol.... When I was working back in Virginia Beach I would hear people complain at least twice a day about how horrible VA drivers were.... I was actually born and raised there and since it is a HUGE military town that was somewhat rare. I would always respond with "Oh so let me guess, military brought you here?" "yes" "Well see hunny, it's not the fact that us "Virginian's" are bad drivers it's the fact that we have people here from the other 49 states + all the spouse's from over seas that our navy boys bring home. You take a New Yorker who's fast paced and put them behind the Sunday driver from Kentucky and watch him try to go around but cut off the county boy from Texas who is used to being the only car on the road and he freaks out and swerves and pisses off the guy from Chicago who is now flipping everyone off.... yes we're gonna have some "****ty" drivers" LOL idk why it would bother me so much but it just would.... lol... rant over, please don't take offense if your state was mentioned.....

    I wanna know where that country boy from Texas could have been the only car on the road. I wanna move there! LOL!
  • Devpsych
    Devpsych Posts: 11 Member
    I guess I have a few that make me upset:

    Domestic Violence (when the person has no idea what they are talking about and are judgmental of the victim)

    Politics ... when on facebook.. not exactly a tirade but when people just post things that they have not research and repost urban legends not even seeing if the facts are real, or post comments that are based on lies given by politicians without checking to see if their facts check out.... I think people need to take an active role.. so many people talk about things they don't even understand and can't explain (thou sometimes comical watching them try..lol)

    My first ex husband.....lol

    Fibromyalgia: which I have and so many people do not understand and judge people with it because they put on a brave face and don't look sick when living with it is hell (my family included in this)

    I think that is enough... "You don't want to get me started!"....LOL
  • HeavierThan_Heaven
    HeavierThan_Heaven Posts: 246 Member
    The lack of understanding this country has with mental disorders.

    "Oh your daughter decided to shoot herself? It's your fault because you kept a gun in the house."
    "Oh your son went and shot up a school? Must be because you kept guns in the house."
    It just saddens me that people would rather blame this incredible terrible events on society, guns, and anything beside what it usually is - which is an unrecognized mental condition. I have friends who are paranoid schizophrenics and perfectly well functioning, but also some of the most well known serial killers in history suffered form paranoid schizophrenia. Most mental disorders can be controlled with medication, but the fact that we still see them as taboo keeps people from seeking the help they need.
  • Mischieviousme777
    Mischieviousme777 Posts: 190 Member
    Hunter's pet growl turn on during raids, raiding with pack on and seeing hunters with strength instead of agility....

    I'll add to that and say people who have incorrectly statted gear PERIOD.. My guild has kicked pugs for that.. Cuz really.. the hell does a warrior need with intellect?

    BTW, nice to see a fellow Warcrackhead in the forum. :wink:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I totally forgot this one:

    Adults with poor grammar. You went to school for AT LEAST 12 required years. In that time, SOME BASIC grammar rules should have been taught and learned.

    If we need subtitles to understand English speaking people who were born and raised in America, THAT is a problem.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Breastfeeding in another "don't get me started" topic!

    I forgot about this one... Particularly when a breastfeeding mother is feeding her infant in a store like Hollister's or A&F and get kicked out for "indecent exposure"... Yet the posters are more sexual and demeaning than breastfeeding will ever be... Then you get the puritans who think their children will be scarred for life if they see a woman using her boobs for what God intented... Feeding her offspring.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I totally forgot this one:

    Adults with poor grammar. You went to school for AT LEAST 12 required years. In that time, SOME BASIC grammar rules should have been taught and learned.

    If we need subtitles to understand English speaking people who were born and raised in America, THAT is a problem.


    My boyfriend gets so offended because I am constantly correcting his grammar. I'm sorry I cannot hold an intellectual conversation if the majority of your sentences are formed incorrectly
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    Hearing someone I'd describe as working class (at best) try and defend the behaviour of the wealthy when it comes to income tax, benefits, etc. Drives me up the wall. I hate seeing the poor being exploited, and I doubly hate knowing that it's those I love and care for who do the exploiting without a second thought. Seriously, when a guy who works 60 hours doing hard labour for very little financial reward carps on about theft by taxation despite not paying much in the way of tax I want to punch him. Then I want to punch the arseholes who are drip feeding him this class warfare garbage.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    Stupid people on face book who cry they cant find a good man or woman but then post how trashed they are two hours later

    Younger generation.

    The horrible misconceptions on steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

    And chicks that dont put out
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Breastfeeding in another "don't get me started" topic!

    I forgot about this one... Particularly when a breastfeeding mother is feeding her infant in a store like Hollister's or A&F and get kicked out for "indecent exposure"... Yet the posters are more sexual and demeaning than breastfeeding will ever be... Then you get the puritans who think their children will be scarred for life if they see a woman using her boobs for what God intented... Feeding her offspring.

    Amen to that! I always think if you don't like it then I will gladly put a blanket over YOUR head. LOL!
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    Breastfeeding in another "don't get me started" topic!

    I forgot about this one... Particularly when a breastfeeding mother is feeding her infant in a store like Hollister's or A&F and get kicked out for "indecent exposure"... Yet the posters are more sexual and demeaning than breastfeeding will ever be... Then you get the puritans who think their children will be scarred for life if they see a woman using her boobs for what God intented... Feeding her offspring.

    Amen to that! I always think if you don't like it then I will gladly put a blanket over YOUR head. LOL!
    the more boobs i get to see the better is they way i look at it.. i always try to give the baby a high five.. the mom always gets mad though
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    Walmart lines....WHY are there so MANY????!!!!! with nobody working them..... tumblr_m8fu3etzdf1r6v7x1.gif