What's your "Don't get me started" subject?



  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    The erosion of common courtesy is a hot button topic for me.

    I enjoy discussing religion and politics......there is a difference between having a debate and conducting an emotionally charged, irrational shouting match without evidence to substantiate claims on either side.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    well growing up in a predominately white community and school

    subjects that irritate me are when people label things by race or color..im sorry the way I talk is not white it is proper

    and the way someone dresses can not be white or black..it can be dominate in one community but not exclusive to just it.

    i could go on for days

    Me too girl. All white neighborhood. Married a white man and have never been considered black enough, especially from some family..
    At my age (almost 50) married 25 years. I couldn't care less what they think. I've also heard I gave my daughter a white name and I drive a white persons car.. Okay!?!?!?!?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Politics & Religion

    Simple.....never discuss either with friends/family or someone is getting cut out of the will.
    ^This. And the same applies to MFPeeps except replace "will" with "FL".
  • telt4
    telt4 Posts: 18 Member
    Mental illness! Several in my life have made the comment to me "what the heck do you have to be depressed about?" and" if you had the Lord in your life then you wouldnt have to be on all those high powered medications." It really aggravates me because I didnt ask to be this way and it burns me up when they make comments like this!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Sure, stretch the Hobbit into 8 different films. We all love sitting in theaters for 3 hours per movie.
    Grrrrrrr!! Why!?!
    The book could've easily been made into ONE movie.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    well growing up in a predominately white community and school

    subjects that irritate me are when people label things by race or color..im sorry the way I talk is not white it is proper

    and the way someone dresses can not be white or black..it can be dominate in one community but not exclusive to just it.

    i could go on for days

    Me too girl. All white neighborhood. Married a white man and have never been considered black enough, especially from some family..
    At my age (almost 50) married 25 years. I couldn't care less what they think. I've also heard I gave my daughter a white name and I drive a white persons car.. Okay!?!?!?!?

    wait...there are white people cars?? i had no idea!

    i grew up in the ghetto. in the 80s. i spent most of my childhood at the roller rink. if i had $5 for every weird look i have received for the music i listened to alone all three of us could retire.
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member

    Teachers calling themselves "co-parents"
    (I'm pissed off just thinking about that last one)

    Okay so if your not a teacher there is no way that you can know whether it is true that the teacher is a co-paeant. Fact is I'm a teacher (in Denmark) and fact is that we do many of the parents's jobs like talking to them about what is happening in their lives and teaching them how they should be treated in different kinds of relationships and sex-education, which most parents do none of at all, I have had to make sure that the kids got something to eat and that they were well rested and that they had done their homework (the children's parents should want their kids to do their homework and make sure of it since they should want them to be educated and do well) I have had to deal with a kid that got absolutely no attention from home so he would spend every minute trying to get my attention and the parent just didn't want to deal with. Teachers has to be our students trusties -have you ever had a kid come to you (or noticed because you pay attention) who is starving and cutting themselves and the parents has no clue at all.

    In Denmark we are fighting the government at the moment because they want the teachers and students to be in school from 8am to 4pm every monday through friday from grades 1-13.

    That means the student will spend their whole day in school sitting having to focus then they will just go home watch tv, eat dinner and watch some more tv then bed and repeat.

    Great family life, so who do you think will be them ones teaching the kids how to interact with other and to be a part of society. Who do you think will become the primary caregivers when all their wake hours has to be spent with the teacher and they just have to recharge to 2-4 hours they have at home to do homework, relax, eat, shower, do after school activities and play and so on.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    well growing up in a predominately white community and school

    subjects that irritate me are when people label things by race or color..im sorry the way I talk is not white it is proper

    and the way someone dresses can not be white or black..it can be dominate in one community but not exclusive to just it.

    i could go on for days

    Me too girl. All white neighborhood. Married a white man and have never been considered black enough, especially from some family..
    At my age (almost 50) married 25 years. I couldn't care less what they think. I've also heard I gave my daughter a white name and I drive a white persons car.. Okay!?!?!?!?

    wait...there are white people cars?? i had no idea!

    i grew up in the ghetto. in the 80s. i spent most of my childhood at the roller rink. if i had $5 for every weird look i have received for the music i listened to alone all three of us could retire.

    LOL. Yep and apparently I drive one... bahahahahaha
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    Oh, I have a few "hot-button" topics, but my biggest are racism and/or immigration. Trust me when I say do not go there with me. It will not end well :explode:
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    I may get a lot of hate for this, but whatever.... People who treat their pets like little mini gods. Spoiling them like princesses. They are ANIMALS. If you have enough money to wipe your *kitten* with, help out a human being who is hungry and homeless.

    That's right. I said it.

  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Sports mainly..

    I learned many moons ago that religion and politics are off limits if you want to keep a diverse stable of friends lol.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Politics & Religion

    Simple.....never discuss either with friends/family or someone is getting cut out of the will.

    In my family, it's a good thing to be out of the will... :wink:

    With that said, usually politics is my don't get me started topic... or the lack of mass transport in my city.
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    tattoos and piercings and how i will never make good money with tattoos on my body and that they make me a bad person, and that my stretched ears will never go back to normal and i am a crappy person based on all this =D

    I'm an ED nurse and iv been made to remove my tiny gold nose stud because if the impression I give the hospital ... Tell you what my nursing skills increased greatly after removing it ........ NOT ..... :-D

    really? Nurses out here are fully sleeved, some of them!!! that is just ridiculous, that a little nose piercings is so offensive.. i doubt people would have even noticed it!!!

    I tried to get HR involved and everything ..!! But they said matron was just following policy ..! There are girls and boys with tattoos but they are allowed as they can't be removed ..! I told them that the bloody uniform policy was out of date ... I have actually got my second warning in writing and on my personal file ... And if I'm told a third time disciplinary proceedings will be commenced .., phhhhttttt
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I may get a lot of hate for this, but whatever.... People who treat their pets like little mini gods. Spoiling them like princesses. They are ANIMALS. If you have enough money to wipe your *kitten* with, help out a human being who is hungry and homeless.

    That's right. I said it.

    Think back to the story of the woman who got her face chewed off by her friends pet monkey. Remember? we were discussing it when it happend and one of the ladies in the car pool was upset because they shot and killed the monkey. They should have just knocked it out. I looked at her and said human life ALWAYS supercedes animal life. ESPECIALLY in a situation like that. She disagreed. I said had it been one of your grandchildren in that monkeys mouth you would have yelled kill it. No comment...Animals have rights. The right to be loved, the right to not be abused or harmed. But it stops there. Stepping down
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh and I may catch flak for this one, but IDGAF,

    Women who think it's ok to have 15 babies (I may be exaggerating, I may not be) by multiple baby daddies, with no way to support said children and expect the Government and taxpayers to take care of their children... seriously, woman, if you didn't even have the fraction of the means to take care of those children, why in the hell did you have sex? Make your deadbeat babby daddies take care of them.... we have ONE for a reason, and that reason is we cannot afford anymore at the moment...
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Sure, stretch the Hobbit into 8 different films. We all love sitting in theaters for 3 hours per movie.
    Somebody needs a hug (((hugs)))

    Hey, let's add a whole nuther hour to LOTR because every movie needs a stinkin romance story line in it. Oh, and have the elves walk slower than the ents.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Racism, and abusive relationships. please dont talk to me about either. i hate both so much.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I may get a lot of hate for this, but whatever.... People who treat their pets like little mini gods. Spoiling them like princesses. They are ANIMALS. If you have enough money to wipe your *kitten* with, help out a human being who is hungry and homeless.

    That's right. I said it.


    THIS TOO!!!!!! she said it so much better than I could!!
    That too. although i love animals i think alot of people waste money spoiling animals with useless items (costumes, fancy leashes and dog purses etc.) if you want to spoil your animal spend time with it and love it.
    Give your money to the starving children of the world.