amayaasn Member


  • Would love any adds from anyone here! I need to get back to logging to check my macros. The new motivation from u guys getting started would really help!!
  • Totally finding friends that want to join you or who are on this journey too, is a great motivator. I've found posting and being accountable as much as possible and taking those around me what I'm doing has helped. Send me a friend request if u would like!!
  • Name: Ashley Amaya Height: 5'3 Starting Weight (12/1): 187.8 Goal Weight (12/31): 178 12/8: 12/15: 12/22: 12/29: 12/31: Struggles or successes of the week: Struggles so far have been a little too many carbs, so im curbing that right now and starting this with my pal Amy aka MadHatter68!
  • You ladies can achieve anything you set your mind to. It will just take consistency and hard work. Im a mom to a three yr old and a 16 month old. I decided last december that I was tired of how I looked and felt about myself. So I made a change in my lifestyle. I learned to eat better and not starve myself and I also made…
  • Anyone feel free to add me, I log my exercise everyday and am getting better about my food logging. would love support and to support. Had soem discouraging progress lately despite my efforts.
  • Protein powder to support weight loss is a great start. If you are looking for weight on the scale stay away from a protein powder with creatine, creatine helps with muscle recovery though if you are exercising at least moderately. IT can just cause water retention if your muscles arent in need of a lot of repair if you…
  • I've lost almost 50 pounds since delivery day, and 35 pounds since really starting this journey back in December. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and an 11 month old. I am now 8 pounds below prepregnancy weight with my first but it has taken hard work!! Logging my food, watching my calories, but also watching my macros fat, carb,…
  • I'm finishing up Turbofire, and I left my discs at my moms over the last few days so I got my T25 out and I've done 4 workouts so far. I def think doing T25 alone is going to work, I am so sore. Maybe just using different muscles, idk. I completed 2 rounds of insanity too. Im def a work in progress but listen to your body…
  • You are doing amazing! Keep your head up and get back to what you know works. Logging your food. I stopped logging to for awhile and still am not as consistent as I would like to be, but summer just seems to be overwhelmingly busy. Anyway, glad I made it through the friend overhaul. I just got a new phone and I can post…
  • They are all seperate challenges, but can be done in conjunction with each other too. The 3 day and 10 day alone just require buying sample packs from me, not a whole 30 day supply if you are just interested in doing one or the other. Of u r interested in doing cleanse then 10 day it I'd cheaper to buy a bag of 30…
  • I completely agree. I never replied I was entitled to my opinion...Never. Im pretty sure I did defend my argument and you may have defended yours you think. Actually we were arguing different things I think because If you read my last reply you will see I never said eating more often will result in weightloss so the…
  • I did not post that eating more frequently will cause weight loss this is what I posted that got everyone so heated. "It is very important to eat multiple times a day. For metabolism efficiency..." Effiency meaning keeping your body running at a steady pace with steady nutrient flow etc. then I posted "Gorging a 2000…
  • Totally agree its is healthy for someone to offer information against what they think is a wrong opinion or misinformation. Please show me where anyone has replied to my post with any information? ANY INFORMATION? I at least gave information and I also added "I am not a doctor" but this has been found to be true…
  • Please tell me of a bodybuilder, fitness model, someone who has been successful in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for any period of time at all that will advocate eating one meal a day?
  • Im sorry I dont understand trolling for what? I was just trying to help and I get replies and quotes about how im wrong. I admit im not a doctor but eating all your required cals in one meal is not going to do anything for your body but set you up for failure. Ive tried all those fad diets, eat this at this time only drink…
  • Not trying to sell anything. Just mentioning a product that has helped me. If you will notice I just simply mentioned get more information. Gorging a 2000 calorie meal to meat your intake requirements isnt going to help anyone. For the sake of energy, which that is the only reason to consume food to energize your body it…
  • I just added you as a friend!! Ive been logging here since december. more recently not as consistent but ive almost lost 50 pounds since October of 2012. So I would like to help you as much as I can. I too was always the chubby, overweight kid/teenager/adult. I wasnt taught great eating habits and that multiplied as I got…
  • It is very important to eat multiple times a day. For metabolism efficiency you should try to eat 5 small meals a day. or 5 tiems a day snacks and meals. If you are looking for a smoothie type breakfast I recommend getting some information about Shakeology. It is actually the "healthiest meal of the day" Ive been drinking…
  • I agree with the last reply I usually have to get my workout in after bedtime 8-830 unless mom will watch them a little longer after work, she watches my girls two days a week so Mon, Tues I take my stuff and workout at her house. Are u currently trying to get to the gym or are you doing an at home program? Or are you…
  • I have been at this since December and have lost 25 pounds, but I always go through a few weeks where I want to eat junk, drink beer, and skip workouts. Over the last two months I have really turned to my facebook motivational fitness group and it has helped me. I would love to become friends with everyone here and if you…
  • Hip hop abs is on sale right now for a very affordable price. This is a fun fancy workout with full body individual dvds, a fitness calendar, and eating guide. I run a fitness group on Facebook with all of us doing different routines and group challenges too. We just started an abs challenge yesterday if you are interested…
  • You can find most of the whole workouts on youku, not youtube, youku. I bought the program and am finishing up month 1, I love it.
  • I dont think I can share the pic on here, oh wait ill upload the picture to my profile. check out my pics in a few minutes!! It'll be the one with three dif pictures of a girl and her weights at the time of the picture. Her body looks way better in pic 3 (on right) her weight however is 14 pounds heavier.
  • I am finishing up the first month, well actually 6 weeks bc I started over after christmas with day 2. Calendar wise I have been doing insanity since dec 7 with 3 days off around christmas and 5 days off last week bc of vacation, no dvd player, etc. But I just restarted where I left off this time. Anyway, from dec 7-jan 2,…
  • I am in a great group on facebook. Weightloss, but most of us are doing beachbody workouts. I am starting my core cardio and balance week tomorrow. I havent measured since beginning of january but at that point I had lost 9 inches and almost 10 pounds. I started out pretty overweight for my height. I had a baby in August.…
  • Just google insanity and you will find the uploaded videos (youku, not youtube, youku). I bought the program, but you can find it on ebay for a discounted price. I have found it to be a very good exercise program. I have lost weight and inches and am only through the first month. There is also an eating plan, elite…
  • I have been taking it off through adding it as exercise as I wanted to keep on the low end of the calories I could burn through nursing. I feel kind of guilty everyday I add that as exercise though. So I am looking for suggestions on what to do. This is my second baby, first gained 50 lost it all within 4-5 months. Gained…