What do all the Acronyms mean? PLEASE EXPLAIN

I think this is a great site, but what does BMF or MFP mean? or TTDEE, Im pretty sure I typed that acronym wrong :P its my second day on this site and loving it!


  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I am completely drawing a blank on BMF even though I know
    MFP is My Fitness Pal
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expendeture or something extremely close. basically, how many calories do you burn in your day
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    I know there is a lot on here, but it is easy when you get the hang of it
    MFP= My Fitness Pal ....as in here
    BMF= another fitness site

    TDEE= Total Daily Energy Expenditure - quantifies the # of calories you burn in a day- (use a TDEE calculator to know how many calories to eat in a day to loose/gain/or maintain weight)

    Here are some you didn't ask about but will see a lot :

    NSV- non scale victory- a positive goal you reached that isn't related to the scale...like going down a notch on your belt or walking a mile for the 1st time in years with out being winded.
    BMR= basal metabolic rate - #of calories you need to survive in a resting state
    BMI= body mass index- lets you know just how fit or fat you are.
    LBM= lean body mass- measures non-fat tissue like organs/muscle/bone

    Why are these important?
    Well you want to know your BMI so you have an idea where you are with your weight, & where you want to set your goals. You obviously don't ever want to eat less calories than your BMR requires for basic health reasons. MFP uses a TDEE calculator when it sets up a calorie goal in the beginning for you to follow. Although I went and looked up everything myself and set my calorie intake at 20% below my TDEE to start. You can also personalise your diet to accommodate for the type of diet you are on too. If you want to eat less carbs, more protein and so on.
    I hope that helped
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    OMG thank you so much! Now that explains a whole lot, especially when comparing with other sites etc. I've tried googling them and got responses like "BMF= be my friend" lmao. I was thinking that I shouldn't be second guessing these things either :)
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    I think this is a great site, but what does BMF or MFP mean? or TTDEE, Im pretty sure I typed that acronym wrong :P its my second day on this site and loving it!

    I think I love you just for asking!!! I know one, MFP= my fitness pal

    Today is day 5 on the website and I still had no idea what anything was :D
  • chip40
    chip40 Posts: 21 Member
    Dang Acronyms....thanks
  • deecapuano
    deecapuano Posts: 20 Member
    I think BMF may also be Body Media Fit. It is a device that one uses to track calories burned, sleep activity, daily activity level, and a few other things. The food information from My Fitness Pal can now link to the database for Body Media Fit Devices. I have one and having the two sites "talk" to each other is great. I have been known to use BMF in posts when talking about how the calorie allotment changes based on my exercise minutes from my device.