At home workouts?



  • ashleymcn01
    ashleymcn01 Posts: 108 Member
    I lost 30lbs. from walking alone!! I worked up to running for part of my runs, found some awesome hills to challenge me, for 45 minutes to an hour each walk 4-5 days a week. No gym required! Download the "Map My Walk" app to your phone so you can track your progress for motivation. This app is free.

    Now that I'm down in lbs., I switch out my walks with the following Jillian Michael's DVD's to build muscle on days I can't get outside: 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones

    You can also do Leslie Sansome's Walk at Home series, videos can be found on YouTube. She has some great 2, 3, and 4 mile walks, again, for free!

    I had a gym membership and never lost a pound, once I started the walking the weight began to fall off!!
  • angelatoof
    angelatoof Posts: 3 Member
    Leslie Sansone has some great walking DVD's. She has Walk and Kick which throws in a little kick boxing. There is Walk and Jog, where there is four segments of jogging. I really like to use them to switch things up from the normal gym routine. I will do one of her DVD's then go use my Total Gym for 20 minutes or so along with squats, planks, and mountain climbers. Great workout!
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I've got a free app on my iphone - sworkit. It creates a little circuit you can do at home.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I do barbell workouts 3 days a week to Disney Movies.

    I run or walk on opposite days around my neighborhood.

    The local HS has an awesome set of stairs I get to about twice a month.

    Lots to do OP without a gym, Luck!
  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    I never go to the gym - I do HIIT training home.
    I have been following Zuzkalight (on youtube) for a LONG time and I love her workouts :)
  • mang9785
    mang9785 Posts: 162 Member
    P90x works well for me. Best thing about home workouts if you don't go, you don't have to worry about wasting money.
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    Hip hop abs is on sale right now for a very affordable price. This is a fun fancy workout with full body individual dvds, a fitness calendar, and eating guide.

    I run a fitness group on Facebook with all of us doing different routines and group challenges too. We just started an abs challenge yesterday if you are interested in getting in on that as well. If you want more info please message me or friend me.

    You can view my progress at I've lost 19 pounds since early December doing insanity and truly am a walking testimonial to the magic of Shaun T!