Weight Loss Slowing, Still Have 60 Pounds To Lose

My weight loss is slowing. I'm getting frustrated. I haven't reached a plateau yet but I feel like it's probably gonna happen soon. I do not count calories but I know I don't go over my limit, I actually probably don't eat enough which isn't the best. I just eat to satisfy the hunger and stop when I know it's enough when I am no longer hungry. It was 11 weeks ago I had my gall bladder removed. I didn't exercise for about 8 weeks afterwards and I was still gradually losing weight. 3 weeks ago I started conditioning to jog but I've noticed since about 5 weeks ago my weight loss is slowing. I'll lose a pound one week, stay the same the next and then lose the next. I didn't lose anything this past week but I lost 1 pound the last. And that's the thing, they are in 1 pound increments. I know it's normal to slow down on weight loss but I am still grossly overweight and have 60 pounds to go. Since I've been jogging I don't really eat more, I do however drink a protein shake after the jog just to get some nutrition. I don't count calories because I am fairly certain that I don't even eat the amount that I'm supposed to. I know I get close but It rarely goes over. Maybe on Saturday's when I allow myself a soda. I'm not sure if I should eat crappy for a few days to a week or lower my food intake. I'm not starving myself and I'm not overeating so I don't know what gives.


  • Count your calories for the next few days to see if you are really staying within your bounds. MFP makes it super easy so it shouldn't be too hard. If you are consistently under your calories, take 2 days and go over by just a little. I plateaued a while ago and realized that by eating under my calories and exercising every day I had actually stopped my body from losing weight. I took one weekend and ate (healthily) about 200-300 over my recommended calorie intake. When I went back to my normal workouts and eating under my calories, I started dropping weight again.

    Obviously, if you are over you should keep tracking your calories and try to be under your recommended daily intake daily.

    Good luck!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    i agree with the above poster.. start with the basics and double check your calorie intake and your burn. I think that being too low is almost as bad as being too high. also make sure you are drinking enough water, and your sodium is in check..

    tell me more about your workouts.. is it only jogging? Is so, I would highly recommend adding in some strength training. another detail I am interested in is HOW you jog. I have noticed something interesting with people mid-way through a new exercise and diet plan. they will start jogging, with a goal of covering X distance and that distance is usually a lofty goal for their fitness level. after some time, they get into a pattern of running X distance, or Y time but in a non-competitive way. What I mean by that, is you should still be pushing for a goal, like when you only wanted to be able to just finish that first goal distance. you could increase duration, or mileage, but In my opinion it makes more sense to focus on the distance, and each time trying to beat your last time. even if its just by seconds, trying to push and not allowing your body to adapt to the program.

    my 2 cents
  • chip40
    chip40 Posts: 21 Member
    Since I started counting calories, it has definately helped me assess how much I need to burn or work out a day. I am not sure what your excersise routine is like, but you need to change it up every 3 weeks or so to keep your body from adapting to the movements. Plus changnig up workouts also challenges your body to something new. Something that works great for me is interval training on the cardio machine (stairclimber, treadmill or elipitcal for 30-40mins, start off at a warm up for 5 mins. Then go to YOUR Max speed for 1-2mins. Rest for 1-2 (till you catch your breath). Go Max to Max 1-2 mins and rest, then repeat. You can also try this Stationary Bike 15mins, jump to Elipitcal Machine fo 15mins, then to treadmill for 15mins and finish up on treadmill for 15mins. But I am learning cardio is key and most people do not start burning off fat until they have none a minimum of 25mins of cardio, so 45-60mins is the goal.
  • chip40
    chip40 Posts: 21 Member
    Mike_littelero. You hit the nail on the head. People who run 5 miles daily at the same pace everyday will stop seeing results. They need to push themselves to a new go, whether its a longer distance or faster pace. Iv seen countless guys at the gyms who can swim all day, but look the same, even after 4 months. You have to push yourself to faster times or effort.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!! And still losing at a rate of one pound per week is good! I have to agree with everyone - start logging everything, and I mean everything!!! That way you will be able to see the areas you need to improve in and make a change - whether it's upping your calories or lowering, upping your protein intake, fine tuning your macros.
  • I don't really see a problem with your weight loss. You are still losing even if it isn't as quickly as you would like it to be.
    I would also suggest you track your calories even for just a few days. You might be surprised at how little or how much you are eating.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The closer you get to goal the harder you have to work. This is when you body wants to hold onto all your fat, making you frustrated. Try changing things up like eating more one day or two then eat normal and get in more exercise and different exercises.